2011-08-21 00:05:43 +03:00
var wshShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell")
var oFS = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var outfile = "./Src/svnrev.h";
var svncmd = "SubWCRev ../../.. ./Src/svnrev_template.h " + outfile;
var svntestcmd = "SubWCRev ../../..";
var hgcmd = "hg svn info";
2011-08-14 23:17:57 +03:00
var gitcmd = "git.cmd rev-parse HEAD";
2011-08-21 00:05:43 +03:00
2011-08-14 23:17:57 +03:00
var SVN = 1, HG = 2, git = 3;
2011-08-21 00:05:43 +03:00
var file_rev = 0, cur_rev = 0, cur_cms = 0;
function RunCmdGetMatch(cmd, regex)
// run the command
var cmdexec = wshShell.Exec(cmd);
catch (e)
// catch "the system cannot find the file specified" error
return 0;
// ReadLine is synchronous
while (!cmdexec.StdOut.AtEndOfStream)
var reg_exec = regex.exec(cmdexec.StdOut.ReadLine())
if (reg_exec)
return reg_exec[1]; // return first capture group
// failed
return 0;
2011-08-14 23:17:57 +03:00
2011-08-21 00:05:43 +03:00
2011-08-14 23:17:57 +03:00
// read the value of SVN_REV_STR
file_rev = oFS.OpenTextFile(outfile).ReadLine().match(/\d+/);
2011-08-21 00:05:43 +03:00
2011-08-14 23:17:57 +03:00
catch (e)
2011-08-21 00:05:43 +03:00
2011-08-14 23:17:57 +03:00
// file doesn't exist or string not found, (re)create it
2011-08-21 00:05:43 +03:00
// get the "Last commited at revision" from SubWCRev's output
cur_rev = RunCmdGetMatch(svntestcmd, /^Last .*?(\d+)/);
if (cur_rev)
cur_cms = SVN;
2011-08-14 23:17:57 +03:00
// SubWCRev failed, try hg
2011-08-21 00:05:43 +03:00
cur_rev = RunCmdGetMatch(hgcmd, /Revision.*?(\d+)/);
if (cur_rev)
cur_cms = HG;
2011-08-14 23:17:57 +03:00
// hg failed, try git
cur_rev = RunCmdGetMatch(gitcmd, /(.*)/);
if (cur_rev)
cur_cms = git;
WScript.Echo("Trying to get SVN, Hg, and git info all failed");
2011-08-21 00:05:43 +03:00
// check if svnrev.h needs updating
if (cur_rev == file_rev)
WScript.Echo("svnrev.h doesn't need updating (already at " + cur_rev + ")");
else if (cur_cms == SVN)
// update using SubWCRev and template file
var ret = wshShell.run(svncmd, 0, true);
// manually create the file
oFS.CreateTextFile(outfile, true).WriteLine("#define SVN_REV_STR \"" + cur_rev + "\"");
WScript.Echo("svnrev.h updated (" + cur_rev + ")");