2008-07-12 20:40:22 +03:00
// Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Dolphin Project.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details.
// A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program.
// If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
// Official SVN repository and contact information can be found at
// http://code.google.com/p/dolphin-emu/
# include "Globals.h"
2008-07-30 07:23:43 +03:00
# include "IniFile.h"
2008-08-13 03:00:39 +03:00
# if defined(_WIN32)
2008-07-21 04:27:13 +03:00
# include "svnrev.h"
2008-07-23 18:20:36 +03:00
# include "OS\Win32.h"
2008-07-12 20:40:22 +03:00
# endif
# include "GLInit.h"
2008-08-13 02:17:29 +03:00
# ifdef MACOSX
# include "SDL/SDL.h"
# endif
2008-07-12 20:40:22 +03:00
// Handles OpenGL and the window
// screen offset
int nBackbufferWidth , nBackbufferHeight ;
u32 s_nTargetWidth = 0 , s_nTargetHeight = 0 ;
u32 g_AAx = 0 , g_AAy = 0 ;
# ifndef _WIN32
2008-08-08 20:52:37 +03:00
GLWindow GLWin ;
2008-07-12 20:40:22 +03:00
# endif
2008-08-13 03:00:39 +03:00
# if defined(_WIN32)
2008-07-12 20:40:22 +03:00
static HDC hDC = NULL ; // Private GDI Device Context
static HGLRC hRC = NULL ; // Permanent Rendering Context
extern HINSTANCE g_hInstance ;
# endif
void OpenGL_SwapBuffers ( )
2008-08-13 03:00:39 +03:00
# if defined(_WIN32)
2008-07-12 20:40:22 +03:00
SwapBuffers ( hDC ) ;
2008-08-13 03:00:39 +03:00
# elif defined(__linux__)
2008-07-12 20:40:22 +03:00
glXSwapBuffers ( GLWin . dpy , GLWin . win ) ;
2008-08-13 02:17:29 +03:00
# else //others
SDL_GL_SwapBuffers ( ) ;
2008-07-12 20:40:22 +03:00
# endif
void OpenGL_SetWindowText ( const char * text )
2008-08-13 03:00:39 +03:00
# if defined(_WIN32)
2008-07-12 20:40:22 +03:00
SetWindowText ( EmuWindow : : GetWnd ( ) , text ) ;
2008-08-13 03:00:39 +03:00
# elif defined(__linux__)
2008-08-08 11:08:12 +03:00
* Tell X to ask the window manager to set the window title . ( X
* itself doesn ' t provide window title functionality . )
XStoreName ( GLWin . dpy , GLWin . win , text ) ;
2008-08-13 02:17:29 +03:00
# else
SDL_WM_SetCaption ( text , NULL ) ;
2008-07-12 20:40:22 +03:00
# endif
BOOL Callback_PeekMessages ( )
2008-08-13 03:00:39 +03:00
# if defined(_WIN32)
2008-07-12 20:40:22 +03:00
//TODO: peekmessage
MSG msg ;
while ( PeekMessage ( & msg , 0 , 0 , 0 , PM_REMOVE ) )
if ( msg . message = = WM_QUIT )
return FALSE ;
TranslateMessage ( & msg ) ;
DispatchMessage ( & msg ) ;
return TRUE ;
2008-08-13 03:00:39 +03:00
# elif defined(__linux__)
2008-07-12 20:40:22 +03:00
XEvent event ;
while ( XPending ( GLWin . dpy ) > 0 ) {
XNextEvent ( GLWin . dpy , & event ) ;
2008-08-08 22:46:04 +03:00
return TRUE ;
2008-08-13 02:17:29 +03:00
# else
2008-07-12 20:40:22 +03:00
# endif
void UpdateFPSDisplay ( const char * text )
2008-08-13 03:00:39 +03:00
# if defined(_WIN32)
2008-07-20 18:36:18 +03:00
char temp [ 512 ] ;
sprintf ( temp , " SVN R%i: %s " , SVN_REV , text ) ;
SetWindowText ( EmuWindow : : GetWnd ( ) , temp ) ;
