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#region Usings
using System;
using System.Management;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
//merged into one class
namespace Novetus.Core
#region UHWIDEngine
public static class UHWIDEngine
public static string SimpleUid { get; private set; }
public static string AdvancedUid { get; private set; }
static UHWIDEngine()
var volumeSerial = DiskId.GetDiskId();
var cpuId = CpuId.GetCpuId();
var windowsId = WindowsId.GetWindowsId();
SimpleUid = volumeSerial + cpuId;
AdvancedUid = SimpleUid + windowsId;
#region DiskId
internal class DiskId
public static string GetDiskId()
return GetDiskId("");
private static string GetDiskId(string diskLetter)
//Find first drive
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(diskLetter))
foreach (var compDrive in DriveInfo.GetDrives())
if (compDrive.IsReady)
diskLetter = compDrive.RootDirectory.ToString();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(diskLetter) && diskLetter.EndsWith(":\\"))
//C:\ -> C
diskLetter = diskLetter.Substring(0, diskLetter.Length - 2);
var disk = new ManagementObject(@"win32_logicaldisk.deviceid=""" + diskLetter + @":""");
var volumeSerial = disk["VolumeSerialNumber"].ToString();
return volumeSerial;
#region CpuId
internal static class CpuId
[DllImport("user32", EntryPoint = "CallWindowProcW", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true,
ExactSpelling = true)]
private static extern IntPtr CallWindowProcW([In] byte[] bytes, IntPtr hWnd, int msg, [In, Out] byte[] wParam,
IntPtr lParam);
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
[DllImport("kernel32", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true)]
public static extern bool VirtualProtect([In] byte[] bytes, IntPtr size, int newProtect, out int oldProtect);
const int PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE = 0x40;
public static string GetCpuId()
var sn = new byte[8];
return !ExecuteCode(ref sn) ? "ND" : string.Format("{0:X8}{1:X8}", BitConverter.ToUInt32(sn, 4), BitConverter.ToUInt32(sn, 0));
private static bool ExecuteCode(ref byte[] result)
/* The opcodes below implement a C function with the signature:
* __stdcall CpuIdWindowProc(hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam);
* with wParam interpreted as an 8 byte unsigned character buffer.
* */
var isX64Process = IntPtr.Size == 8;
byte[] code;
if (isX64Process)
code = new byte[]
0x53, /* push rbx */
0x48, 0xc7, 0xc0, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* mov rax, 0x1 */
0x0f, 0xa2, /* cpuid */
0x41, 0x89, 0x00, /* mov [r8], eax */
0x41, 0x89, 0x50, 0x04, /* mov [r8+0x4], edx */
0x5b, /* pop rbx */
0xc3, /* ret */
code = new byte[]
0x55, /* push ebp */
0x89, 0xe5, /* mov ebp, esp */
0x57, /* push edi */
0x8b, 0x7d, 0x10, /* mov edi, [ebp+0x10] */
0x6a, 0x01, /* push 0x1 */
0x58, /* pop eax */
0x53, /* push ebx */
0x0f, 0xa2, /* cpuid */
0x89, 0x07, /* mov [edi], eax */
0x89, 0x57, 0x04, /* mov [edi+0x4], edx */
0x5b, /* pop ebx */
0x5f, /* pop edi */
0x89, 0xec, /* mov esp, ebp */
0x5d, /* pop ebp */
0xc2, 0x10, 0x00, /* ret 0x10 */
var ptr = new IntPtr(code.Length);
if (!VirtualProtect(code, ptr, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, out _))
ptr = new IntPtr(result.Length);
return CallWindowProcW(code, IntPtr.Zero, 0, result, ptr) != IntPtr.Zero;
#region WindowsId
internal class WindowsId
public static string GetWindowsId()
var windowsInfo = "";
var managClass = new ManagementObjectSearcher("root\\CIMV2", "SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem");
var managCollec = managClass.Get();
var is64Bits = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432"));
foreach (var o in managCollec)
var managObj = (ManagementObject)o;
windowsInfo = managObj.Properties["Caption"].Value + Environment.UserName + (string)managObj.Properties["Version"].Value;
windowsInfo = windowsInfo.Replace(" ", "");
windowsInfo = windowsInfo.Replace("Windows", "");
windowsInfo = windowsInfo.Replace("windows", "");
windowsInfo += (is64Bits) ? " 64bit" : " 32bit";
//md5 hash of the windows version
var md5Hasher = MD5.Create();
var wi = md5Hasher.ComputeHash(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(windowsInfo));
var wiHex = BitConverter.ToString(wi).Replace("-", "");
return wiHex;
} |