2019-11-01 01:09:52 +02:00
// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// This code is licensed under the MIT License.
# include <WeakReference.h>
# include <combaseapi.h>
# include "result.h"
# include "resource.h" // last to ensure _COMBASEAPI_H_ protected definitions are available
2023-02-22 23:12:56 +02:00
# if __has_include(<tuple>)
# include <tuple>
# endif
# if __has_include(<type_traits>)
# include <type_traits>
# endif
2019-11-01 01:09:52 +02:00
// Forward declaration within WIL (see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/br244983.aspx)
/// @cond
namespace Microsoft
namespace WRL
template < typename T >
class ComPtr ;
/// @endcond
namespace wil
/// @cond
namespace details
// We can't directly use wistd::is_convertible as it returns TRUE for an ambiguous conversion.
// Adding is_abstract to the mix, enables us to allow conversion for interfaces, but deny it for
// classes (where the multiple inheritance causes ambiguity).
// NOTE: I've reached out to vcsig on this topic and it turns out that __is_convertible_to should NEVER
// return true for ambiguous conversions. This was a bug in our compiler that has since been fixed.
// Eventually, once that fix propagates we can move to a more efficient __is_convertible_to without
// the added complexity.
template < class TFrom , class TTo >
struct is_com_convertible :
wistd : : bool_constant < __is_convertible_to ( TFrom , TTo ) & & ( __is_abstract ( TFrom ) | | wistd : : is_same < TFrom , TTo > : : value ) >
} ;
2023-02-22 23:12:56 +02:00
using tag_com_query = wistd : : integral_constant < char , 0 > ;
using tag_try_com_query = wistd : : integral_constant < char , 1 > ;
using tag_com_copy = wistd : : integral_constant < char , 2 > ;
using tag_try_com_copy = wistd : : integral_constant < char , 3 > ;
2019-11-01 01:09:52 +02:00
class default_query_policy
public :
template < typename T >
inline static HRESULT query ( _In_ T * ptr , REFIID riid , _COM_Outptr_ void * * result )
return ptr - > QueryInterface ( riid , result ) ;
template < typename T , typename TResult >
inline static HRESULT query ( _In_ T * ptr , _COM_Outptr_ TResult * * result )
return query_dispatch ( ptr , typename details : : is_com_convertible < T * , TResult * > : : type ( ) , result ) ;
private :
template < typename T , typename TResult >
inline static HRESULT query_dispatch ( _In_ T * ptr , wistd : : true_type , _COM_Outptr_ TResult * * result ) // convertible
* result = ptr ;
( * result ) - > AddRef ( ) ;
return S_OK ;
template < typename T , typename TResult >
inline static HRESULT query_dispatch ( _In_ T * ptr , wistd : : false_type , _COM_Outptr_ TResult * * result ) // not convertible
auto hr = ptr - > QueryInterface ( IID_PPV_ARGS ( result ) ) ;
__analysis_assume ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) | | ( * result = = nullptr ) ) ;
return hr ;
} ;
template < typename T >
struct query_policy_helper
2023-02-22 23:12:56 +02:00
using type = default_query_policy ;
2019-11-01 01:09:52 +02:00
} ;
class weak_query_policy
public :
inline static HRESULT query ( _In_ IWeakReference * ptr , REFIID riid , _COM_Outptr_ void * * result )
WI_ASSERT_MSG ( riid ! = __uuidof ( IWeakReference ) , " Cannot resolve a weak reference to IWeakReference " ) ;
* result = nullptr ;
IInspectable * temp ;
2023-02-22 23:12:56 +02:00
HRESULT hr = ptr - > Resolve ( __uuidof ( IInspectable ) , & temp ) ;
2019-11-01 01:09:52 +02:00
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) )
if ( temp = = nullptr )
return E_NOT_SET ;
hr = temp - > QueryInterface ( riid , result ) ;
__analysis_assume ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) | | ( * result = = nullptr ) ) ;
temp - > Release ( ) ;
return hr ;
template < typename TResult >
inline static HRESULT query ( _In_ IWeakReference * ptr , _COM_Outptr_ TResult * * result )
static_assert ( ! wistd : : is_same < IWeakReference , TResult > : : value , " Cannot resolve a weak reference to IWeakReference " ) ;
return query_dispatch ( ptr , wistd : : is_base_of < IInspectable , TResult > ( ) , result ) ;
private :
template < typename TResult >
static HRESULT query_dispatch ( _In_ IWeakReference * ptr , wistd : : true_type , _COM_Outptr_ TResult * * result )
auto hr = ptr - > Resolve ( __uuidof ( TResult ) , reinterpret_cast < IInspectable * * > ( result ) ) ;
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) & & ( * result = = nullptr ) )
hr = E_NOT_SET ;
__analysis_assume ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) | | ( * result = = nullptr ) ) ;
return hr ;
template < typename TResult >
static HRESULT query_dispatch ( _In_ IWeakReference * ptr , wistd : : false_type , _COM_Outptr_ TResult * * result )
return query ( ptr , IID_PPV_ARGS ( result ) ) ;
} ;
template < >
struct query_policy_helper < IWeakReference >
2023-02-22 23:12:56 +02:00
using type = weak_query_policy ;
2019-11-01 01:09:52 +02:00
} ;
class agile_query_policy
public :
inline static HRESULT query ( _In_ IAgileReference * ptr , REFIID riid , _COM_Outptr_ void * * result )
WI_ASSERT_MSG ( riid ! = __uuidof ( IAgileReference ) , " Cannot resolve a agile reference to IAgileReference " ) ;
auto hr = ptr - > Resolve ( riid , result ) ;
__analysis_assume ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) | | ( * result = = nullptr ) ) ; // IAgileReference::Resolve not annotated correctly
return hr ;
template < typename TResult >
static HRESULT query ( _In_ IAgileReference * ptr , _COM_Outptr_ TResult * * result )
static_assert ( ! wistd : : is_same < IAgileReference , TResult > : : value , " Cannot resolve a agile reference to IAgileReference " ) ;
return query ( ptr , __uuidof ( TResult ) , reinterpret_cast < void * * > ( result ) ) ;
} ;
template < >
struct query_policy_helper < IAgileReference >
2023-02-22 23:12:56 +02:00
using type = agile_query_policy ;
2019-11-01 01:09:52 +02:00
} ;
# endif
template < typename T >
using query_policy_t = typename query_policy_helper < typename wistd : : remove_pointer < T > : : type > : : type ;
} // details
/// @endcond
//! Represents the base template type that implements com_ptr, com_weak_ref, and com_agile_ref.
//! See @ref page_comptr for more background. See @ref page_query for more information on querying with WIL.
//! @tparam T Represents the type being held by the com_ptr_t.
//! For com_ptr, this will always be the interface being represented. For com_weak_ref, this will always be
//! IWeakReference. For com_agile_ref, this will always be IAgileReference.
//! @tparam err_policy Represents the error policy for the class (error codes, exceptions, or fail fast; see @ref page_errors)
template < typename T , typename err_policy = err_exception_policy >
class com_ptr_t
private :
2023-02-22 23:12:56 +02:00
using element_type_reference = typename wistd : : add_lvalue_reference < T > : : type ;
using query_policy = details : : query_policy_t < T > ;
2019-11-01 01:09:52 +02:00
public :
//! The function return result (HRESULT or void) for the given err_policy (see @ref page_errors).
2023-02-22 23:12:56 +02:00
using result = typename err_policy : : result ;
2019-11-01 01:09:52 +02:00
//! The template type `T` being held by the com_ptr_t.
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using element_type = T ;
2019-11-01 01:09:52 +02:00
//! A pointer to the template type `T` being held by the com_ptr_t (what `get()` returns).
2023-02-22 23:12:56 +02:00
using pointer = T * ;
2019-11-01 01:09:52 +02:00
//! @name Constructors
//! @{
//! Default constructor (holds nullptr).
com_ptr_t ( ) WI_NOEXCEPT :
m_ptr ( nullptr )
//! Implicit construction from nullptr_t (holds nullptr).
com_ptr_t ( wistd : : nullptr_t ) WI_NOEXCEPT :
com_ptr_t ( )
//! Implicit construction from a compatible raw interface pointer (AddRef's the parameter).
com_ptr_t ( pointer ptr ) WI_NOEXCEPT :
m_ptr ( ptr )
if ( m_ptr )
m_ptr - > AddRef ( ) ;
//! Copy-construction from a like `com_ptr_t` (copies and AddRef's the parameter).
com_ptr_t ( const com_ptr_t & other ) WI_NOEXCEPT :
com_ptr_t ( other . get ( ) )
//! Copy-construction from a convertible `com_ptr_t` (copies and AddRef's the parameter).
template < class U , typename err , class = wistd : : enable_if_t < __is_convertible_to ( U * , pointer ) > >
com_ptr_t ( const com_ptr_t < U , err > & other ) WI_NOEXCEPT :
com_ptr_t ( static_cast < pointer > ( other . get ( ) ) )
//! Move construction from a like `com_ptr_t` (avoids AddRef/Release by moving from the parameter).
com_ptr_t ( com_ptr_t & & other ) WI_NOEXCEPT :
m_ptr ( other . detach ( ) )
//! Move construction from a compatible `com_ptr_t` (avoids AddRef/Release by moving from the parameter).
template < class U , typename err , class = wistd : : enable_if_t < __is_convertible_to ( U * , pointer ) > >
com_ptr_t ( com_ptr_t < U , err > & & other ) WI_NOEXCEPT :
m_ptr ( other . detach ( ) )
//! @}
//! Destructor (releases the pointer).