OpenGL_SetWindowText ( temp ) ;
2008-07-21 04:27:13 +03:00
# else
2008-08-08 11:08:12 +03:00
char temp [ 512 ] ;
sprintf ( temp , " SVN %s: %s " , " Linux " , text ) ; //TODO: Set to svn rev //
OpenGL_SetWindowText ( temp ) ;
2008-07-21 04:27:13 +03:00
# endif
2008-07-12 20:40:22 +03:00
2008-07-30 07:23:43 +03:00
bool OpenGL_Create ( SVideoInitialize & _VideoInitialize , int _iwidth , int _iheight )
2008-07-12 20:40:22 +03:00
2008-07-30 07:23:43 +03:00
int _twidth , _theight ;
if ( g_Config . bFullscreen )
if ( strlen ( g_Config . iFSResolution ) > 1 )
sscanf ( g_Config . iFSResolution , " %dx%d " , & _twidth , & _theight ) ;
else // No full screen reso set, fall back to default reso
_twidth = _iwidth ;
_theight = _iheight ;
else // Going Windowed
if ( strlen ( g_Config . iWindowedRes ) > 1 )
sscanf ( g_Config . iWindowedRes , " %dx%d " , & _twidth , & _theight ) ;
else // No Window reso set, fall back to default
_twidth = _iwidth ;
_theight = _iheight ;
2008-08-13 03:00:39 +03:00
# if defined(_WIN32)
2008-07-30 07:23:43 +03:00
EmuWindow : : SetSize ( _twidth , _theight ) ;
2008-07-12 20:40:22 +03:00
# endif
2008-07-30 07:23:43 +03:00
nBackbufferWidth = _twidth ;
nBackbufferHeight = _theight ;
2008-07-12 20:40:22 +03:00
// change later
s_nTargetWidth = 640 < < g_AAx ;
s_nTargetHeight = 480 < < g_AAy ;
g_VideoInitialize . pPeekMessages = & Callback_PeekMessages ;
g_VideoInitialize . pUpdateFPSDisplay = & UpdateFPSDisplay ;
2008-08-13 03:00:39 +03:00
# if defined(_WIN32)
2008-07-12 20:40:22 +03:00
// create the window
2008-07-17 13:17:19 +03:00
if ( ! g_Config . renderToMainframe | | g_VideoInitialize . pWindowHandle = = NULL ) {
2008-07-12 20:40:22 +03:00
// create the window
g_VideoInitialize . pWindowHandle = ( void * ) EmuWindow : : Create ( NULL , g_hInstance , " Please wait... " ) ;
if ( g_VideoInitialize . pWindowHandle = = NULL ) {
SysMessage ( " failed to create window " ) ;
return false ;
EmuWindow : : Show ( ) ;
g_VideoInitialize . pWindowHandle = ( void * ) EmuWindow : : Create ( ( HWND ) g_VideoInitialize . pWindowHandle , g_hInstance , " Please wait... " ) ;
GLuint PixelFormat ; // Holds The Results After Searching For A Match
DWORD dwExStyle ; // Window Extended Style
DWORD dwStyle ; // Window Style
RECT rcdesktop ;
GetWindowRect ( GetDesktopWindow ( ) , & rcdesktop ) ;
if ( g_Config . bFullscreen ) {
2008-07-30 09:10:34 +03:00
//nBackbufferWidth = rcdesktop.right - rcdesktop.left;
//nBackbufferHeight = rcdesktop.bottom - rcdesktop.top;
2008-07-12 20:40:22 +03:00
DEVMODE dmScreenSettings ;
memset ( & dmScreenSettings , 0 , sizeof ( dmScreenSettings ) ) ;
dmScreenSettings . dmSize = sizeof ( dmScreenSettings ) ;
dmScreenSettings . dmPelsWidth = nBackbufferWidth ;
dmScreenSettings . dmPelsHeight = nBackbufferHeight ;
dmScreenSettings . dmBitsPerPel = 32 ;
dmScreenSettings . dmFields = DM_BITSPERPEL | DM_PELSWIDTH | DM_PELSHEIGHT ;
// Try To Set Selected Mode And Get Results. NOTE: CDS_FULLSCREEN Gets Rid Of Start Bar.
