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List of tags:
<client> - Tag for Client.
<server> - Tag for Server.
<no3d> - Tag for Server No3D.
<solo> - Tag for Solo.
<studio> - Tag for Studio.
<shared> - Shared tag used for all types.
List of variables:
%mapfile% - Selected map filename + path.
%mapfiled% - Returns the rbxasset:// file path of the selected map.
%mapfilec% - Copies the map file to the base rbxasset:// directory then returns the rbxasset:// path to the map. Returns empty if unsuccessful. Useful for newer clients.
%luafile% - Selected client's script filename + path.
%args% - Default arguments provided by Novetus for launching clients. Use only this without any tags if you want default Novetus arguments or use with tags to get the default arguments for a tag (requires quotation marks for the latter).
%ip% - Current IP address.
%port% - Returns the port when hosting a server.
%addonscriptpath% - The path to an additional server script used by NovetusCMD.
%scripttype% - Returns the type of script we are using as a string.
%version% - Returns Novetus' version.
%doublequote% - Returns a double-quote character. Use in place of a normal double quote (").
Returns the port when joining a server. - Returns the port when joining a server.
%limit% - Max Player limit.
%notifications% - Server join/leave notifications.
%md5launcher% - Generate a MD5 for the Novetus Launcher.
%md5script% - Get the pre-generated MD5 for the client script.
%md5exe% - Get the pre-generated MD5 for the client exe.
%md5scriptd% - Generate a MD5 for the client script.
%md5exed% - Generate a MD5 for the client exe.
%md5s% - Get all MD5s. Script and Client MD5s are pre-generated.
%md5sd% - Get all MD5s. Script and Client MD5s are generated by the compiler.
%name% - Player's name. Use single quotation marks (') if you are using it as a script argument.
%id% - Player's ID.
%tripcode% - Player's identifying tripcode.
%icone% - Icon/Membership to show on the scoreboard. Returns as a integer/enum to use for MembershipType.
%icon% - Icon/Membership to show on the scoreboard. Returns as a string. Use single quotation marks (') if you are using it as a script argument.
%charapp% - Character Appearance URL. Use single quotation marks (') if you are using it as a script argument.
%face%, %head%, %tshirt%, %shirt%, %pants%, %hat1%, %hat2%, %hat3%, %hat4, %extra% - Returns the file names of each individual item from the script. May return as a URL for the item if it is a URL. Use single quotation marks (').
%faced%, %headd%, %tshirtd%, %shirtd%, %pantsd%, %hat1d%, %hat2d%, %hat3d%, %extrad%, %hat4d% - Returns the rbxasset:// file paths of each individual item. May return as a URL for the item if it is a URL. Use single quotation marks (').
%headcolor%, %torsocolor%, %larmcolor%, %llegcolor%, %rarmcolor%, %rlegcolor% - Returns the BrickColor IDs for individual body part colors.
%loadout% - Returns the player's complete current appearance, seperated by commas. Used for loading the loadout with scripts like CSConnect.
%donothing% - Does exactly as it implies. Useful for debugging tags, but doesn't need to be used as it is called automatically if there is an exception when reading tags. Used internally to suppress errors.
%disabled% - Disables the option from the launcher and displays a message upon script compilation.
Barebones 2017 launcher:
<client>-script %doublequote%game:GetService('NetworkClient'):PlayerConnect(%id%,'%ip%',%port%) game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name = '%name%' game.Players.LocalPlayer.CharacterAppearance = '%charapp%'%doublequote%</client>
Novetus Default (Non-2007):
<client>-script %doublequote%dofile('%luafile%'); _G.CSConnect(%id%,'%ip%',%port%,'%name%',%loadout%,%md5sd%,'%tripcode%')%doublequote%</client>
<server>-script %doublequote%dofile('%luafile%'); _G.CSServer(%port%,%limit%,%md5sd%)%doublequote% %doublequote%%mapfile%%doublequote%</server>
<no3d>-script %doublequote%dofile('%luafile%'); _G.CSServer(%port%,%limit%,%md5sd%)%doublequote% -no3d %doublequote%%mapfile%%doublequote%</no3d>
<solo>-script %doublequote%dofile('%luafile%'); _G.CSSolo(%id%,'%name%',%loadout%)%doublequote% %doublequote%%mapfile%%doublequote%</solo>
<studio>-script %doublequote%dofile('%luafile%'); _G.CSStudio()%doublequote% %doublequote%%mapfile%%doublequote%</studio>
Novetus Default (2007):
<client>-script %doublequote%%luafile%%doublequote% %doublequote%%mapfile%%doublequote%</client>
<server>-script %doublequote%%luafile%%doublequote% %doublequote%%mapfile%%doublequote%</server>
<no3d>-script %doublequote%%luafile%%doublequote% -no3d %doublequote%%mapfile%%doublequote%</no3d>
<solo>-script %doublequote%%luafile%%doublequote% %doublequote%%mapfile%%doublequote%</solo>
<studio>-script %doublequote%%luafile%%doublequote% %doublequote%%mapfile%%doublequote%</studio>