~ com_ptr_t ( ) WI_NOEXCEPT
if ( m_ptr )
m_ptr - > Release ( ) ;
//! @name Assignment operators
//! @{
//! Assign to nullptr (releases the current pointer, holds nullptr).
com_ptr_t & operator = ( wistd : : nullptr_t ) WI_NOEXCEPT
reset ( ) ;
return * this ;
//! Assign a compatible raw interface pointer (releases current pointer, copies and AddRef's the parameter).
com_ptr_t & operator = ( pointer other ) WI_NOEXCEPT
auto ptr = m_ptr ;
m_ptr = other ;
if ( m_ptr )
m_ptr - > AddRef ( ) ;
if ( ptr )
ptr - > Release ( ) ;
return * this ;
//! Assign a like `com_ptr_t` (releases current pointer, copies and AddRef's the parameter).
com_ptr_t & operator = ( const com_ptr_t & other ) WI_NOEXCEPT
return operator = ( other . get ( ) ) ;
//! Assign a convertible `com_ptr_t` (releases current pointer, copies and AddRef's the parameter).
template < class U , typename err , class = wistd : : enable_if_t < __is_convertible_to ( U * , pointer ) > >
com_ptr_t & operator = ( const com_ptr_t < U , err > & other ) WI_NOEXCEPT
return operator = ( static_cast < pointer > ( other . get ( ) ) ) ;
//! Move assign from a like `com_ptr_t` (releases current pointer, avoids AddRef/Release by moving the parameter).
com_ptr_t & operator = ( com_ptr_t & & other ) WI_NOEXCEPT
attach ( other . detach ( ) ) ;
return * this ;
//! Move assignment from a compatible `com_ptr_t` (releases current pointer, avoids AddRef/Release by moving from the parameter).
template < class U , typename err , class = wistd : : enable_if_t < __is_convertible_to ( U * , pointer ) > >
com_ptr_t & operator = ( com_ptr_t < U , err > & & other ) WI_NOEXCEPT
attach ( other . detach ( ) ) ;
return * this ;
//! @}
//! @name Modifiers
//! @{
//! Swap pointers with an another named com_ptr_t object.
template < typename err >
void swap ( com_ptr_t < T , err > & other ) WI_NOEXCEPT
auto ptr = m_ptr ;
m_ptr = other . m_ptr ;
other . m_ptr = ptr ;
//! Swap pointers with a rvalue reference to another com_ptr_t object.
template < typename err >
void swap ( com_ptr_t < T , err > & & other ) WI_NOEXCEPT
swap ( other ) ;
//! Releases the pointer and sets it to nullptr.
void reset ( ) WI_NOEXCEPT
auto ptr = m_ptr ;
m_ptr = nullptr ;
if ( ptr )
ptr - > Release ( ) ;
//! Releases the pointer and sets it to nullptr.
void reset ( wistd : : nullptr_t ) WI_NOEXCEPT
reset ( ) ;
//! Takes ownership of a compatible raw interface pointer (releases pointer, copies but DOES NOT AddRef the parameter).
void attach ( pointer other ) WI_NOEXCEPT
auto ptr = m_ptr ;
m_ptr = other ;
if ( ptr )
2023-02-22 23:12:56 +02:00
ULONG ref = ptr - > Release ( ) ;
2019-11-01 01:09:52 +02:00
WI_ASSERT_MSG ( ( ( other ! = ptr ) | | ( ref > 0 ) ) , " Bug: Attaching the same already assigned, destructed pointer " ) ;
//! Relinquishes ownership and returns the internal interface pointer (DOES NOT release the detached pointer, sets class pointer to null).
WI_NODISCARD pointer detach ( ) WI_NOEXCEPT
auto temp = m_ptr ;
m_ptr = nullptr ;
return temp ;
//! Returns the address of the internal pointer (releases ownership of the pointer BEFORE returning the address).
//! The pointer is explicitly released to prevent accidental leaks of the pointer. Coding standards generally indicate that
//! there is little valid `_Inout_` use of `IInterface**`, making this safe to do under typical use.
//! @see addressof
//! ~~~~
//! STDAPI GetMuffin(IMuffin **muffin);
//! wil::com_ptr<IMuffin> myMuffin;
//! THROW_IF_FAILED(GetMuffin(myMuffin.put()));
//! ~~~~
pointer * put ( ) WI_NOEXCEPT
reset ( ) ;
return & m_ptr ;
//! Returns the address of the internal pointer casted to void** (releases ownership of the pointer BEFORE returning the address).
//! @see put
void * * put_void ( ) WI_NOEXCEPT
return reinterpret_cast < void * * > ( put ( ) ) ;
//! Returns the address of the internal pointer casted to IUnknown** (releases ownership of the pointer BEFORE returning the address).
//! @see put
2023-02-22 23:12:56 +02:00
: : IUnknown * * put_unknown ( ) WI_NOEXCEPT
2019-11-01 01:09:52 +02:00
2023-02-22 23:12:56 +02:00
return reinterpret_cast < : : IUnknown * * > ( put ( ) ) ;
2019-11-01 01:09:52 +02:00
//! Returns the address of the internal pointer (releases ownership of the pointer BEFORE returning the address).
//! The pointer is explicitly released to prevent accidental leaks of the pointer. Coding standards generally indicate that
//! there is little valid `_Inout_` use of `IInterface**`, making this safe to do under typical use. Since this behavior is not always immediately
//! apparent, prefer to scope variables as close to use as possible (generally avoiding use of the same com_ptr variable in successive calls to
//! receive an output interface).
//! @see addressof
pointer * operator & ( ) WI_NOEXCEPT
return put ( ) ;
//! Returns the address of the internal pointer (does not release the pointer; should not be used for `_Out_` parameters)
pointer * addressof ( ) WI_NOEXCEPT
return & m_ptr ;
//! @}
//! @name Inspection
//! @{
//! Returns the address of the const internal pointer (does not release the pointer)
const pointer * addressof ( ) const WI_NOEXCEPT
return & m_ptr ;
//! Returns 'true' if the pointer is assigned (NOT nullptr)
explicit operator bool ( ) const WI_NOEXCEPT
return ( m_ptr ! = nullptr ) ;
//! Returns the pointer
pointer get ( ) const WI_NOEXCEPT
return m_ptr ;
//! Allows direct calls against the pointer (AV on internal nullptr)
pointer operator - > ( ) const WI_NOEXCEPT
return m_ptr ;
//! Dereferences the pointer (AV on internal nullptr)
element_type_reference operator * ( ) const WI_NOEXCEPT
return * m_ptr ;
//! @}
//! @name Query helpers
//! * Retrieves the requested interface
//! * AV if the pointer is null
//! * Produce an error if the requested interface is unsupported
//! See @ref page_query for more information
//! @{
//! Query and return a smart pointer matching the interface specified by 'U': `auto foo = m_ptr.query<IFoo>();`.
//! See @ref page_query for more information.
//! This method is the primary method that should be used to query a com_ptr in exception-based or fail-fast based code.
//! Error-code returning code should use @ref query_to so that the returned HRESULT can be examined. In the following
//! examples, `m_ptr` is an exception-based or fail-fast based com_ptr, com_weak_ref, or com_agile_ref:
//! ~~~~
//! auto foo = ptr.query<IFoo>();
//! foo->Method1();
//! foo->Method2();
//! ~~~~
//! For simple single-method calls, this method allows removing the temporary that holds the com_ptr:
//! ~~~~
//! ptr.query<IFoo>()->Method1();
//! ~~~~
//! @tparam U Represents the interface being queried
//! @return A `com_ptr_t` pointer to the given interface `U`. The pointer is guaranteed not null. The returned
//! `com_ptr_t` type will be @ref com_ptr or @ref com_ptr_failfast (matching the error handling form of the
//! pointer being queried (exception based or fail-fast).
template < class U >
inline com_ptr_t < U , err_policy > query ( ) const
static_assert ( wistd : : is_same < void , result > : : value , " query requires exceptions or fail fast; use try_query or query_to " ) ;
return com_ptr_t < U , err_policy > ( m_ptr , details : : tag_com_query ( ) ) ;
//! Query for the interface of the given out parameter `U`: `ptr.query_to(&foo);`.
//! See @ref page_query for more information.
//! For fail-fast and exception-based behavior this routine should primarily be used to write to out parameters and @ref query should
//! be used to perform most queries. For error-code based code, this routine is the primary method that should be used to query a com_ptr.
//! Error-code based samples:
//! ~~~~
//! // class member being queried:
//! wil::com_ptr_nothrow<IUnknown> m_ptr;
//! // simple query example:
//! wil::com_ptr_nothrow<IFoo> foo;
//! RETURN_IF_FAILED(m_ptr.query_to(&foo));
//! foo->FooMethod1();
//! // output parameter example:
//! HRESULT GetFoo(_COM_Outptr_ IFoo** fooPtr)
//! {
//! RETURN_IF_FAILED(m_ptr.query_to(fooPtr));
//! return S_OK;
//! }
//! ~~~~
//! Exception or fail-fast samples:
//! ~~~~
//! // class member being queried
//! wil::com_ptr<IUnknown> m_ptr;
//! void GetFoo(_COM_Outptr_ IFoo** fooPtr)
//! {
//! m_ptr.query_to(fooPtr);
//! }
//! ~~~~
//! @tparam U Represents the interface being queried (type of the output parameter). This interface does not need to
//! be specified directly. Rely upon template type deduction to pick up the type from the output parameter.
//! @param ptrResult The output pointer that will receive the newly queried interface. This pointer will be assigned null on failure.
//! @return For the nothrow (error code-based) classes (@ref com_ptr_nothrow, @ref com_weak_ref_nothrow, @ref com_agile_ref_nothrow) this
//! method returns an `HRESULT` indicating whether the query was successful. Exception-based and fail-fast based classes
//! do not return a value (void).
template < class U >
result query_to ( _COM_Outptr_ U * * ptrResult ) const
// Prefast cannot see through the error policy + query_policy mapping and as a result fires 6388 and 28196 for this function.
// Suppression is also not working. Wrapping this entire function in #pragma warning(disable: 6388 28196) does not stop all of the prefast errors
// from being emitted.
# if defined(_PREFAST_)
* ptrResult = nullptr ;
return err_policy : : HResult ( E_NOINTERFACE ) ;
# else
return err_policy : : HResult ( query_policy : : query ( m_ptr , ptrResult ) ) ;
# endif
//! Query for the requested interface using the iid, ppv pattern: `ptr.query_to(riid, ptr);`.
//! See @ref page_query for more information.
