# img2bop `img2bop` is a Python script that converts any image to a .bopjson file, which can then be loaded into Bopimo. This is a glorified proof of concept and must be treated as such. There are better ways to insert images into your Bopimo level. If you wish to publish your level, please note that there is a hard limit of **2048 blocks** that can be created on the server. You must manually resize your input images. Eventually, this script will resize your images automatically to use the most blocks it can. **Demo level**: https://www.bopimo.com/levels/1597 ## Usage: ``` python3 img2bop.py ``` ## Installation: ```sh git clone https://git.fzorb.xyz/fzorb/img2bop cd img2bop python -m venv venv # On *nix systems: source ./venv/bin/activate # On Windows: ./venv/Scripts/activate.ps1 pip install -r requirements.txt # You're now ready to rock! ```