# DiscordPHP-Http Asynchronous HTTP client used for communication with the Discord REST API. ## Requirements - PHP >=7.4 ## Installation ```sh $ composer require discord-php/http ``` A [psr/log](https://packagist.org/packages/psr/log)-compliant logging library is also required. We recommend [monolog](https://github.com/Seldaek/monolog) which will be used in examples. ## Usage ```php pushHandler(new StreamHandler('php://output')); $http = new Http( 'Bot xxxx.yyyy.zzzz', $loop, $logger ); // set up a driver - this example uses the React driver $driver = new React($loop); $http->setDriver($driver); // must be the last line $loop->run(); ``` All request methods have the same footprint: ```php $http->get(string $url, $content = null, array $headers = []); $http->post(string $url, $content = null, array $headers = []); $http->put(string $url, $content = null, array $headers = []); $http->patch(string $url, $content = null, array $headers = []); $http->delete(string $url, $content = null, array $headers = []); ``` For other methods: ```php $http->queueRequest(string $method, string $url, $content, array $headers = []); ``` All methods return the decoded JSON response in an object: ```php // https://discord.com/api/v8/oauth2/applications/@me $http->get('oauth2/applications/@me')->done(function ($response) { var_dump($response); }, function ($e) { echo "Error: ".$e->getMessage().PHP_EOL; }); ``` Most Discord endpoints are provided in the [Endpoint.php](src/Discord/Endpoint.php) class as constants. Parameters start with a colon, e.g. `channels/:channel_id/messages/:message_id`. You can bind parameters to then with the same class: ```php // channels/channel_id_here/messages/message_id_here $endpoint = Endpoint::bind(Endpoint::CHANNEL_MESSAGE, 'channel_id_here', 'message_id_here'); $http->get($endpoint)->done(...); ``` It is recommended that if the endpoint contains parameters you use the `Endpoint::bind()` function to sort requests into their correct rate limit buckets. For an example, see [DiscordPHP](https://github.com/discord-php/DiscordPHP). ## License This software is licensed under the MIT license which can be viewed in the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file. ## Credits - [David Cole](mailto:david.cole1340@gmail.com) - All contributors