//! This method is built to implement an API boundary that exposes a returned pointer to a caller through the REFIID and void** pointer
//! pattern (like QueryInterface). This pattern should not be used outside of that pattern (through IID_PPV_ARGS) as it is less efficient
//! than the typed version of @ref query_to which can elide the QueryInterface in favor of AddRef when the types are convertible.
//! ~~~~
//! // class member being queried:
//! wil::com_ptr_nothrow<IUnknown> m_ptr;
//! // output parameter example:
//! HRESULT GetFoo(REFIID riid, _COM_Outptr_ void** ptrResult)
//! {
//! RETURN_IF_FAILED(m_ptr.query_to(riid, ptrResult));
//! return S_OK;
//! }
//! ~~~~
//! @param riid The interface to query for.
//! @param ptrResult The output pointer that will receive the newly queried interface. This pointer will be assigned null on failure.
//! @return For the nothrow (error code-based) classes (@ref com_ptr_nothrow, @ref com_weak_ref_nothrow, @ref com_agile_ref_nothrow) this
//! method returns an `HRESULT` indicating whether the query was successful. Exception-based and fail-fast based classes
//! do not return a value (void).
result query_to ( REFIID riid , _COM_Outptr_ void * * ptrResult ) const
// Prefast cannot see through the error policy + query_policy mapping and as a result and as a result fires 6388 and 28196 for this function.
// Suppression is also not working. Wrapping this entire function in #pragma warning(disable: 6388 28196) does not stop the prefast errors
// from being emitted.
# if defined(_PREFAST_)
* ptrResult = nullptr ;
return err_policy : : HResult ( E_NOINTERFACE ) ;
# else
return err_policy : : HResult ( query_policy : : query ( m_ptr , riid , ptrResult ) ) ;
# endif
//! @}
//! @name Try query helpers
//! * Attempts to retrieves the requested interface
//! * AV if the pointer is null
//! * Produce null if the requested interface is unsupported
//! * bool returns 'true' when query was successful
//! See @ref page_query for more information.
//! @{
//! Attempt a query and return a smart pointer matching the interface specified by 'U': `auto foo = m_ptr.try_query<IFoo>();` (null result when interface is unsupported).
//! See @ref page_query for more information.
//! This method can be used to query a com_ptr for an interface when it's known that support for that interface is
//! optional (failing the query should not produce an error). The caller must examine the returned pointer to see
//! if it's null before using it:
//! ~~~~
//! auto foo = ptr.try_query<IFoo>();
//! if (foo)
//! {
//! foo->Method1();
//! foo->Method2();
//! }
//! ~~~~
//! @tparam U Represents the interface being queried
//! @return A `com_ptr_t` pointer to the given interface `U`. The returned pointer will be null if the interface is
//! not supported. The returned `com_ptr_t` will have the same error handling policy (exceptions, failfast or error codes) as
//! the pointer being queried.
template < class U >
inline com_ptr_t < U , err_policy > try_query ( ) const
return com_ptr_t < U , err_policy > ( m_ptr , details : : tag_try_com_query ( ) ) ;
//! Attempts to query for the interface matching the given output parameter; returns a bool indicating if the query was successful (non-null).
//! See @ref page_query for more information.
//! This method can be used to perform a query against a non-null interface when it's known that support for that interface is
//! optional (failing the query should not produce an error). The caller must examine the returned bool before using the returned pointer.
//! ~~~~
//! wil::com_ptr_nothrow<IFoo> foo;
//! if (ptr.try_query_to(&foo))
//! {
//! foo->Method1();
//! foo->Method2();
//! }
//! ~~~~
//! @param ptrResult The pointer to query for. The interface to query is deduced from the type of this out parameter; do not specify
//! the type directly to the template.
//! @return A `bool` indicating `true` of the query was successful (the returned parameter is non-null).
template < class U >
_Success_return_ bool try_query_to ( _COM_Outptr_ U * * ptrResult ) const
return SUCCEEDED ( query_policy : : query ( m_ptr , ptrResult ) ) ;
//! Attempts a query for the requested interface using the iid, ppv pattern: `ptr.try_query_to(riid, ptr);`.
//! See @ref page_query for more information.
//! This method is built to implement an API boundary that exposes a returned pointer to a caller through the REFIID and void** pointer
//! pattern (like QueryInterface). The key distinction is that this routine does not produce an error if the request isn't fulfilled, so
//! it's appropriate for `_COM_Outptr_result_maybenull_` cases. This pattern should not be used outside of that pattern (through IID_PPV_ARGS) as
//! it is less efficient than the typed version of @ref try_query_to which can elide the QueryInterface in favor of AddRef when the types are convertible.
//! The caller must examine the returned bool before using the returned pointer.
//! ~~~~
//! // class member being queried:
//! wil::com_ptr_nothrow<IUnknown> m_ptr;
//! // output parameter example (result may be null):
//! HRESULT GetFoo(REFIID riid, _COM_Outptr_result_maybenull_ void** ptrResult)
//! {
//! m_ptr.try_query_to(riid, ptrResult);
//! return S_OK;
//! }
//! ~~~~
//! @param riid The interface to query for.
//! @param ptrResult The output pointer that will receive the newly queried interface. This pointer will be assigned null on failure.
//! @return A `bool` indicating `true` of the query was successful (the returned parameter is non-null).
_Success_return_ bool try_query_to ( REFIID riid , _COM_Outptr_ void * * ptrResult ) const
return SUCCEEDED ( query_policy : : query ( m_ptr , riid , ptrResult ) ) ;
//! @}
//! @name Copy helpers
//! * Retrieves the requested interface
//! * Succeeds with null if the pointer is null
//! * Produce an error if the requested interface is unsupported
//! See @ref page_query for more information.
//! @{
//! Query and return a smart pointer matching the interface specified by 'U': `auto foo = m_ptr.copy<IFoo>();` (succeeds and returns a null ptr if the queried pointer is null).
//! See @ref page_query for more information.
//! This method is identical to @ref query with the exception that it can be used when the pointer is null. When used
//! against a null pointer, the returned pointer will always be null and an error will not be produced. Like query it will
//! produce an error for a non-null pointer that does not support the requested interface.
//! @tparam U Represents the interface being queried
//! @return A `com_ptr_t` pointer to the given interface `U`. The pointer will be null ONLY if the pointer being queried is null. The returned
//! `com_ptr_t` type will be @ref com_ptr or @ref com_ptr_failfast (matching the error handling form of the
//! pointer being queried (exception based or fail-fast).
template < class U >
inline com_ptr_t < U , err_policy > copy ( ) const
static_assert ( wistd : : is_same < void , result > : : value , " copy requires exceptions or fail fast; use the try_copy or copy_to method " ) ;
return com_ptr_t < U , err_policy > ( m_ptr , details : : tag_com_copy ( ) ) ;
//! Query for the interface of the given out parameter `U`: `ptr.copy_to(&foo);` (succeeds and returns null ptr if the queried pointer is null).
//! See @ref page_query for more information.
//! This method is identical to @ref query_to with the exception that it can be used when the pointer is null. When used
//! against a null pointer, the returned pointer will always be null and an error will not be produced. Like query_to it will
//! produce an error for a non-null pointer that does not support the requested interface.
//! @tparam U Represents the interface being queried (type of the output parameter). This interface does not need to
//! be specified directly. Rely upon template type deduction to pick up the type from the output parameter.
//! @param ptrResult The output pointer that will receive the newly queried interface. This pointer will be assigned null on failure OR assigned null
//! when the source pointer is null.
//! @return For the nothrow (error code-based) classes (@ref com_ptr_nothrow, @ref com_weak_ref_nothrow, @ref com_agile_ref_nothrow) this
//! method returns an `HRESULT` indicating whether the query was successful. Copying a null value is considered success. Exception-based
//! and fail-fast based classes do not return a value (void).
template < class U >
result copy_to ( _COM_Outptr_result_maybenull_ U * * ptrResult ) const
if ( m_ptr )
// Prefast cannot see through the error policy + query_policy mapping and as a result and as a result fires 6388 and 28196 for this function.
// Suppression is also not working. Wrapping this entire function in #pragma warning(disable: 6388 28196) does not stop the prefast errors
// from being emitted.
# if defined(_PREFAST_)
* ptrResult = nullptr ;
return err_policy : : HResult ( E_NOINTERFACE ) ;
# else
return err_policy : : HResult ( query_policy : : query ( m_ptr , ptrResult ) ) ;
# endif
* ptrResult = nullptr ;
return err_policy : : OK ( ) ;
//! Query for the requested interface using the iid, ppv pattern: `ptr.copy_to(riid, ptr);`. (succeeds and returns null ptr if the queried pointer is null).
//! See @ref page_query for more information.
//! Identical to the corresponding @ref query_to method with the exception that it can be used when the pointer is null. When used
//! against a null pointer, the returned pointer will always be null and an error will not be produced. Like query_to it will
//! produce an error for a non-null pointer that does not support the requested interface.
//! @param riid The interface to query for.
//! @param ptrResult The output pointer that will receive the newly queried interface. This pointer will be assigned null on failure OR assigned null
//! when the source pointer is null.
//! @return For the nothrow (error code-based) classes (@ref com_ptr_nothrow, @ref com_weak_ref_nothrow, @ref com_agile_ref_nothrow) this
//! method returns an `HRESULT` indicating whether the query was successful. Copying a null value is considered success. Exception-based
//! and fail-fast based classes do not return a value (void).
result copy_to ( REFIID riid , _COM_Outptr_result_maybenull_ void * * ptrResult ) const
if ( m_ptr )
// Prefast cannot see through the error policy + query_policy mapping and as a result and as a result fires 6388 and 28196 for this function.
// Suppression is also not working. Wrapping this entire function in #pragma warning(disable: 6388 28196) does not stop the prefast errors
// from being emitted.
# if defined(_PREFAST_)
* ptrResult = nullptr ;
return err_policy : : HResult ( E_NOINTERFACE ) ;
# else
return err_policy : : HResult ( query_policy : : query ( m_ptr , riid , ptrResult ) ) ;
# endif
* ptrResult = nullptr ;
return err_policy : : OK ( ) ;
//! @}
//! @name Try copy helpers
//! * Attempts to retrieves the requested interface
//! * Successfully produces null if the queried pointer is already null
//! * Produce null if the requested interface is unsupported
//! * bool returns 'false' ONLY when the queried pointer is not null and the requested interface is unsupported
//! See @ref page_query for more information.
