local this = {} function this:Name() return "Template" end -- checks if the script is enabled based on Script, Client, or some other reason -- arguments: Script - returns the script type name (Server, Solo, Studio), Client - returns the Client name. function this:IsEnabled(Script, Client) return true end -- executes before the game starts (server, solo, studio) -- arguments: Script - returns the script type name (Server, Solo, Studio), Client - returns the Client name. function this:PreInit(Script, Client) end -- executes after the game starts (server, solo, studio) -- arguments: none function this:PostInit() end -- executes every 0.1 seconds. (server, solo, studio) -- arguments: none function this:Update() end -- executes after a character loads (server, solo, studio) -- arguments: Player - Player getting a character loaded, Appearance - The object containing the appearance values -- notes: in play solo, you may have to respawn once to see any print outputs. function this:OnLoadCharacter(Player, Appearance) end -- executes after a player joins (server) -- arguments: Player - the Player joining function this:OnPlayerAdded(Player) end -- executes after a player leaves (server) -- arguments: Player - the Player leaving function this:OnPlayerRemoved(Player) end -- executes after a player gets kicked (server) -- arguments: Player - the Player getting kicked, Reason - the reason the player got kicked function this:OnPlayerKicked(Player, Reason) end -- executes before a player gets kicked (server) -- arguments: Player - the Player getting kicked, Reason - the reason the player got kicked function this:OnPrePlayerKicked(Player, Reason) end -- DO NOT REMOVE THIS. this is required to load this addon into the game. function AddModule(t) print("AddonLoader: Adding " .. this:Name()) table.insert(t, this) end _G.CSScript_AddModule=AddModule