if ( ChangeDisplaySettings ( & dmScreenSettings , CDS_FULLSCREEN ) ! = DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL )
if ( MessageBox ( NULL , " The Requested Fullscreen Mode Is Not Supported By \n Your Video Card. Use Windowed Mode Instead? " , " NeHe GL " , MB_YESNO | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION ) = = IDYES )
g_Config . bFullscreen = false ;
return false ;
else {
// change to default resolution
ChangeDisplaySettings ( NULL , 0 ) ;
if ( g_Config . bFullscreen ) {
dwStyle = WS_POPUP ;
2008-08-06 12:48:54 +03:00
2008-07-12 20:40:22 +03:00
else {
RECT rc ;
rc . left = 0 ; rc . top = 0 ;
rc . right = nBackbufferWidth ; rc . bottom = nBackbufferHeight ;
AdjustWindowRectEx ( & rc , dwStyle , FALSE , dwExStyle ) ;
int X = ( rcdesktop . right - rcdesktop . left ) / 2 - ( rc . right - rc . left ) / 2 ;
int Y = ( rcdesktop . bottom - rcdesktop . top ) / 2 - ( rc . bottom - rc . top ) / 2 ;
2008-08-06 12:48:54 +03:00
SetWindowPos ( EmuWindow : : GetWnd ( ) , NULL , X , Y , rc . right - rc . left , rc . bottom - rc . top , SWP_NOREPOSITION | SWP_NOZORDER ) ;
2008-07-12 20:40:22 +03:00
PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR pfd = // pfd Tells Windows How We Want Things To Be
sizeof ( PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR ) , // Size Of This Pixel Format Descriptor
1 , // Version Number
PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW | // Format Must Support Window
PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL | // Format Must Support OpenGL
PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER , // Must Support Double Buffering
PFD_TYPE_RGBA , // Request An RGBA Format
32 , // Select Our Color Depth
0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , // Color Bits Ignored
0 , // 8bit Alpha Buffer
0 , // Shift Bit Ignored
0 , // No Accumulation Buffer
0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , // Accumulation Bits Ignored
24 , // 24Bit Z-Buffer (Depth Buffer)
8 , // 8bit Stencil Buffer
0 , // No Auxiliary Buffer
PFD_MAIN_PLANE , // Main Drawing Layer
0 , // Reserved
0 , 0 , 0 // Layer Masks Ignored
} ;
if ( ! ( hDC = GetDC ( EmuWindow : : GetWnd ( ) ) ) ) {
MessageBox ( NULL , " (1) Can't Create A GL Device Context. " , " ERROR " , MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION ) ;
return false ;
if ( ! ( PixelFormat = ChoosePixelFormat ( hDC , & pfd ) ) ) {
MessageBox ( NULL , " (2) Can't Find A Suitable PixelFormat. " , " ERROR " , MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION ) ;
return false ;
if ( ! SetPixelFormat ( hDC , PixelFormat , & pfd ) ) {
MessageBox ( NULL , " (3) Can't Set The PixelFormat. " , " ERROR " , MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION ) ;
return false ;
if ( ! ( hRC = wglCreateContext ( hDC ) ) ) {
MessageBox ( NULL , " (4) Can't Create A GL Rendering Context. " , " ERROR " , MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION ) ;
return false ;
2008-08-13 03:00:39 +03:00
# elif defined(__linux__)
2008-07-12 20:40:22 +03:00
XVisualInfo * vi ;
Colormap cmap ;