//! @{
//! Attempt a query and return a smart pointer matching the interface specified by 'U': `auto foo = m_ptr.try_query<IFoo>();` (null result when interface is unsupported or queried pointer is null).
//! See @ref page_query for more information.
//! Identical to the corresponding @ref try_query method with the exception that it can be used when the pointer is null. When used
//! against a null pointer, the returned pointer will always be null and an error will not be produced.
//! @tparam U Represents the interface being queried
//! @return A `com_ptr_t` pointer to the given interface `U`. The returned pointer will be null if the interface was
//! not supported or the pointer being queried is null. The returned `com_ptr_t` will have the same error handling
//! policy (exceptions, failfast or error codes) as the pointer being queried.
template < class U >
inline com_ptr_t < U , err_policy > try_copy ( ) const
return com_ptr_t < U , err_policy > ( m_ptr , details : : tag_try_com_copy ( ) ) ;
//! Attempts to query for the interface matching the given output parameter; returns a bool indicating if the query was successful (returns `false` if the pointer is null).
//! See @ref page_query for more information.
//! Identical to the corresponding @ref try_query_to method with the exception that it can be used when the pointer is null. When used
//! against a null pointer, the returned pointer will be null and the return value will be `false`.
//! @param ptrResult The pointer to query for. The interface to query is deduced from the type of this out parameter; do not specify
//! the type directly to the template.
//! @return A `bool` indicating `true` of the query was successful (the returned parameter is non-null).
template < class U >
_Success_return_ bool try_copy_to ( _COM_Outptr_result_maybenull_ U * * ptrResult ) const
if ( m_ptr )
return SUCCEEDED ( query_policy : : query ( m_ptr , ptrResult ) ) ;
* ptrResult = nullptr ;
return false ;
//! Attempts a query for the requested interface using the iid, ppv pattern: `ptr.try_query_to(riid, ptr);` (returns `false` if the pointer is null)
//! See @ref page_query for more information.
//! Identical to the corresponding @ref try_query_to method with the exception that it can be used when the pointer is null. When used
//! against a null pointer, the returned pointer will be null and the return value will be `false`.
//! @param riid The interface to query for.
//! @param ptrResult The output pointer that will receive the newly queried interface. This pointer will be assigned null on failure or
//! if the source pointer being queried is null.
//! @return A `bool` indicating `true` of the query was successful (the returned parameter is non-null). Querying a null
//! pointer will return `false` with a null result.
_Success_return_ bool try_copy_to ( REFIID riid , _COM_Outptr_result_maybenull_ void * * ptrResult ) const
if ( m_ptr )
return SUCCEEDED ( query_policy : : query ( m_ptr , riid , ptrResult ) ) ;
* ptrResult = nullptr ;
return false ;
//! @}
//! @name WRL compatibility
//! @{
//! Copy construct from a compatible WRL ComPtr<T>.
template < class U , class = wistd : : enable_if_t < __is_convertible_to ( U * , pointer ) > >
com_ptr_t ( const Microsoft : : WRL : : ComPtr < U > & other ) WI_NOEXCEPT :
com_ptr_t ( static_cast < pointer > ( other . Get ( ) ) )
//! Move construct from a compatible WRL ComPtr<T>.
template < class U , class = wistd : : enable_if_t < __is_convertible_to ( U * , pointer ) > >
com_ptr_t ( Microsoft : : WRL : : ComPtr < U > & & other ) WI_NOEXCEPT :
m_ptr ( other . Detach ( ) )
//! Assign from a compatible WRL ComPtr<T>.
template < class U , class = wistd : : enable_if_t < __is_convertible_to ( U * , pointer ) > >
com_ptr_t & operator = ( const Microsoft : : WRL : : ComPtr < U > & other ) WI_NOEXCEPT
return operator = ( static_cast < pointer > ( other . Get ( ) ) ) ;
//! Move assign from a compatible WRL ComPtr<T>.
template < class U , class = wistd : : enable_if_t < __is_convertible_to ( U * , pointer ) > >
com_ptr_t & operator = ( Microsoft : : WRL : : ComPtr < U > & & other ) WI_NOEXCEPT
attach ( other . Detach ( ) ) ;
return * this ;
//! Swap pointers with a WRL ComPtr<T> to the same interface.
void swap ( Microsoft : : WRL : : ComPtr < T > & other ) WI_NOEXCEPT
auto ptr = m_ptr ;
m_ptr = other . Detach ( ) ;
other . Attach ( ptr ) ;
//! Swap pointers with a rvalue reference to a WRL ComPtr<T> to the same interface.
void swap ( Microsoft : : WRL : : ComPtr < T > & & other ) WI_NOEXCEPT
swap ( other ) ;
//! @} // WRL compatibility
public :
// Internal Helpers
/// @cond
template < class U >
2023-02-22 23:12:56 +02:00
inline com_ptr_t ( _In_ U * ptr , details : : tag_com_query ) : m_ptr ( nullptr )
2019-11-01 01:09:52 +02:00
err_policy : : HResult ( details : : query_policy_t < U > : : query ( ptr , & m_ptr ) ) ;
template < class U >
inline com_ptr_t ( _In_ U * ptr , details : : tag_try_com_query ) WI_NOEXCEPT : m_ptr ( nullptr )
details : : query_policy_t < U > : : query ( ptr , & m_ptr ) ;
template < class U >
2023-02-22 23:12:56 +02:00
inline com_ptr_t ( _In_opt_ U * ptr , details : : tag_com_copy ) : m_ptr ( nullptr )
2019-11-01 01:09:52 +02:00
if ( ptr )
err_policy : : HResult ( details : : query_policy_t < U > : : query ( ptr , & m_ptr ) ) ;
template < class U >
inline com_ptr_t ( _In_opt_ U * ptr , details : : tag_try_com_copy ) WI_NOEXCEPT : m_ptr ( nullptr )
if ( ptr )
details : : query_policy_t < U > : : query ( ptr , & m_ptr ) ;
/// @endcond
private :
pointer m_ptr ;
} ;
// Error-policy driven forms of com_ptr
//! COM pointer, errors throw exceptions (see @ref com_ptr_t for details)
template < typename T >
using com_ptr = com_ptr_t < T , err_exception_policy > ;
# endif
//! COM pointer, errors return error codes (see @ref com_ptr_t for details)
template < typename T >
using com_ptr_nothrow = com_ptr_t < T , err_returncode_policy > ;
//! COM pointer, errors fail-fast (see @ref com_ptr_t for details)
template < typename T >
using com_ptr_failfast = com_ptr_t < T , err_failfast_policy > ;
// Global operators / swap
//! Swaps the given com pointers that have different error handling.
//! Note that there are also corresponding versions to allow you to swap any wil com_ptr<T> with a WRL ComPtr<T>.
template < typename T , typename ErrLeft , typename ErrRight >
inline void swap ( com_ptr_t < T , ErrLeft > & left , com_ptr_t < T , ErrRight > & right ) WI_NOEXCEPT
left . swap ( right ) ;
//! Swaps the given com pointers that have the same error handling.
template < typename T , typename Err >
inline void swap ( com_ptr_t < T , Err > & left , com_ptr_t < T , Err > & right ) WI_NOEXCEPT
left . swap ( right ) ;
//! Compare two com pointers.
//! Compares the two raw com pointers for equivalence. Does NOT compare object identity with a QI for IUnknown.
//! Note that documentation for all of the various comparators has not been generated to reduce global function
//! clutter, but ALL standard comparison operators are supported between wil com_ptr<T> objects, nullptr_t, and
//! WRL ComPtr<T>.
