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# Changelog
## Version 7.0.0
This release contains breaking changes regarding messages.
- Read the [conversion guide](V7_CONVERSION.md) for a guide on how to upgrade from v6.x to v7.
- If you are coming from v5.x, also read the [v6.x conversion guide](V6_CONVERSION.md).
- Upgraded to Discord API v9.
- Added `MessagBuilder`.
- See the conversion guide for more information - most functions that send messages now take message builders instead of seperate parameters.
- Added support for [Discord Threads](https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/threads).
- `$message->channel` will now return a `Channel` or `Thread` object.
- Added [guild feature flags](https://github.com/discord-php/DiscordPHP/blob/28d741c47e81f9957a3b0d92c2f187d81d26c9c8/src/Discord/Parts/Guild/Guild.php#L75-L95).
- Removed `premium_since` attribute from the `PresenceUpdate` object.
- This would have been null since v6 anyway.
- `$message->author` is now only return an `User` object and no longer return a `Member` object. `$message->user` is removed in favour of `$message->author`
- `Message::stickers` is now `Message::sticker_items`
- Deprecated old permission names: (#661)
- `use_slash_commands` is now `use_application_commands`
- `use_public_threads` is now `create_public_threads`
- `use_private_threads` is now `create_private_threads`
- `manage_emojis` is now `manage_emojis_and_stickers`
- `Guild::region` is deprecated and may be removed in future release
- Sticker `use Discord\Parts\Channel\Sticker` is now `use Discord\Parts\Guild\Sticker`
- Invite `use Discord\Parts\Guild\Invite` is now `use Discord\Parts\Channel\Invite`
- Some event handler arguments have been updated, check out the documentation.
## Version 6.0.2
- Added `link` attribute to `Message` - [#526]
- Added `filter` function to `Collection`.
- Fixed voice client error when using PHP 7.4
- Added 'Discord Certified Moderator' flag to `Member`.
- Fixed `member` attribute on `MessageReaction` returning the wrong type.
- Add `sendMessage` to `Member` object - [#538]
- Fixed command client mention prefix when mentioning nickname.
- Use `Embed` inside command client - [#546]
- Add `pending` flag to `Member` object - [#550]
- Add `updateRolePositions` to `Guild` to change position of roles.
- Added buttons to `Activity` - [#561]
- Allow bulk updating of permission overwrites through `Channel`.
- Fix emoji deletion on macOS.
- Add `__toString()` function to `Channel` for channel mention - [#575]
- Add function to escape Discord markdown - [#586]
Thank you to the following for contributions to this release:
- @valzargaming
- @Max2408
- @MohsinEngineer
- @rachids
- @key2peace
- @SQKo
- @davidcole1340
[#526]: https://github.com/discord-php/DiscordPHP/pull/526
[#538]: https://github.com/discord-php/DiscordPHP/pull/538
[#546]: https://github.com/discord-php/DiscordPHP/pull/546
[#550]: https://github.com/discord-php/DiscordPHP/pull/550
[#561]: https://github.com/discord-php/DiscordPHP/pull/561
[#575]: https://github.com/discord-php/DiscordPHP/pull/575
[#586]: https://github.com/discord-php/DiscordPHP/pull/586
## Version 6.0.1
- Fixed `Message::member` attribute returning a `User` - #523 @davidcole1340
- Added `loggerLevel` changes to changelog and conversion guide - c11af7c646c18b0e124b2b1fa349daeced76ad78
- Updated documentation to reflect missed changes in 6.0.0 - #520 #521 @hemberger
## Version 6.0.0
This version has also been known as `v5.2.0`, however, breaking changes caused the version to be increased.
- Discord Gateway and REST API versions changed to Version 8.
- Removed unnecessary deferred promises from various parts and repositories.
- `Message::reply()` now creates a "Discord reply" rather than the old way which was simply a mention with the content afterwards.
- Tidied up and removed any unessacary deferred promises and promise binds.
- Added `Message::delayedDelete(int $ms)` to delete a message after a delay.
- Fixed member chunking not working when the guild is not considered 'large'.
## Breaking Changes
- PHP 7.4 is now the lowest supported version of PHP.
- Versions as low as PHP 7.2 may still work, however, no support will be provided.
- PHP 8.0 is now recommended, and CI is run on PHP 7.4 and 8.0.