int dpyWidth , dpyHeight ;
int glxMajorVersion , glxMinorVersion ;
int vidModeMajorVersion , vidModeMinorVersion ;
Atom wmDelete ;
// attributes for a single buffered visual in RGBA format with at least
// 8 bits per color and a 24 bit depth buffer
int attrListSgl [ ] = { GLX_RGBA , GLX_RED_SIZE , 8 ,
None } ;
// attributes for a double buffered visual in RGBA format with at least
// 8 bits per color and a 24 bit depth buffer
int attrListDbl [ ] = { GLX_RGBA , GLX_DOUBLEBUFFER ,
None } ;
GLWin . dpy = XOpenDisplay ( 0 ) ;
g_VideoInitialize . pWindowHandle = ( HWND ) GLWin . dpy ;
GLWin . screen = DefaultScreen ( GLWin . dpy ) ;
2008-07-30 07:23:43 +03:00
GLWin . fs = g_Config . bFullscreen ; //Set to setting in Options
2008-07-12 20:40:22 +03:00
/* get an appropriate visual */
vi = glXChooseVisual ( GLWin . dpy , GLWin . screen , attrListDbl ) ;
if ( vi = = NULL ) {
vi = glXChooseVisual ( GLWin . dpy , GLWin . screen , attrListSgl ) ;
GLWin . doubleBuffered = False ;
ERROR_LOG ( " Only Singlebuffered Visual! \n " ) ;
else {
GLWin . doubleBuffered = True ;
ERROR_LOG ( " Got Doublebuffered Visual! \n " ) ;
glXQueryVersion ( GLWin . dpy , & glxMajorVersion , & glxMinorVersion ) ;
ERROR_LOG ( " glX-Version %d.%d \n " , glxMajorVersion , glxMinorVersion ) ;
/* create a GLX context */
GLWin . ctx = glXCreateContext ( GLWin . dpy , vi , 0 , GL_TRUE ) ;
/* create a color map */
cmap = XCreateColormap ( GLWin . dpy , RootWindow ( GLWin . dpy , vi - > screen ) ,
vi - > visual , AllocNone ) ;
GLWin . attr . colormap = cmap ;
GLWin . attr . border_pixel = 0 ;
// get a connection
XF86VidModeQueryVersion ( GLWin . dpy , & vidModeMajorVersion , & vidModeMinorVersion ) ;
if ( GLWin . fs ) {
XF86VidModeModeInfo * * modes = NULL ;
int modeNum = 0 ;
int bestMode = 0 ;
// set best mode to current
bestMode = 0 ;
ERROR_LOG ( " XF86VidModeExtension-Version %d.%d \n " , vidModeMajorVersion , vidModeMinorVersion ) ;
XF86VidModeGetAllModeLines ( GLWin . dpy , GLWin . screen , & modeNum , & modes ) ;
if ( modeNum > 0 & & modes ! = NULL ) {
/* save desktop-resolution before switching modes */
GLWin . deskMode = * modes [ 0 ] ;
/* look for mode with requested resolution */
for ( int i = 0 ; i < modeNum ; i + + ) {
2008-07-30 07:23:43 +03:00
if ( ( modes [ i ] - > hdisplay = = _twidth ) & & ( modes [ i ] - > vdisplay = = _theight ) ) {
2008-07-12 20:40:22 +03:00
bestMode = i ;
XF86VidModeSwitchToMode ( GLWin . dpy , GLWin . screen , modes [ bestMode ] ) ;
XF86VidModeSetViewPort ( GLWin . dpy , GLWin . screen , 0 , 0 ) ;
dpyWidth = modes [ bestMode ] - > hdisplay ;
dpyHeight = modes [ bestMode ] - > vdisplay ;
ERROR_LOG ( " Resolution %dx%d \n " , dpyWidth , dpyHeight ) ;
XFree ( modes ) ;
/* create a fullscreen window */
GLWin . attr . override_redirect = True ;
GLWin . attr . event_mask = ExposureMask | KeyPressMask | ButtonPressMask |
StructureNotifyMask ;
GLWin . win = XCreateWindow ( GLWin . dpy , RootWindow ( GLWin . dpy , vi - > screen ) ,
0 , 0 , dpyWidth , dpyHeight , 0 , vi - > depth , InputOutput , vi - > visual ,
CWBorderPixel | CWColormap | CWEventMask | CWOverrideRedirect ,