template < typename TLeft , typename ErrLeft , typename TRight , typename ErrRight >
inline bool operator = = ( const com_ptr_t < TLeft , ErrLeft > & left , const com_ptr_t < TRight , ErrRight > & right ) WI_NOEXCEPT
static_assert ( __is_convertible_to ( TLeft * , TRight * ) | | __is_convertible_to ( TRight * , TLeft * ) , " comparison operator requires left and right pointers to be compatible " ) ;
return ( left . get ( ) = = right . get ( ) ) ;
// We don't document all of the global comparison operators (reduce clutter)
/// @cond
template < typename TLeft , typename ErrLeft , typename TRight , typename ErrRight >
inline bool operator < ( const com_ptr_t < TLeft , ErrLeft > & left , const com_ptr_t < TRight , ErrRight > & right ) WI_NOEXCEPT
static_assert ( __is_convertible_to ( TLeft * , TRight * ) | | __is_convertible_to ( TRight * , TLeft * ) , " comparison operator requires left and right pointers to be compatible " ) ;
return ( left . get ( ) < right . get ( ) ) ;
template < typename TLeft , typename ErrLeft >
inline bool operator = = ( const com_ptr_t < TLeft , ErrLeft > & left , wistd : : nullptr_t ) WI_NOEXCEPT
return ( left . get ( ) = = nullptr ) ;
template < typename TLeft , typename ErrLeft , typename TRight , typename ErrRight >
inline bool operator ! = ( const com_ptr_t < TLeft , ErrLeft > & left , const com_ptr_t < TRight , ErrRight > & right ) WI_NOEXCEPT
{ return ( ! ( left = = right ) ) ; }
template < typename TLeft , typename ErrLeft , typename TRight , typename ErrRight >
inline bool operator > = ( const com_ptr_t < TLeft , ErrLeft > & left , const com_ptr_t < TRight , ErrRight > & right ) WI_NOEXCEPT
{ return ( ! ( left < right ) ) ; }
template < typename TLeft , typename ErrLeft , typename TRight , typename ErrRight >
inline bool operator > ( const com_ptr_t < TLeft , ErrLeft > & left , const com_ptr_t < TRight , ErrRight > & right ) WI_NOEXCEPT
{ return ( right < left ) ; }
template < typename TLeft , typename ErrLeft , typename TRight , typename ErrRight >
inline bool operator < = ( const com_ptr_t < TLeft , ErrLeft > & left , const com_ptr_t < TRight , ErrRight > & right ) WI_NOEXCEPT
{ return ( ! ( right < left ) ) ; }
template < typename TRight , typename ErrRight >
inline bool operator = = ( wistd : : nullptr_t , const com_ptr_t < TRight , ErrRight > & right ) WI_NOEXCEPT
return ( right . get ( ) = = nullptr ) ;
template < typename TLeft , typename ErrLeft >
inline bool operator ! = ( const com_ptr_t < TLeft , ErrLeft > & left , wistd : : nullptr_t ) WI_NOEXCEPT
{ return ( ! ( left = = nullptr ) ) ; }
template < typename TRight , typename ErrRight >
inline bool operator ! = ( wistd : : nullptr_t , const com_ptr_t < TRight , ErrRight > & right ) WI_NOEXCEPT
{ return ( ! ( right = = nullptr ) ) ; }
// WRL ComPtr support
template < typename T , typename ErrLeft >
inline void swap ( com_ptr_t < T , ErrLeft > & left , Microsoft : : WRL : : ComPtr < T > & right ) WI_NOEXCEPT
left . swap ( right ) ;
template < typename TLeft , typename ErrLeft , typename TRight >
inline bool operator = = ( const com_ptr_t < TLeft , ErrLeft > & left , const Microsoft : : WRL : : ComPtr < TRight > & right ) WI_NOEXCEPT
static_assert ( __is_convertible_to ( TLeft * , TRight * ) | | __is_convertible_to ( TRight * , TLeft * ) , " comparison operator requires left and right pointers to be compatible " ) ;
return ( left . get ( ) = = right . Get ( ) ) ;
template < typename TLeft , typename ErrLeft , typename TRight >
inline bool operator < ( const com_ptr_t < TLeft , ErrLeft > & left , const Microsoft : : WRL : : ComPtr < TRight > & right ) WI_NOEXCEPT
static_assert ( __is_convertible_to ( TLeft * , TRight * ) | | __is_convertible_to ( TRight * , TLeft * ) , " comparison operator requires left and right pointers to be compatible " ) ;
return ( left . get ( ) < right . Get ( ) ) ;
template < typename TLeft , typename ErrLeft , typename TRight >
inline bool operator ! = ( const com_ptr_t < TLeft , ErrLeft > & left , const Microsoft : : WRL : : ComPtr < TRight > & right ) WI_NOEXCEPT
{ return ( ! ( left = = right ) ) ; }
template < typename TLeft , typename ErrLeft , typename TRight >
inline bool operator > = ( const com_ptr_t < TLeft , ErrLeft > & left , const Microsoft : : WRL : : ComPtr < TRight > & right ) WI_NOEXCEPT
{ return ( ! ( left < right ) ) ; }
template < typename TLeft , typename ErrLeft , typename TRight >
inline bool operator > ( const com_ptr_t < TLeft , ErrLeft > & left , const Microsoft : : WRL : : ComPtr < TRight > & right ) WI_NOEXCEPT
{ return ( right < left ) ; }
template < typename TLeft , typename ErrLeft , typename TRight >
inline bool operator < = ( const com_ptr_t < TLeft , ErrLeft > & left , const Microsoft : : WRL : : ComPtr < TRight > & right ) WI_NOEXCEPT
{ return ( ! ( right < left ) ) ; }
template < typename T , typename ErrRight >
inline void swap ( Microsoft : : WRL : : ComPtr < T > & left , com_ptr_t < T , ErrRight > & right ) WI_NOEXCEPT
right . swap ( left ) ;
template < typename TLeft , typename TRight , typename ErrRight >
inline bool operator = = ( const Microsoft : : WRL : : ComPtr < TLeft > & left , const com_ptr_t < TRight , ErrRight > & right ) WI_NOEXCEPT
static_assert ( __is_convertible_to ( TLeft * , TRight * ) | | __is_convertible_to ( TRight * , TLeft * ) , " comparison operator requires left and right pointers to be compatible " ) ;
return ( left . Get ( ) = = right . get ( ) ) ;
template < typename TLeft , typename TRight , typename ErrRight >
inline bool operator < ( const Microsoft : : WRL : : ComPtr < TLeft > & left , const com_ptr_t < TRight , ErrRight > & right ) WI_NOEXCEPT
static_assert ( __is_convertible_to ( TLeft * , TRight * ) | | __is_convertible_to ( TRight * , TLeft * ) , " comparison operator requires left and right pointers to be compatible " ) ;
return ( left . Get ( ) < right . get ( ) ) ;
template < typename TLeft , typename TRight , typename ErrRight >
inline bool operator ! = ( const Microsoft : : WRL : : ComPtr < TLeft > & left , const com_ptr_t < TRight , ErrRight > & right ) WI_NOEXCEPT
{ return ( ! ( left = = right ) ) ; }
template < typename TLeft , typename TRight , typename ErrRight >
inline bool operator > = ( const Microsoft : : WRL : : ComPtr < TLeft > & left , const com_ptr_t < TRight , ErrRight > & right ) WI_NOEXCEPT
{ return ( ! ( left < right ) ) ; }
template < typename TLeft , typename TRight , typename ErrRight >
inline bool operator > ( const Microsoft : : WRL : : ComPtr < TLeft > & left , const com_ptr_t < TRight , ErrRight > & right ) WI_NOEXCEPT
{ return ( right < left ) ; }
template < typename TLeft , typename TRight , typename ErrRight >
inline bool operator < = ( const Microsoft : : WRL : : ComPtr < TLeft > & left , const com_ptr_t < TRight , ErrRight > & right ) WI_NOEXCEPT
{ return ( ! ( right < left ) ) ; }
// raw COM pointer support
// Use these for convenience and to avoid unnecessary AddRef/Release cyles when using raw
// pointers to access STL containers. Specify std::less<> to benefit from operator<.
// Example: std::set<wil::com_ptr<IUnknown>, std::less<>> set;
template < typename TLeft , typename ErrLeft , typename TRight >
inline bool operator = = ( const com_ptr_t < TLeft , ErrLeft > & left , TRight * right ) WI_NOEXCEPT
static_assert ( __is_convertible_to ( TLeft * , TRight * ) | | __is_convertible_to ( TRight * , TLeft * ) , " comparison operator requires left and right pointers to be compatible " ) ;
return ( left . get ( ) = = right ) ;
template < typename TLeft , typename ErrLeft , typename TRight >
inline bool operator < ( const com_ptr_t < TLeft , ErrLeft > & left , TRight * right ) WI_NOEXCEPT
static_assert ( __is_convertible_to ( TLeft * , TRight * ) | | __is_convertible_to ( TRight * , TLeft * ) , " comparison operator requires left and right pointers to be compatible " ) ;
return ( left . get ( ) < right ) ;
template < typename TLeft , typename ErrLeft , typename TRight >
inline bool operator ! = ( const com_ptr_t < TLeft , ErrLeft > & left , TRight * right ) WI_NOEXCEPT
{ return ( ! ( left = = right ) ) ; }
template < typename TLeft , typename ErrLeft , typename TRight >
inline bool operator > = ( const com_ptr_t < TLeft , ErrLeft > & left , TRight * right ) WI_NOEXCEPT
{ return ( ! ( left < right ) ) ; }
template < typename TLeft , typename ErrLeft , typename TRight >
inline bool operator > ( const com_ptr_t < TLeft , ErrLeft > & left , TRight * right ) WI_NOEXCEPT
{ return ( right < left ) ; }
template < typename TLeft , typename ErrLeft , typename TRight >
inline bool operator < = ( const com_ptr_t < TLeft , ErrLeft > & left , TRight * right ) WI_NOEXCEPT
{ return ( ! ( right < left ) ) ; }
template < typename TLeft , typename TRight , typename ErrRight >
inline bool operator = = ( TLeft * left , const com_ptr_t < TRight , ErrRight > & right ) WI_NOEXCEPT
static_assert ( __is_convertible_to ( TLeft * , TRight * ) | | __is_convertible_to ( TRight * , TLeft * ) , " comparison operator requires left and right pointers to be compatible " ) ;
return ( left = = right . get ( ) ) ;
template < typename TLeft , typename TRight , typename ErrRight >
inline bool operator < ( TLeft * left , const com_ptr_t < TRight , ErrRight > & right ) WI_NOEXCEPT
static_assert ( __is_convertible_to ( TLeft * , TRight * ) | | __is_convertible_to ( TRight * , TLeft * ) , " comparison operator requires left and right pointers to be compatible " ) ;
return ( left < right . get ( ) ) ;
template < typename TLeft , typename TRight , typename ErrRight >
inline bool operator ! = ( TLeft * left , const com_ptr_t < TRight , ErrRight > & right ) WI_NOEXCEPT
{ return ( ! ( left = = right ) ) ; }
template < typename TLeft , typename TRight , typename ErrRight >
inline bool operator > = ( TLeft * left , const com_ptr_t < TRight , ErrRight > & right ) WI_NOEXCEPT
{ return ( ! ( left < right ) ) ; }
template < typename TLeft , typename TRight , typename ErrRight >
inline bool operator > ( TLeft * left , const com_ptr_t < TRight , ErrRight > & right ) WI_NOEXCEPT
{ return ( right < left ) ; }
template < typename TLeft , typename TRight , typename ErrRight >
inline bool operator < = ( TLeft * left , const com_ptr_t < TRight , ErrRight > & right ) WI_NOEXCEPT
{ return ( ! ( right < left ) ) ; }
// suppress documentation of every single comparison operator
/// @endcond
//! An overloaded function that retrieves the raw com pointer from a raw pointer, wil::com_ptr_t<T>, WRL ComPtr<T>, or Platform::Object^.
