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2022-12-22 17:22:51 +02:00
Use ` in place of a normal double quote ("). Novetus will NOT read double quotes on their own in its current state.
List of tags:
2022-12-22 17:22:51 +02:00
client= - Tag for Client.
server= - Tag for Server.
no3d= - Tag for Server No3D.
solo= - Tag for Solo.
studio= - Tag for Studio.
shared= - Shared tag used for all types.
validate= - Validates a file via MD5 in the following format: [FILE PATH IN CLIENT DIRECTORY]|[FILE MD5]. Only tag compatible with %args%.
List of variables:
%mapfile% - Selected map filename + path.
%mapfiled% - Returns the rbxasset:// file path of the selected map.
%mapfilec% - Copies the map file to the base rbxasset:// directory then returns the rbxasset:// path to the map. Returns empty if unsuccessful. Useful for newer clients.
%luafile% - Selected client's script filename + path.
2021-11-03 03:17:54 +02:00
%args% - Default arguments provided by Novetus for launching clients. Use only this without any tags (except for <validate>) if you want default Novetus arguments.
%argstring% - Gets the default script arguments for a tag.
%ip% - Current IP address.
%scripttype% - Returns the type of script we are using as a string.
%version% - Returns Novetus' version.
2021-11-03 03:17:54 +02:00
%joinport% - Returns the port when joining a server.
%validatedfiles% - Returns the total number of files that have been validated.
%validatedextrafiles% - Returns the total number of files that have been validated with <validate>.
2021-11-22 00:30:09 +02:00
%newgui% - Returns if the 2011L interface is enabled on 2011M clients. Can be used as a toggle switch for other client-side CoreScript features.
2022-09-10 23:13:40 +03:00
%signgeneratedjoinscript% - Signs the generated join script if "Generate scripts and fix map loading for 2007/2012+" is enabled or %generatescript% is added.
2022-02-20 18:10:34 +02:00
%usenewsignformat% - for %signgeneratedjoinscript%, uses the new client signature format found on newer clients.
2022-09-10 23:13:40 +03:00
%useloadfile% - Uses the "loadfile" function instead of "dofile" for generated join scripts if "Generate scripts and fix map loading for 2007/2012+" is enabled or %generatescript% is added.
%userbxassetforgeneration% - When "Generate scripts and fix map loading for 2007/2012+" is enabled or %generatescript% is added, use "rbxasset" as the main path we should get the file from.
2022-09-10 23:31:52 +03:00
%generatescript% - Allows non-2007 clients to generate scripts. Equivalent to the script generator used with the "Generate scripts and fix map loading for 2007/2012+" option.
%server% - Returns the full server string with IP:port.
%limit% - Max Player limit.
%notifications% - Server join/leave notifications.
2021-11-14 01:04:48 +02:00
%port% - Returns the port when hosting a server.
%md5launcher% - Generate a MD5 for the Novetus Launcher.
%md5script% - Get the pre-generated MD5 for the client script.
%md5exe% - Get the pre-generated MD5 for the client exe.
%md5scriptd% - Generate a MD5 for the client script.
%md5exed% - Generate a MD5 for the client exe.
%md5s% - Get all MD5s. Script and Client MD5s are pre-generated.
%md5sd% - Get all MD5s. Script and Client MD5s are generated by the compiler.
%name% - Player's name. Use single quotation marks (') if you are using it as a script argument.
%id% - Player's ID.
%tripcode% - Player's identifying tripcode.
%icone% - Icon/Membership to show on the scoreboard. Returns as a integer/enum to use for MembershipType.
%icon% - Icon/Membership to show on the scoreboard. Returns as a string. Use single quotation marks (') if you are using it as a script argument.
%charapp% - Character Appearance URL. Use single quotation marks (') if you are using it as a script argument.
%face%, %head%, %tshirt%, %shirt%, %pants%, %hat1%, %hat2%, %hat3%, %hat4, %extra% - Returns the file names of each individual item from the script. May return as a URL for the item if it is a URL. Use single quotation marks (').
%faced%, %headd%, %tshirtd%, %shirtd%, %pantsd%, %hat1d%, %hat2d%, %hat3d%, %extrad%, %hat4d% - Returns the rbxasset:// file paths of each individual item. May return as a URL for the item if it is a URL. Use single quotation marks (').
%headcolor%, %torsocolor%, %larmcolor%, %llegcolor%, %rarmcolor%, %rlegcolor% - Returns the BrickColor IDs for individual body part colors.
%loadout% - Returns the player's complete current appearance, seperated by commas. Used for loading the loadout with scripts like CSConnect.
%tshirttexid%, %shirttexid%, %pantstexid%, %facetexid% - Returns the texture URL for the respective online clothing type. Returns nothing if the URL is invalid, the item isn't using Online Clothing, or %localizeonlineclothing% is not defined in the script.
%tshirttexidlocal%, %shirttexidlocal%, %pantstexidlocal%, %facetexlocal%" - Returns the texture rbxasset URL for the respective online clothing type. Returns nothing if the URL is invalid, the item isn't using Online Clothing, or %localizeonlineclothing% is not defined in the script.
%localizeonlineclothing% - Grabs texture IDS for the %texid% variables and localizes the texture for the %texidlocal% variables. This WILL increase load times of your client depending on how many items are being downloaded.
Barebones 2017 launcher:
<client>-script %doublequote%game:GetService('NetworkClient'):PlayerConnect(%id%,'%ip%',%port%) game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name = '%name%' game.Players.LocalPlayer.CharacterAppearance = '%charapp%'%doublequote%</client>
Novetus Default (Non-2007):
<client>-script %doublequote%dofile('%luafile%'); _G.CSConnect(%id%,'%ip%',%port%,'%name%',%loadout%,%md5sd%,'%tripcode%')%doublequote%</client>
<server>-script %doublequote%dofile('%luafile%'); _G.CSServer(%port%,%limit%,%md5sd%)%doublequote% %doublequote%%mapfile%%doublequote%</server>
<no3d>-script %doublequote%dofile('%luafile%'); _G.CSServer(%port%,%limit%,%md5sd%)%doublequote% -no3d %doublequote%%mapfile%%doublequote%</no3d>
<solo>-script %doublequote%dofile('%luafile%'); _G.CSSolo(%id%,'%name%',%loadout%)%doublequote% %doublequote%%mapfile%%doublequote%</solo>
<studio>-script %doublequote%dofile('%luafile%'); _G.CSStudio()%doublequote% %doublequote%%mapfile%%doublequote%</studio>
Novetus Default (2007):
<client>-script %doublequote%%luafile%%doublequote% %doublequote%%mapfile%%doublequote%</client>
<server>-script %doublequote%%luafile%%doublequote% %doublequote%%mapfile%%doublequote%</server>
<no3d>-script %doublequote%%luafile%%doublequote% -no3d %doublequote%%mapfile%%doublequote%</no3d>
<solo>-script %doublequote%%luafile%%doublequote% %doublequote%%mapfile%%doublequote%</solo>
<studio>-script %doublequote%%luafile%%doublequote% %doublequote%%mapfile%%doublequote%</studio>