- With the update to gateway version 8, the `GUILD_MEMBER` and `PRESENCE_UPDATE` intents are not enabled by default.
- You must first enable these in your Discord developer portal before enabling them in DiscordPHP. See the documentation for an example.
- The `loadAllMembers` option requires the `GUILD_MEMBER` intent to be enabled.
- The `logging`, `httpLogger` and `loggerLevel` options have been removed.
- All HTTP logging information is now redirected to the `logger` that you have passed, or the default logger.
- For people that disabled logging by setting `logging` to false, you can create a logger with a [`NullHandler`](https://github.com/Seldaek/monolog/blob/main/src/Monolog/Handler/NullHandler.php).
- For voice client users, see the section below for breaking changes.
### HTTP Client
- HTTP client has been moved to a seperate package: [DiscordPHP-Http](https://github.com/discord-api/DiscordPHP-Http)
- Improved rate limits by grouping requests by major parameters.
### Voice Client
- The voice client now requires at least PHP 7.4 to operate. It will not attempt to start on any version lower.
- The voice client can now run on Windows, thanks to the introduction of socker pair descriptors in PHP 8.0 (see reactphp/child-process#85). As such, PHP 8.0 is required to run the voice client on Windows.
- DCA has been rebuilt and refactored for better use with DiscordPHP. Note that the binaries have only been rebuilt for the `amd64` architecture. The following platforms are now supported:
- Windows AMD64
- macOS AMD64
- Linux AMD64
- I'm happy to support DCA for other platforms if requested. Please ensure that your platform is supported by the Go compiler, see the supported list [here](https://golang.org/doc/install/source#introduction).
- The following functions no longer return promises, rather they throw exceptions and will return void. This is because none of these functions actually did any async work, therefore promises were redundant in this situation.
- `setSpeaking()`
- `switchChannel()`
- `setFrameSize()`
- `setBitrate()`
- `setVolume()`
- `setAudioApplication()`
- `setMuteDeaf()`
- `pause()`
- `unpause()`
- `stop()`
- `close()`
- `getRecieveStream()`
- Expect a voice client refactor in a future release.
## Version 5.1.3
- Added the `recipient_id` property to `Channel` - 8b3eb0e667b39d906b3962a55d1469f5184b63ff
- Fixed private channel caching bug - 8b3eb0e667b39d906b3962a55d1469f5184b63ff
- Fixed guild member chunking not working on some bot accounts - 96f1ce30236ec7b18b70216e7e4f73317f242073
## Version 5.1.2
- Fixed bug where websocket connection would fail and wouldn't reconnect.
- Expanded on documentation.
- Updated documentation `marked` version to `^2.0.0` due to security concern.
- Disabled happy eyeballs connector as Discord does not use IPv6, and this causes an error when using a debugger.
- Added options resolver for creating an invite.
- Added the option to delete all reactions of a certain emoji from a message.
- Fixed getting emoji ID for unicode emojis.
- Fixed audit log query not accepting an `Entry` object.
## Version 5.1.1
- Added permission checking before executing requests for channels.
- Fixed issue where global rate limits would delay too long.
- Added option to pass through `react/socket` connector options through `socket_options`.
- Fixed issue with case-insensitive commands in the command client.
- Fixed issue where users would not update in the user repository on an `GUILD_MEMBER_*` event.
- Repository is now hosted under the `discord-php` organisation on GitHub. This will not change anything unless you have the repository cloned.
- Fixed an issue where guild repositories would empty on `GUILD_UPDATE`.
- Fixed issue where buckets would deadlock when there is a global rate limit and a non-global rate limit at the same time.
- Token is now stripped from any text output.
- `TYPE_STREAMING` and `TYPE_COMPETING` is now allowed for bots.
- Fixed an issue where a bucket queue would be blocked when a request throws an exception.
## Version 5.1.0
- Refactored and rebuilt the HTTP client.
- Implemented the concept of "buckets" - to be worked on as at the moment requests are grouped by the exact endpoint only.
- Fixed guild member chunking with the gateway changes.
- Fixed `Channel::deleteMessages()` not working for 0 or 1 messages.
- Added the `allowed_mentions` option to `Channel::sendMessage()`.
- Converted message reactions to a repository.
- Changed `Message::mention_channels` to use a regular expression to find actual mentioned channels rather than relying on Discord to send them (which they don't).
