local this = {} --https://www.tutorialspoint.com/how-to-search-for-an-item-in-a-lua-list function Set(list) local set = {} for _, l in ipairs(list) do set[l] = true end return set end -- DONT EDIT ANYTHING ELSE ABOVE -- add player tripcodes here in quotes seperated by commas local tripcodeList = Set {} -- set this to true to enable the whitelist local whitelistEnabled = false -- DONT EDIT ANYTHING ELSE BELOW function this:Name() return "Server Whitelist" end function this:IsEnabled(Script, Client) if (Script == "Server") then return true else return false end end function this:OnPlayerAdded(Player) if (whitelistEnabled == true) then local hasTripcode = false for _,newVal in pairs(Player:children()) do if (newVal.Name == "Tripcode") then if (newVal.Value ~= "") then hasTripcode = true end end end if (hasTripcode and tripcodeList[Player.Tripcode.Value]) then print("Player '" .. Player.Name .. "' is in whitelist!") else print("Player '" .. Player.Name .. "' not in whitelist. Kicking.") Server = game:GetService("NetworkServer") for _,Child in pairs(Server:children()) do name = "ServerReplicator|"..Player.Name.."|"..Player.userId.."|"..Player.AnonymousIdentifier.Value if (Server:findFirstChild(name) ~= nil and Child.Name == name) then --delayed to fix 2011 client crash delay(0.3, function() Child:CloseConnection() print("Player '" .. Player.Name .. "' Kicked. Reason: Not in whitelist") end) end end end end end function AddModule(t) print("AddonLoader: Adding " .. this:Name()) table.insert(t, this) end _G.CSScript_AddModule=AddModule