//! This function is primarily useful by library or helper code. It allows code to be written to accept a forwarding reference
//! template that can be used as an input com pointer. That input com pointer is allowed to be any of:
//! * Raw Pointer: `T* com_raw_ptr(T* ptr)`
//! * Wil com_ptr: `T* com_raw_ptr(const wil::com_ptr_t<T, err>& ptr)`
//! * WRL ComPtr: `T* com_raw_ptr(const Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<T>& ptr)`
//! * C++/CX hat: `IInspectable* com_raw_ptr(Platform::Object^ ptr)`
//! Which in turn allows code like the following to be written:
//! ~~~~
//! template <typename U, typename T>
//! void com_query_to(T&& ptrSource, _COM_Outptr_ U** ptrResult)
//! {
//! auto raw = com_raw_ptr(wistd::forward<T>(ptrSource));
//! // decltype(raw) has the type of the inner pointer and raw is guaranteed to be a raw com pointer
//! ~~~~
template < typename T >
T * com_raw_ptr ( T * ptr )
return ptr ;
/// @cond
template < typename T , typename err >
T * com_raw_ptr ( const wil : : com_ptr_t < T , err > & ptr )
return ptr . get ( ) ;
template < typename T >
T * com_raw_ptr ( const Microsoft : : WRL : : ComPtr < T > & ptr )
return ptr . Get ( ) ;
# ifdef __cplusplus_winrt
template < typename T >
inline IInspectable * com_raw_ptr ( T ^ ptr )
return reinterpret_cast < IInspectable * > ( static_cast < : : Platform : : Object ^ > ( ptr ) ) ;
# endif
/// @endcond
2023-02-22 23:12:56 +02:00
//! Constructs a `com_ptr` from a raw pointer.
//! This avoids having to restate the interface in pre-C++20.
//! Starting in C++20, you can write `wil::com_ptr(p)` directly.
//! ~~~
//! void example(ILongNamedThing* thing)
//! {
//! callback([thing = wil::make_com_ptr(thing)] { /* do something */ });
//! }
//! ~~~
template < typename T >
com_ptr < T > make_com_ptr ( T * p ) { return p ; }
# endif
//! Constructs a `com_ptr_nothrow` from a raw pointer.
//! This avoids having to restate the interface in pre-C++20.
//! Starting in C++20, you can write `wil::com_ptr_nothrow(p)` directly.
//! ~~~
//! void example(ILongNamedThing* thing)
//! {
//! callback([thing = wil::make_com_ptr_nothrow(thing)] { /* do something */ });
//! }
//! ~~~
template < typename T >
com_ptr_nothrow < T > make_com_ptr_nothrow ( T * p ) { return p ; }
//! Constructs a `com_ptr_failfast` from a raw pointer.
//! This avoids having to restate the interface in pre-C++20.
//! Starting in C++20, you can write `wil::com_ptr_failfast(p)` directly.
//! ~~~
//! void example(ILongNamedThing* thing)
//! {
//! callback([thing = wil::make_com_ptr_failfast(thing)] { /* do something */ });
//! }
//! ~~~
template < typename T >
com_ptr_failfast < T > make_com_ptr_failfast ( T * p ) { return p ; }
2019-11-01 01:09:52 +02:00
//! @name Stand-alone query helpers
//! * Source pointer can be raw interface pointer, any wil com_ptr, or WRL ComPtr
//! * Retrieves the requested interface
//! * AV if the source pointer is null
//! * Produce an error if the requested interface is unsupported
//! See @ref page_query for more information
//! @{
//! Queries for the specified interface and returns an exception-based wil::com_ptr to that interface (exception if unsupported).
//! See @ref page_query for more information.
//! @param ptrSource The pointer to query (may be a raw interface pointer, wil com_ptr, or WRL ComPtr), should not be null
//! @tparam U Represents the interface being queried
//! @return A `wil::com_ptr<U>` pointer to the given interface `U`. The returned pointer is guaranteed not null.
template < typename U , typename T >
inline com_ptr < U > com_query ( T & & ptrSource )
auto raw = com_raw_ptr ( wistd : : forward < T > ( ptrSource ) ) ;
return com_ptr < U > ( raw , details : : tag_com_query ( ) ) ;
# endif
//! Queries for the specified interface and returns a fail-fast-based wil::com_ptr_failfast to that interface (fail-fast if unsupported).
//! See @ref page_query for more information.
//! @param ptrSource The pointer to query (may be a raw interface pointer, wil com_ptr, or WRL ComPtr), should not be null
//! @tparam U Represents the interface being queried
//! @return A `wil::com_ptr<U>` pointer to the given interface `U`. The returned pointer is guaranteed not null.
template < typename U , typename T >
inline com_ptr_failfast < U > com_query_failfast ( T & & ptrSource )
auto raw = com_raw_ptr ( wistd : : forward < T > ( ptrSource ) ) ;
return com_ptr_failfast < U > ( raw , details : : tag_com_query ( ) ) ;
//! Queries for the interface specified by the type of the output parameter (throws an exception if unsupported).
//! See @ref page_query for more information.
//! @param ptrSource The pointer to query (may be a raw interface pointer, wil com_ptr, or WRL ComPtr), should not be null
//! @param ptrResult Represents the output pointer to populate. The returned pointer is guaranteed not null.
template < typename U , typename T >
_Success_true_ void com_query_to ( T & & ptrSource , _COM_Outptr_ U * * ptrResult )
auto raw = com_raw_ptr ( wistd : : forward < T > ( ptrSource ) ) ;
THROW_IF_FAILED ( details : : query_policy_t < decltype ( raw ) > : : query ( raw , ptrResult ) ) ;
__analysis_assume ( * ptrResult ! = nullptr ) ;
# endif
//! Queries for the interface specified by the type of the output parameter (fail-fast if unsupported).
//! See @ref page_query for more information.
//! @param ptrSource The pointer to query (may be a raw interface pointer, wil com_ptr, or WRL ComPtr), should not be null
//! @param ptrResult Represents the output pointer to populate. The returned pointer is guaranteed not null.
template < typename U , typename T >
_Success_true_ void com_query_to_failfast ( T & & ptrSource , _COM_Outptr_ U * * ptrResult )
auto raw = com_raw_ptr ( wistd : : forward < T > ( ptrSource ) ) ;
FAIL_FAST_IF_FAILED ( details : : query_policy_t < decltype ( raw ) > : : query ( raw , ptrResult ) ) ;
__analysis_assume ( * ptrResult ! = nullptr ) ;
//! Queries for the interface specified by the type of the output parameter (returns an error if unsupported).
//! See @ref page_query for more information.
//! @param ptrSource The pointer to query (may be a raw interface pointer, wil com_ptr, or WRL ComPtr), should not be null
//! @param ptrResult Represents the output pointer to populate. The returned pointer will be null upon failure.
//! @return Returns an HRESULT representing whether the query succeeded.
template < typename U , typename T >
HRESULT com_query_to_nothrow ( T & & ptrSource , _COM_Outptr_ U * * ptrResult )
auto raw = com_raw_ptr ( wistd : : forward < T > ( ptrSource ) ) ;
auto hr = details : : query_policy_t < decltype ( raw ) > : : query ( raw , ptrResult ) ;
__analysis_assume ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) | | ( * ptrResult = = nullptr ) ) ;
2023-02-22 23:12:56 +02:00
return hr ;
2019-11-01 01:09:52 +02:00
//! Queries for the interface specified by the given REFIID parameter (throws an exception if unsupported).
//! See @ref page_query for more information.
//! @param ptrSource The pointer to query (may be a raw interface pointer, wil com_ptr, or WRL ComPtr), should not be null
//! @param riid The interface to query for
//! @param ptrResult Represents the output pointer to populate. The returned pointer is guaranteed not null.
template < typename T >
_Success_true_ void com_query_to ( T & & ptrSource , REFIID riid , _COM_Outptr_ void * * ptrResult )
auto raw = com_raw_ptr ( wistd : : forward < T > ( ptrSource ) ) ;
THROW_IF_FAILED ( details : : query_policy_t < decltype ( raw ) > : : query ( raw , riid , ptrResult ) ) ;
__analysis_assume ( * ptrResult ! = nullptr ) ;
# endif
//! Queries for the interface specified by the given REFIID parameter (fail-fast if unsupported).
//! See @ref page_query for more information.
//! @param ptrSource The pointer to query (may be a raw interface pointer, wil com_ptr, or WRL ComPtr), should not be null
//! @param riid The interface to query for
//! @param ptrResult Represents the output pointer to populate. The returned pointer is guaranteed not null.
template < typename T >
_Success_true_ void com_query_to_failfast ( T & & ptrSource , REFIID riid , _COM_Outptr_ void * * ptrResult )
auto raw = com_raw_ptr ( wistd : : forward < T > ( ptrSource ) ) ;
FAIL_FAST_IF_FAILED ( details : : query_policy_t < decltype ( raw ) > : : query ( raw , riid , ptrResult ) ) ;
__analysis_assume ( * ptrResult ! = nullptr ) ;
//! Queries for the interface specified by the given REFIID parameter (returns an error if unsupported).
//! See @ref page_query for more information.
//! @param ptrSource The pointer to query (may be a raw interface pointer, wil com_ptr, or WRL ComPtr), should not be null
//! @param riid The interface to query for
//! @param ptrResult Represents the output pointer to populate. The returned pointer will be null upon failure.
template < typename T >
HRESULT com_query_to_nothrow ( T & & ptrSource , REFIID riid , _COM_Outptr_ void * * ptrResult )
auto raw = com_raw_ptr ( wistd : : forward < T > ( ptrSource ) ) ;
auto hr = details : : query_policy_t < decltype ( raw ) > : : query ( raw , riid , ptrResult ) ;
__analysis_assume ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) | | ( * ptrResult = = nullptr ) ) ;
2023-02-22 23:12:56 +02:00
return hr ;
2019-11-01 01:09:52 +02:00
//! @}
//! @name Stand-alone try query helpers
//! * Source pointer can be raw interface pointer, any wil com_ptr, or WRL ComPtr
//! * Attempts to retrieves the requested interface
//! * AV if the source pointer is null
//! * Produce null if the requested interface is unsupported
//! * bool returns 'true' when query was successful (non-null return result)
//! See @ref page_query for more information.
//! @{
//! Attempts a query for the specified interface and returns an exception-based wil::com_ptr to that interface (returns null if unsupported).
//! See @ref page_query for more information.