- Fixed varius errors where the attribute does not exist.
- Added the `Reaction::getUsers()` method to retrieve users that have reacted with that reaction.
- Implemented audit logs - see the class reference and Discord developer docs for more information.
- Added new attributes to Guilds.
- Fixed permissions not calculating correctly.
- Fixed various errors with the voice client.
- Added an option to skip FFmpeg/DCA checks when starting the voice client (for Windows compatibility).
- Implemented `MESSAGE_REACTION_*` events.
- Added `\Discord\imageToBase64()` to convert an image to base 64 to be uploaded to Discord.
- Started documentation and tests.
### Command Client
- Added the `caseInsensitiveCommands` option to change whether commands should be case sensitive.
- Added sub-commands to the various help menus.
## Version 5.0.12
- Converted `PromiseInterface` to `ExtendedPromiseInterface` to allow `->done()` typehinting.
- Converted most `->then()` to `->done()` for better error handling.
- Fixed issue with member chunking not working correctly due to changes in Discord's gateway.
- Implemented gateway payload rate-limiting.
- Removed `illuminate/support` dependency.
- Fixed errors in HTTP going into the response handler function and causing errors.
- Added `Channel::limitDelete(n)` to delete the last n messages.
- Added setter functions to embeds. Now much easier to set, and more reliable.
- Added `$guild->leave()` as a shortcut to `$discord->guilds->leave($guild)`.
- Parts are now constructable without factory:
$message = $discord->factory(Message::class);
$message = new Message($message);
Both methods are still valid.
- `AbstractRepository` now extends `Collection` rather than having magic functions to handle calls.
- Added `WebhookRepository::get()`.
- Added support functions:
- `getColor(int $color);`
- `contains(string $key, array $matches);`
- `studly(string $string)`
- `poly_strlen(string $string)`
## Version 5.0.11
- Added dependabot to update composer dependencies.
- Upgraded `react/partial` to `^3.0`.
- `Discord` will now emit `reconnected` when the client reconnects via identify OR resume.
- Fixed issue with resumes not working due to closing with opcode `1000`.
- Client will now attempt to resume after an invalid session if it is still resumable.
- Exceptions inside the `ready` handler will now be caught, emitted via `exception` and logged.
- Temporary fix until `react/promise ^3.0` is released, as any uncaught exceptions inside promises are dismissed.
- Added `Discord::getChannel(id)` which searches through all guilds and private channels to find a channel.
- `Channel::deleteMessages()` now works for private channels by looping through all messages and deleting.
- Added `Channel::editMessage()`.
- Added new activity types `Activity::TYPE_WATCHING` and `Activity::TYPE_COMPETING`.
- Fixed issue with `MESSAGE_DELETE` events not working correctly.
- Fixed issie with `VOICE_STATE_UPDATE` where members were not removed from their old channels.
## Version 5.0.10
- The PHP composer dependency has been updated to PHP 7.2. The library was not working on anything less in previous versions so I'm not deeming this a breaking change, just a formality.
- Added PHP 7.2 typehinting to functions.
- Added `Collection::first()` to get the first element of the collection.
- Added the ability to call `AbstractRepository::delete()` with a string ID instead of solely a part.
- Any custom logger now may be passed to the Discord client as long as it implementes `LoggerInterface` from PSR.
- Fixed phpdocs for collections, typehinting will now work when accessing it as an array.
- Fixed bug with `Collection::get()` when not searching by discriminator.
- Added `Webhook::execute()`.
- Added support for `illuminate/support` 8.0.
- `Channel::deleteMessages()` will no longer fail if 0 or 1 messages is given. The promise will instantly resolve when given 0, and will delete the one message then resolve for 1 message.
- Fixed error when handling message deletes.
- Websocket will no longer close when an error is seen, as Pawl's errors do not always cause closure of the websocket.
- Fixed bug with rate limiting after changing to `react/http`.
- Fixed bug with sending files after changing to `react/http`.
## Version 5.0.3
- Development of the library will now continue on the `master` branch. The `develop` branch will be removed and you should checkout the latest tag for the most stable version.
- Removed dependency of decepreated package `wyrihaximus/react-guzzle-psr7`, replaced with `react/http`.
- Rewrote HTTP client to remove dependency of Guzzle.
