---------|1 Commands:|3 ---------|1 + client - Launches client with launcher settings|4 + solo - Launches client in Play Solo mode with launcher settings|4 + server 3d - Launches server with launcher settings|4 + server no3d - Launches server in NoGraphics mode with launcher settings|4 + studio map - Launches Roblox Studio with the selected map|4 + studio nomap - Launches Roblox Studio without the selected map|4 + sdk - Launches the Novetus SDK Launcher|4 + altip - Sets the alternate server IP for server info. Replace with your specified IP or specify 'none' to remove the current alternate server IP|4 + clear - Clears all text in this window.|4 + help - Clears all text and shows this list.|4 + documentation - Clears all text and shows the ClientScript documentation.|4 + commandline - Prints all the command line variables passed to the launcher. Good for debugging.|4 + dependencies - Checks if we should install any dependencies. Will get refactored at some point.|4 + config save - Saves the config file|4 + config load - Reloads the config file|4 + config reset - Resets the config file|4 + proxy - Turns Novetus' web proxy on and off. 'disable' disables the web proxy entirely.|4 + proxy extensions reload - Reloads all Web Proxy extensions.|4 + proxy extensions list - Lists all Web Proxy extensions.|4 ---------|1 Command-Line Parameters:|3 ---------|1 GLOBAL - Affects launcher session.|5 ---------|1 - sdk - Launches the Novetus SDK Launcher|4 - cmdonly - Launches the Novetus Console only.|4 - nofilelist - Disables file list generation|4 - nocmd - Don't launch the Novetus Console|4 ---------|1 CONSOLE - Affects console only.|5 ---------|1 NOTICE: Will not function if the console is not in console-only mode (-cmdonly).|2 - help - Clears all text and shows this list.|4 - load - The type of client script to load. |4 - headless - Hides the console window upon launch.|4 - client - Specifies the client for Novetus to load.|4 - map - Server, Solo, and Studio Only. Specifies the path to a map.|4 - join - Client Only. Specifies the server for the Client to connect to.|4 - no3d - Server Only. Puts the server into No Graphics mode.|4 - hostport - Server Only. Specifies the port the server should host on.|4 - upnp - Server Only. Toggles UPnP (Universal Plug and Play).|4 - notifications - Server Only. Toggle player join/leave notifications.|4 - maxplayers - Server Only. Specifies the server's player count.|4 - serverbrowsername - Server Only. Specifies the name the server should use on the Server Browser.|4 - serverbrowseraddress
- Server Only. Specifies the Master Server the server should use.|4 - nomap - Studio Only. Loads Studio without a map. -map will not function with this option enabled.|4