//! @param ptrSource The pointer to query (may be a raw interface pointer, wil com_ptr, or WRL ComPtr), should not be null
//! @tparam U Represents the interface being queried
//! @return A `wil::com_ptr<U>` pointer to the given interface `U`. The returned pointer is null if the requested interface was not supported.
template < class U , typename T >
inline com_ptr < U > try_com_query ( T & & ptrSource )
auto raw = com_raw_ptr ( wistd : : forward < T > ( ptrSource ) ) ;
return com_ptr < U > ( raw , details : : tag_try_com_query ( ) ) ;
# endif
//! Attempts a query for the specified interface and returns an fail-fast wil::com_ptr_failfast to that interface (returns null if unsupported).
//! See @ref page_query for more information.
//! @param ptrSource The pointer to query (may be a raw interface pointer, wil com_ptr, or WRL ComPtr), should not be null
//! @tparam U Represents the interface being queried
//! @return A `wil::com_ptr_failfast<U>` pointer to the given interface `U`. The returned pointer is null if the requested interface was not supported.
template < class U , typename T >
inline com_ptr_failfast < U > try_com_query_failfast ( T & & ptrSource )
auto raw = com_raw_ptr ( wistd : : forward < T > ( ptrSource ) ) ;
return com_ptr_failfast < U > ( raw , details : : tag_try_com_query ( ) ) ;
//! Attempts a query for the specified interface and returns an error-code-based wil::com_ptr_nothrow to that interface (returns null if unsupported).
//! See @ref page_query for more information.
//! @param ptrSource The pointer to query (may be a raw interface pointer, wil com_ptr, or WRL ComPtr), should not be null
//! @tparam U Represents the interface being queried
//! @return A `wil::com_ptr_nothrow<U>` pointer to the given interface `U`. The returned pointer is null if the requested interface was not supported.
template < class U , typename T >
inline com_ptr_nothrow < U > try_com_query_nothrow ( T & & ptrSource )
auto raw = com_raw_ptr ( wistd : : forward < T > ( ptrSource ) ) ;
return com_ptr_nothrow < U > ( raw , details : : tag_try_com_query ( ) ) ;
//! Attempts a query for the interface specified by the type of the output parameter (returns `false` if unsupported).
//! See @ref page_query for more information.
//! @param ptrSource The pointer to query (may be a raw interface pointer, wil com_ptr, or WRL ComPtr), should not be null.
//! @param ptrResult Represents the output pointer to populate. If the interface is unsupported, the returned pointer will be null.
//! @return A bool value representing whether the query was successful (non-null return result).
template < typename U , typename T >
_Success_return_ bool try_com_query_to ( T & & ptrSource , _COM_Outptr_ U * * ptrResult )
auto raw = com_raw_ptr ( wistd : : forward < T > ( ptrSource ) ) ;
return ( SUCCEEDED ( details : : query_policy_t < decltype ( raw ) > : : query ( raw , ptrResult ) ) ) ;
//! Attempts a query for the interface specified by the type of the output parameter (returns `false` if unsupported).
//! See @ref page_query for more information.
//! @param ptrSource The pointer to query (may be a raw interface pointer, wil com_ptr, or WRL ComPtr), should not be null.
//! @param riid The interface to query for
//! @param ptrResult Represents the output pointer to populate. If the interface is unsupported, the returned pointer will be null.
//! @return A bool value representing whether the query was successful (non-null return result).
template < typename T >
_Success_return_ bool try_com_query_to ( T & & ptrSource , REFIID riid , _COM_Outptr_ void * * ptrResult )
auto raw = com_raw_ptr ( wistd : : forward < T > ( ptrSource ) ) ;
return ( SUCCEEDED ( details : : query_policy_t < decltype ( raw ) > : : query ( raw , riid , ptrResult ) ) ) ;
//! @}
//! @name Stand-alone copy helpers
//! * Source pointer can be raw interface pointer, any wil com_ptr, or WRL ComPtr
//! * Retrieves the requested interface
//! * Succeeds with null if the source pointer is null
//! * Produce an error if the requested interface is unsupported
//! See @ref page_query for more information
//! @{
//! Queries for the specified interface and returns an exception-based wil::com_ptr to that interface (exception if unsupported, preserves null).
//! See @ref page_query for more information.
//! @param ptrSource The pointer to query (may be a raw interface pointer, wil com_ptr, or WRL ComPtr), may be null
//! @tparam U Represents the interface being queried
//! @return A `wil::com_ptr<U>` pointer to the given interface `U`. The returned pointer will be null only if the source is null.
template < class U , typename T >
inline com_ptr < U > com_copy ( T & & ptrSource )
auto raw = com_raw_ptr ( wistd : : forward < T > ( ptrSource ) ) ;
return com_ptr < U > ( raw , details : : tag_com_copy ( ) ) ;
# endif
//! Queries for the specified interface and returns a fail-fast-based wil::com_ptr_failfast to that interface (fail-fast if unsupported, preserves null).
//! See @ref page_query for more information.
//! @param ptrSource The pointer to query (may be a raw interface pointer, wil com_ptr, or WRL ComPtr), may be null
//! @tparam U Represents the interface being queried
//! @return A `wil::com_ptr<U>` pointer to the given interface `U`. The returned pointer will be null only if the source is null.
template < class U , typename T >
inline com_ptr_failfast < U > com_copy_failfast ( T & & ptrSource )
auto raw = com_raw_ptr ( wistd : : forward < T > ( ptrSource ) ) ;
return com_ptr_failfast < U > ( raw , details : : tag_com_copy ( ) ) ;
//! Queries for the interface specified by the type of the output parameter (throws an exception if unsupported, preserves null).
//! See @ref page_query for more information.
//! @param ptrSource The pointer to query (may be a raw interface pointer, wil com_ptr, or WRL ComPtr), may be null
//! @param ptrResult Represents the output pointer to populate. The returned pointer will be null only if the source is null.
template < typename U , typename T >
_Success_true_ void com_copy_to ( T & & ptrSource , _COM_Outptr_result_maybenull_ U * * ptrResult )
auto raw = com_raw_ptr ( wistd : : forward < T > ( ptrSource ) ) ;
if ( raw )
THROW_IF_FAILED ( details : : query_policy_t < decltype ( raw ) > : : query ( raw , ptrResult ) ) ;
return ;
* ptrResult = nullptr ;
# endif
//! Queries for the interface specified by the type of the output parameter (fail-fast if unsupported, preserves null).
//! See @ref page_query for more information.
//! @param ptrSource The pointer to query (may be a raw interface pointer, wil com_ptr, or WRL ComPtr), may be null
//! @param ptrResult Represents the output pointer to populate. The returned pointer will be null only if the source is null.
template < typename U , typename T >
_Success_true_ void com_copy_to_failfast ( T & & ptrSource , _COM_Outptr_result_maybenull_ U * * ptrResult )
auto raw = com_raw_ptr ( wistd : : forward < T > ( ptrSource ) ) ;
if ( raw )
FAIL_FAST_IF_FAILED ( details : : query_policy_t < decltype ( raw ) > : : query ( raw , ptrResult ) ) ;
return ;
* ptrResult = nullptr ;
//! Queries for the interface specified by the type of the output parameter (returns an error if unsupported, preserves null).
//! See @ref page_query for more information.
//! @param ptrSource The pointer to query (may be a raw interface pointer, wil com_ptr, or WRL ComPtr), may be null
//! @param ptrResult Represents the output pointer to populate. The returned pointer will be null upon failure or if the source is null.
//! @return Returns an HRESULT representing whether the query succeeded (returns S_OK if the source is null).
template < typename U , typename T >
HRESULT com_copy_to_nothrow ( T & & ptrSource , _COM_Outptr_result_maybenull_ U * * ptrResult )
auto raw = com_raw_ptr ( wistd : : forward < T > ( ptrSource ) ) ;
if ( raw )
RETURN_HR ( details : : query_policy_t < decltype ( raw ) > : : query ( raw , ptrResult ) ) ;
* ptrResult = nullptr ;
return S_OK ;
//! Queries for the interface specified by the given REFIID parameter (throws an exception if unsupported, preserves null).
//! See @ref page_query for more information.
//! @param ptrSource The pointer to query (may be a raw interface pointer, wil com_ptr, or WRL ComPtr), may be null
//! @param riid The interface to query for
//! @param ptrResult Represents the output pointer to populate. The returned pointer will be null only if the source is null.
template < typename T >
_Success_true_ void com_copy_to ( T & & ptrSource , REFIID riid , _COM_Outptr_result_maybenull_ void * * ptrResult )
auto raw = com_raw_ptr ( wistd : : forward < T > ( ptrSource ) ) ;
if ( raw )
THROW_IF_FAILED ( details : : query_policy_t < decltype ( raw ) > : : query ( raw , riid , ptrResult ) ) ;
return ;
* ptrResult = nullptr ;
# endif
//! Queries for the interface specified by the given REFIID parameter (fail-fast if unsupported, preserves null).
//! See @ref page_query for more information.
//! @param ptrSource The pointer to query (may be a raw interface pointer, wil com_ptr, or WRL ComPtr), may be null
//! @param riid The interface to query for
//! @param ptrResult Represents the output pointer to populate. The returned pointer will be null only if the source is null.
template < typename T >
_Success_true_ void com_copy_to_failfast ( T & & ptrSource , REFIID riid , _COM_Outptr_result_maybenull_ void * * ptrResult )
auto raw = com_raw_ptr ( wistd : : forward < T > ( ptrSource ) ) ;
if ( raw )
FAIL_FAST_IF_FAILED ( details : : query_policy_t < decltype ( raw ) > : : query ( raw , riid , ptrResult ) ) ;
return ;
* ptrResult = nullptr ;
//! Queries for the interface specified by the given REFIID parameter (returns an error if unsupported, preserves null).
//! See @ref page_query for more information.
//! @param ptrSource The pointer to query (may be a raw interface pointer, wil com_ptr, or WRL ComPtr), may be null
//! @param riid The interface to query for
//! @param ptrResult Represents the output pointer to populate. The returned pointer will be null upon failure or if the source is null.