- Client will prevent updating presence with an invalid activity type.
- Collections:
- Added `Collection::set($offset, $value)`.
- Added `Collection::isset($offset)`.
- Added `Message::sendEmbed(Embed $embed)` as a shortcut to sending embeds.
- Fixed an issue on Windows where emoticons were not URL encoded.
- Added `Embed::addField(Field $field)` to add fields to an embed.
- Added user activity statuses constants to `Activity`.
- `Member::addRole(Role $role)` and `Member::removeRole(Role $role)` now modifies the member on Discord's end.
- You no longer need to run `$guild->members->save($member)`.
- The function now returns a promise.
- Added `Member::getPermissions(Channel? $channel)` to get the total permissions of the member for a guild or channel.
- The avatar attribute of a user will return their default avatar when it is null.
## Version 5.0.2
- Fixed updating and creating parts.
- Fixed repository saving.
- Removed debugging statement.
- Removed `bind_right` statement that was left over.
- Fixed setting overwrites.
## Version 5.0.1
- Removed option for `bot = false`. This option wouldn't have worked anyway so I am not classing it as a breaking change.
- Converted all getter and setter functions in parts to protected. Again, shouldn't be a breaking change as these function aren't meant to be used outside of the library.
- Webhooks:
- Added phpdoc to webhook part.
- Added webhook type constants
- Guilds:
- Added [new guild attributes.](https://github.com/discord-php/DiscordPHP/compare/develop#diff-4a22d1c34b22f50e90b71244aac252cdR43-R64)
- Removed unused attributes cache from part.
- Removed `password` attribute from `Client`.
- Added [new user attributes](https://github.com/discord-php/DiscordPHP/compare/develop#diff-3d3aea0229e2bfd3b386726702468115R29-R36) and flags.
- Voice client now handles websocket closes better.
- Client will now load online users regardless of `loadAllMembers` option. This option will now cause the client to initiate guild member chunking offline members.
## Version 5.0.0
First release for many years. Contains many bug fixes and stability patches so this is the most important update since.
### Breaking Changes
- PHP 7.0 is now required. PHP 5.x is no longer supported.
- Package versions:
- illuminate/support: now supports Laravel 6.x and 7.x
- nesbot/carbon: was ^1.18, now ^2.38
- symfony/options-resolver: was ^3.0, now ^5.1.3
- monolog/monolog: was ^1.19, now ^2.1
- Cache adapters such as apc, memcache and redis are no longer supported. There is no longer a `cachePool` option.
- ext-libevent is no longer supported as it only applies for PHP 5.x.
- The `Collection` class no longer extends Laravel collections.
- As such, some functions are no longer present.
- Feel free to add an issue if you would like to see a function added.
- Channels:
- `Channel::setPermissions()` function now takes a role or member as well as two arrays: one array of allow permissions and one array of deny permissions.
- `Channel::createInvite()` now takes an array of options. See the [Discord developer docs](https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#create-channel-invite) for a list of valid options.
- Messages can no longer be created using the message repository as part of the channel. Use `Channel::sendMessage()` instead.
- Overwrites:
- The `allow` and `deny` parameters of an overwrite are an instance of `ChannelPermission` instead of `int`.
- Guilds:
- Removed [old region constants](https://github.com/discord-php/DiscordPHP/blob/ca05832fa0d5700d96f5ecee2fe32a3aa6125f41/src/Discord/Parts/Guild/Guild.php). Added the `Guild::getVoiceRegions()` function to get an array of valid regions.
- `Guild::validateRegion()` now has to perform an async HTTP request to validate the region. Only use this if nessasary.
- Removed the `Game` class. Renamed to `Activity` and new attributes added.
- `Discord::updatePresence()` now takes an `Activity` object as well as options `idle`, `status` and `afk`.
### Features
- Added `getLoop()` and `getLogger()` functions to the `Discord` client.
- Collectors:
- Channels now have message collectors. See the phpdoc of `Channel::createMessageColletor()` for more information.
- Messages now have reaction collectors. See the phpdoc of `Message::createReactionCollector()` for more information.
- Added the [`Reaction`](https://github.com/discord-php/DiscordPHP/blob/ca05832fa0d5700d96f5ecee2fe32a3aa6125f41/src/Discord/Parts/Channel/Reaction.php) class.