& GLWin . attr ) ;
XWarpPointer ( GLWin . dpy , None , GLWin . win , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
XMapRaised ( GLWin . dpy , GLWin . win ) ;
XGrabKeyboard ( GLWin . dpy , GLWin . win , True , GrabModeAsync ,
GrabModeAsync , CurrentTime ) ;
XGrabPointer ( GLWin . dpy , GLWin . win , True , ButtonPressMask ,
GrabModeAsync , GrabModeAsync , GLWin . win , None , CurrentTime ) ;
else {
ERROR_LOG ( " Failed to start fullscreen. If you received the \n "
" \" XFree86-VidModeExtension \" extension is missing, add \n "
" Load \" extmod \" \n "
" to your X configuration file (under the Module Section) \n " ) ;
GLWin . fs = 0 ;
if ( ! GLWin . fs ) {
//int X = (rcdesktop.right-rcdesktop.left)/2 - (rc.right-rc.left)/2;
//int Y = (rcdesktop.bottom-rcdesktop.top)/2 - (rc.bottom-rc.top)/2;
// create a window in window mode
GLWin . attr . event_mask = ExposureMask | KeyPressMask | ButtonPressMask |
StructureNotifyMask ;
GLWin . win = XCreateWindow ( GLWin . dpy , RootWindow ( GLWin . dpy , vi - > screen ) ,
2008-07-30 07:23:43 +03:00
0 , 0 , _twidth , _theight , 0 , vi - > depth , InputOutput , vi - > visual ,
2008-07-12 20:40:22 +03:00
CWBorderPixel | CWColormap | CWEventMask , & GLWin . attr ) ;
// only set window title and handle wm_delete_events if in windowed mode
wmDelete = XInternAtom ( GLWin . dpy , " WM_DELETE_WINDOW " , True ) ;
XSetWMProtocols ( GLWin . dpy , GLWin . win , & wmDelete , 1 ) ;
XSetStandardProperties ( GLWin . dpy , GLWin . win , " GPU " ,
" GPU " , None , NULL , 0 , NULL ) ;
XMapRaised ( GLWin . dpy , GLWin . win ) ;
2008-08-13 02:17:29 +03:00
# else
//SDL fo other OS (osx, bsd, ...)
2008-08-13 02:51:00 +03:00
int videoFlags = SDL_OPENGL ;
2008-08-13 02:17:29 +03:00
SDL_Surface * screen ;
const SDL_VideoInfo * videoInfo ;
//init sdl video
2008-08-13 02:51:00 +03:00
if ( SDL_Init ( SDL_INIT_VIDEO ) < 0 ) {
//TODO : Display an error message
SDL_Quit ( ) ;
return false ;
2008-08-13 02:17:29 +03:00
//fetch video info
videoInfo = SDL_GetVideoInfo ( ) ;
2008-08-13 02:51:00 +03:00
if ( ! videoInfo ) {
//TODO : Display an error message
SDL_Quit ( ) ;
return false ;
2008-08-13 02:17:29 +03:00
//hw o sw ogl ?
if ( videoInfo - > hw_available )
videoFlags | = SDL_HWSURFACE ;
videoFlags | = SDL_SWSURFACE ;
//fullscreen or not
if ( g_Config . bFullscreen )
videoFlags | = SDL_FULLSCREEN ;
//setup ogl to use double buffering
SDL_GL_SetAttribute ( SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER , 1 ) ;
screen = SDL_SetVideoMode ( _twidth , _theight , 24 , SDL_OPENGL | SDL_RESIZABLE ) ;
2008-08-13 02:51:00 +03:00
if ( ! screen ) {
//TODO : Display an error message
SDL_Quit ( ) ;
return false ;
2008-07-12 20:40:22 +03:00
# endif
return true ;
bool OpenGL_MakeCurrent ( )
2008-08-13 03:00:39 +03:00
# if defined(_WIN32)
2008-07-12 20:40:22 +03:00
if ( ! wglMakeCurrent ( hDC , hRC ) ) {
MessageBox ( NULL , " (5) Can't Activate The GL Rendering Context. " , " ERROR " , MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION ) ;
return false ;
2008-08-13 03:00:39 +03:00
