/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Guava Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ /* * SipHash-c-d was designed by Jean-Philippe Aumasson and Daniel J. Bernstein and is described in * "SipHash: a fast short-input PRF" (available at https://131002.net/siphash/siphash.pdf). */ package com.google.common.hash; import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument; import java.io.Serializable; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import javax.annotation.Nullable; /** * {@link HashFunction} implementation of SipHash-c-d. * * @author Kurt Alfred Kluever * @author Jean-Philippe Aumasson * @author Daniel J. Bernstein */ final class SipHashFunction extends AbstractStreamingHashFunction implements Serializable { // The number of compression rounds. private final int c; // The number of finalization rounds. private final int d; // Two 64-bit keys (represent a single 128-bit key). private final long k0; private final long k1; /** * @param c the number of compression rounds (must be positive) * @param d the number of finalization rounds (must be positive) * @param k0 the first half of the key * @param k1 the second half of the key */ SipHashFunction(int c, int d, long k0, long k1) { checkArgument(c > 0, "The number of SipRound iterations (c=%s) during Compression must be positive.", c); checkArgument(d > 0, "The number of SipRound iterations (d=%s) during Finalization must be positive.", d); this.c = c; this.d = d; this.k0 = k0; this.k1 = k1; } @Override public int bits() { return 64; } @Override public Hasher newHasher() { return new SipHasher(c, d, k0, k1); } // TODO(user): Implement and benchmark the hashFoo() shortcuts. @Override public String toString() { return "Hashing.sipHash" + c + "" + d + "(" + k0 + ", " + k1 + ")"; } @Override public boolean equals(@Nullable Object object) { if (object instanceof SipHashFunction) { SipHashFunction other = (SipHashFunction) object; return (c == other.c) && (d == other.d) && (k0 == other.k0) && (k1 == other.k1); } return false; } @Override public int hashCode() { return (int) (getClass().hashCode() ^ c ^ d ^ k0 ^ k1); } private static final class SipHasher extends AbstractStreamingHasher { private static final int CHUNK_SIZE = 8; // The number of compression rounds. private final int c; // The number of finalization rounds. private final int d; // Four 64-bit words of internal state. // The initial state corresponds to the ASCII string // "somepseudorandomlygeneratedbytes", // big-endian encoded. There is nothing special about this value; the only // requirement // was some asymmetry so that the initial v0 and v1 differ from v2 and v3. private long v0 = 0x736f6d6570736575L; private long v1 = 0x646f72616e646f6dL; private long v2 = 0x6c7967656e657261L; private long v3 = 0x7465646279746573L; // The number of bytes in the input. private long b = 0; // The final 64-bit chunk includes the last 0 through 7 bytes of m followed by // null bytes // and ending with a byte encoding the positive integer b mod 256. private long finalM = 0; SipHasher(int c, int d, long k0, long k1) { super(CHUNK_SIZE); this.c = c; this.d = d; this.v0 ^= k0; this.v1 ^= k1; this.v2 ^= k0; this.v3 ^= k1; } @Override protected void process(ByteBuffer buffer) { b += CHUNK_SIZE; processM(buffer.getLong()); } @Override protected void processRemaining(ByteBuffer buffer) { b += buffer.remaining(); for (int i = 0; buffer.hasRemaining(); i += 8) { finalM ^= (buffer.get() & 0xFFL) << i; } } @Override public HashCode makeHash() { // End with a byte encoding the positive integer b mod 256. finalM ^= b << 56; processM(finalM); // Finalization v2 ^= 0xFFL; sipRound(d); return HashCode.fromLong(v0 ^ v1 ^ v2 ^ v3); } private void processM(long m) { v3 ^= m; sipRound(c); v0 ^= m; } private void sipRound(int iterations) { for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { v0 += v1; v2 += v3; v1 = Long.rotateLeft(v1, 13); v3 = Long.rotateLeft(v3, 16); v1 ^= v0; v3 ^= v2; v0 = Long.rotateLeft(v0, 32); v2 += v1; v0 += v3; v1 = Long.rotateLeft(v1, 17); v3 = Long.rotateLeft(v3, 21); v1 ^= v2; v3 ^= v0; v2 = Long.rotateLeft(v2, 32); } } } private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; }