- Added the [`Webhook`](https://github.com/discord-php/DiscordPHP/blob/ca05832fa0d5700d96f5ecee2fe32a3aa6125f41/src/Discord/Parts/Channel/Webhook.php) class.
- Implemented gateway intents:
- See the [`Intents` class](https://github.com/discord-php/DiscordPHP/blob/ca05832fa0d5700d96f5ecee2fe32a3aa6125f41/src/Discord/WebSockets/Intents.php) for constants.
- User can specify an `intents` field in the options array, containing either an array of intents or an integer corresponding to the intents.
### Changes
- WebSocket:
- Client will not retrieve guild bans by default anymore. Set `retrieveBans` to `true` in options to retrieve on guild availability.
- Command client:
- Help command now prints a rich embed (#305 thanks @oliverschloebe)
- Commands have a short and long description.
- Commands have a cooldown option.
- Factory now has a `part()` and `repository()` function to bypass `strpos` functions.
- Channels:
- [Added new attributes](https://github.com/discord-php/DiscordPHP/pull/309/files#diff-d1f173f4572644420fb9cd5d0b540c59R51-R58).
- [Added new channel types](https://github.com/discord-php/DiscordPHP/pull/309/files#diff-d1f173f4572644420fb9cd5d0b540c59R66-R72).
- Added webhook classes and repositories.
- `Channel::setOverwrite()` has been added to perform the action of `setPermissions()` from the previous version.
- Messages:
- [Added new attributes](https://github.com/discord-php/DiscordPHP/pull/309/files#diff-dcdab880a1ed5dbd0b65000834e4955cR44-R55).
- [Added new message types](https://github.com/discord-php/DiscordPHP/pull/309/files#diff-dcdab880a1ed5dbd0b65000834e4955cR59-R78).
- Added `Message::delayedReply()` to perform a reply after a specified duration.
- `Message::react()` and `Message::deleteReaction()` now takes an `Emoji` object or a string emoji.
- Added `Message::delete()` to delete a message without using the repository.
- Added `Message::addEmbed()` to add an embed to the message.
- Added the [`MessageReaction` class](https://github.com/discord-php/DiscordPHP/blob/ca05832fa0d5700d96f5ecee2fe32a3aa6125f41/src/Discord/Parts/WebSockets/MessageReaction.php) to represent a reaction to a message.
- Embeds:
- Added the `type` parameter.
- Emojis:
- Added the `animated` parameter.
- Added the `Emoji::toReactionString()` function to convert to a format to put in a `Reaction` object.
- Added the `Emoji::__toString()` object for sending emojis in messages.
- Guilds:
- Guild region is no longer checked before saving. Make sure to handle any exceptions from Discord servers and do not spam.
- Roles can now update their `mentionable` attribute.
- Permissions:
- [Added new permissions.](https://github.com/discord-php/DiscordPHP/pull/309/files#diff-60e83a1d96a4957061230b770a056001R5-R35)
- Members:
- [Added new attributes.](https://github.com/discord-php/DiscordPHP/pull/309/files#diff-8f236f99fe6eec45c56cff1be0ba0f90R40-R42)
- The `game` attribute now returns an `Activity` part.
- Presence updates:
- [Added new attributes.](https://github.com/discord-php/DiscordPHP/pull/309/files#diff-d6e13d509fb506d128c564d3ea4217adR25-R32)
- Typing updates:
- [Added new attributes.](https://github.com/discord-php/DiscordPHP/pull/309/files#diff-bc4d0e1ce4e436c29b922dd26266df68R26-R32)
- Voice state updates:
- [Added new attributes.](https://github.com/discord-php/DiscordPHP/pull/309/files#diff-4aa18d683d39063927ff9ff28149698fR21-R35)
### Bug Fixes
- Improved memory usage by removing `resolve` and `reject` functions from `Part`s.
- Memory leak has been improved but is still preset.
- `AbstractRepository::freshen()` now actually freshens the part, rather than being cached.
- Voice client has been updated to use the correct UDP server given by the web socket.
- Events *should* update their corresponding repositories more consistently.
- Improved the processing speed of `GUILD_CREATE` and `GUILD_MEMBERS_CHUNK` events.
- Added new gateway operation and close codes.
- Client will not attempt to reconnect to Discord servers if it receives a "critical" opcode (one that cannot be resolved by the bot).