# elif defined(__linux__)
2008-07-12 20:40:22 +03:00
Window winDummy ;
unsigned int borderDummy ;
// connect the glx-context to the window
glXMakeCurrent ( GLWin . dpy , GLWin . win , GLWin . ctx ) ;
XGetGeometry ( GLWin . dpy , GLWin . win , & winDummy , & GLWin . x , & GLWin . y ,
& GLWin . width , & GLWin . height , & borderDummy , & GLWin . depth ) ;
ERROR_LOG ( " GLWin Depth %d " , GLWin . depth ) ;
if ( glXIsDirect ( GLWin . dpy , GLWin . ctx ) )
ERROR_LOG ( " you have Direct Rendering! " ) ;
ERROR_LOG ( " no Direct Rendering possible! " ) ;
// better for pad plugin key input (thc)
XSelectInput ( GLWin . dpy , GLWin . win , ExposureMask | KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask |
ButtonPressMask | StructureNotifyMask | EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask |
FocusChangeMask ) ;
2008-08-13 02:17:29 +03:00
# else
2008-07-12 20:40:22 +03:00
# endif
return true ;
void OpenGL_Update ( )
2008-08-13 03:00:39 +03:00
# if defined(_WIN32)
2008-07-12 20:40:22 +03:00
if ( EmuWindow : : GetParentWnd ( ) )
RECT rcWindow ;
GetWindowRect ( EmuWindow : : GetParentWnd ( ) , & rcWindow ) ;
int width = rcWindow . right - rcWindow . left ;
int height = rcWindow . bottom - rcWindow . top ;
: : MoveWindow ( EmuWindow : : GetWnd ( ) , 0 , 0 , width , height , FALSE ) ;
nBackbufferWidth = width ;
nBackbufferHeight = height ;
u32 TmpAAx = ( width / 640 ) - 1 ;
u32 TmpAAy = ( height / 480 ) - 1 ;
u32 FinalAA = TmpAAx < TmpAAy ? TmpAAx : TmpAAy ;
g_AAx = FinalAA ;
g_AAy = FinalAA ;
s_nTargetWidth = 640 < < g_AAx ;
s_nTargetHeight = 480 < < g_AAy ; */
# endif
void OpenGL_Shutdown ( )
2008-08-13 03:00:39 +03:00
# if defined(_WIN32)
2008-07-12 20:40:22 +03:00
if ( hRC ) // Do We Have A Rendering Context?
if ( ! wglMakeCurrent ( NULL , NULL ) ) // Are We Able To Release The DC And RC Contexts?
MessageBox ( NULL , " Release Of DC And RC Failed. " , " SHUTDOWN ERROR " , MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION ) ;
if ( ! wglDeleteContext ( hRC ) ) // Are We Able To Delete The RC?
MessageBox ( NULL , " Release Rendering Context Failed. " , " SHUTDOWN ERROR " , MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION ) ;
hRC = NULL ; // Set RC To NULL
if ( hDC & & ! ReleaseDC ( EmuWindow : : GetWnd ( ) , hDC ) ) // Are We Able To Release The DC
MessageBox ( NULL , " Release Device Context Failed. " , " SHUTDOWN ERROR " , MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION ) ;
hDC = NULL ; // Set DC To NULL
2008-08-13 03:00:39 +03:00
# elif defined(__linux__)
2008-07-12 20:40:22 +03:00
if ( GLWin . ctx )
if ( ! glXMakeCurrent ( GLWin . dpy , None , NULL ) )
ERROR_LOG ( " Could not release drawing context. \n " ) ;
glXDestroyContext ( GLWin . dpy , GLWin . ctx ) ;
GLWin . ctx = NULL ;
/* switch back to original desktop resolution if we were in fs */
if ( GLWin . dpy ! = NULL ) {
if ( GLWin . fs ) {
XF86VidModeSwitchToMode ( GLWin . dpy , GLWin . screen , & GLWin . deskMode ) ;
XF86VidModeSetViewPort ( GLWin . dpy , GLWin . screen , 0 , 0 ) ;
2008-08-13 02:17:29 +03:00
# else
SDL_Quit ( ) ;
2008-07-12 20:40:22 +03:00
# endif