//! @return Returns an HRESULT representing whether the query succeeded (returns S_OK if the source is null).
template < typename T >
HRESULT com_copy_to_nothrow ( T & & ptrSource , REFIID riid , _COM_Outptr_result_maybenull_ void * * ptrResult )
auto raw = com_raw_ptr ( wistd : : forward < T > ( ptrSource ) ) ;
if ( raw )
RETURN_HR ( details : : query_policy_t < decltype ( raw ) > : : query ( raw , riid , ptrResult ) ) ;
* ptrResult = nullptr ;
return S_OK ;
//! @}
//! @name Stand-alone try copy helpers
//! * Source pointer can be raw interface pointer, any wil com_ptr, or WRL ComPtr
//! * Attempts to retrieves the requested interface
//! * Succeeds with null if the source pointer is null
//! * Produce null if the requested interface is unsupported
//! * bool returns 'true' when query was successful (non-null return result)
//! See @ref page_query for more information.
//! @{
//! Attempts a query for the specified interface and returns an exception-based wil::com_ptr to that interface (returns null if unsupported, preserves null).
//! See @ref page_query for more information.
//! @param ptrSource The pointer to query (may be a raw interface pointer, wil com_ptr, or WRL ComPtr), may be null
//! @tparam U Represents the interface being queried
//! @return A `wil::com_ptr<U>` pointer to the given interface `U`. The returned pointer is null if the requested interface was not supported.
template < class U , typename T >
inline com_ptr < U > try_com_copy ( T & & ptrSource )
auto raw = com_raw_ptr ( wistd : : forward < T > ( ptrSource ) ) ;
return com_ptr < U > ( raw , details : : tag_try_com_copy ( ) ) ;
# endif
//! Attempts a query for the specified interface and returns an fail-fast wil::com_ptr_failfast to that interface (returns null if unsupported, preserves null).
//! See @ref page_query for more information.
//! @param ptrSource The pointer to query (may be a raw interface pointer, wil com_ptr, or WRL ComPtr), may be null
//! @tparam U Represents the interface being queried
//! @return A `wil::com_ptr_failfast<U>` pointer to the given interface `U`. The returned pointer is null if the requested interface was not supported.
template < class U , typename T >
inline com_ptr_failfast < U > try_com_copy_failfast ( T & & ptrSource )
auto raw = com_raw_ptr ( wistd : : forward < T > ( ptrSource ) ) ;
return com_ptr_failfast < U > ( raw , details : : tag_try_com_copy ( ) ) ;
//! Attempts a query for the specified interface and returns an error-code-based wil::com_ptr_nothrow to that interface (returns null if unsupported, preserves null).
//! See @ref page_query for more information.
//! @param ptrSource The pointer to query (may be a raw interface pointer, wil com_ptr, or WRL ComPtr), may be null
//! @tparam U Represents the interface being queried
//! @return A `wil::com_ptr_nothrow<U>` pointer to the given interface `U`. The returned pointer is null if the requested interface was not supported.
template < class U , typename T >
inline com_ptr_nothrow < U > try_com_copy_nothrow ( T & & ptrSource )
auto raw = com_raw_ptr ( wistd : : forward < T > ( ptrSource ) ) ;
return com_ptr_nothrow < U > ( raw , details : : tag_try_com_copy ( ) ) ;
//! Attempts a query for the interface specified by the type of the output parameter (returns `false` if unsupported, preserves null).
//! See @ref page_query for more information.
//! @param ptrSource The pointer to query (may be a raw interface pointer, wil com_ptr, or WRL ComPtr), may be null.
//! @param ptrResult Represents the output pointer to populate. If the interface is unsupported, the returned pointer will be null.
//! @return A bool value representing whether the query was successful (non-null return result).
template < typename U , typename T >
_Success_return_ bool try_com_copy_to ( T & & ptrSource , _COM_Outptr_result_maybenull_ U * * ptrResult )
auto raw = com_raw_ptr ( wistd : : forward < T > ( ptrSource ) ) ;
if ( raw )
return SUCCEEDED ( details : : query_policy_t < decltype ( raw ) > : : query ( raw , ptrResult ) ) ;
* ptrResult = nullptr ;
return false ;
//! Attempts a query for the interface specified by the type of the output parameter (returns `false` if unsupported, preserves null).
//! See @ref page_query for more information.
//! @param ptrSource The pointer to query (may be a raw interface pointer, wil com_ptr, or WRL ComPtr), may be null.
//! @param riid The interface to query for
//! @param ptrResult Represents the output pointer to populate. If the interface is unsupported, the returned pointer will be null.
//! @return A bool value representing whether the query was successful (non-null return result).
template < typename T >
_Success_return_ bool try_com_copy_to ( T & & ptrSource , REFIID riid , _COM_Outptr_result_maybenull_ void * * ptrResult )
auto raw = com_raw_ptr ( wistd : : forward < T > ( ptrSource ) ) ;
if ( raw )
return SUCCEEDED ( details : : query_policy_t < decltype ( raw ) > : : query ( raw , riid , ptrResult ) ) ;
* ptrResult = nullptr ;
return false ;
//! @}
# ifdef __cplusplus_winrt
//! @name Stand-alone helpers to query for CX ref ("hat") types from ABI COM types.
//! * Source pointer can be raw interface pointer, any wil com_ptr, or WRL ComPtr
//! * Retrieves the requested C++/CX interface or ref class.
//! * Preserves null if the source pointer is null
//! * Produce an error if the requested interface is unsupported
//! See @ref page_query for more information
//! @{
template < typename T >
: : Platform : : Object ^ cx_object_from_abi ( T & & ptr ) WI_NOEXCEPT
IInspectable * const inspectable = com_raw_ptr ( wistd : : forward < T > ( ptr ) ) ;
return reinterpret_cast < : : Platform : : Object ^ > ( inspectable ) ;
template < typename U , typename T >
inline U ^ cx_safe_cast ( T & & ptrSource )
return safe_cast < U ^ > ( cx_object_from_abi ( wistd : : forward < T > ( ptrSource ) ) ) ;
template < typename U , typename T >
inline U ^ cx_dynamic_cast ( T & & ptrSource ) WI_NOEXCEPT
return dynamic_cast < U ^ > ( cx_object_from_abi ( wistd : : forward < T > ( ptrSource ) ) ) ;
//! @}
# endif
// Agile References
//! Agile reference to a COM interface, errors throw exceptions (see @ref com_ptr_t and @ref com_agile_query for details)
using com_agile_ref = com_ptr < IAgileReference > ;
# endif
//! Agile reference to a COM interface, errors return error codes (see @ref com_ptr_t and @ref com_agile_query_nothrow for details)
using com_agile_ref_nothrow = com_ptr_nothrow < IAgileReference > ;
//! Agile reference to a COM interface, errors fail fast (see @ref com_ptr_t and @ref com_agile_query_failfast for details)
using com_agile_ref_failfast = com_ptr_failfast < IAgileReference > ;
//! @name Create agile reference helpers
//! * Attempts to retrieve an agile reference to the requested interface (see [RoGetAgileReference](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn269839.aspx))
//! * Source pointer can be raw interface pointer, any wil com_ptr, or WRL ComPtr
//! * `query` methods AV if the source pointer is null
//! * `copy` methods succeed with null if the source pointer is null
//! * Accept optional [AgileReferenceOptions](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn269836.aspx)
//! See @ref page_query for more information on resolving an agile ref
//! @{
//! return a com_agile_ref representing the given source pointer (throws an exception on failure)
template < typename T >
com_agile_ref com_agile_query ( T & & ptrSource , AgileReferenceOptions options = AGILEREFERENCE_DEFAULT )
auto raw = com_raw_ptr ( wistd : : forward < T > ( ptrSource ) ) ;
com_agile_ref agileRef ;
THROW_IF_FAILED ( : : RoGetAgileReference ( options , __uuidof ( raw ) , raw , & agileRef ) ) ;
return agileRef ;
# endif
//! return a com_agile_ref_failfast representing the given source pointer (fail-fast on failure)
template < typename T >
com_agile_ref_failfast com_agile_query_failfast ( T & & ptrSource , AgileReferenceOptions options = AGILEREFERENCE_DEFAULT )
auto raw = com_raw_ptr ( wistd : : forward < T > ( ptrSource ) ) ;
com_agile_ref_failfast agileRef ;
FAIL_FAST_IF_FAILED ( : : RoGetAgileReference ( options , __uuidof ( raw ) , raw , & agileRef ) ) ;
return agileRef ;
//! return a com_agile_ref_nothrow representing the given source pointer (returns an HRESULT on failure)
template < typename T >
HRESULT com_agile_query_nothrow ( T & & ptrSource , _COM_Outptr_ IAgileReference * * ptrResult , AgileReferenceOptions options = AGILEREFERENCE_DEFAULT )
auto raw = com_raw_ptr ( wistd : : forward < T > ( ptrSource ) ) ;
auto hr = : : RoGetAgileReference ( options , __uuidof ( raw ) , raw , ptrResult ) ;
__analysis_assume ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) | | ( * ptrResult = = nullptr ) ) ;
2023-02-22 23:12:56 +02:00
return hr ;
2019-11-01 01:09:52 +02:00
//! return a com_agile_ref representing the given source pointer (throws an exception on failure, source maybe null)
template < typename T >
com_agile_ref com_agile_copy ( T & & ptrSource , AgileReferenceOptions options = AGILEREFERENCE_DEFAULT )
auto raw = com_raw_ptr ( wistd : : forward < T > ( ptrSource ) ) ;
com_agile_ref agileRef ;
if ( raw )
THROW_IF_FAILED ( : : RoGetAgileReference ( options , __uuidof ( raw ) , raw , & agileRef ) ) ;
return agileRef ;
# endif
//! return a com_agile_ref_failfast representing the given source pointer (fail-fast on failure, source maybe null)
template < typename T >
com_agile_ref_failfast com_agile_copy_failfast ( T & & ptrSource , AgileReferenceOptions options = AGILEREFERENCE_DEFAULT )
auto raw = com_raw_ptr ( wistd : : forward < T > ( ptrSource ) ) ;
com_agile_ref_failfast agileRef ;
if ( raw )
FAIL_FAST_IF_FAILED ( : : RoGetAgileReference ( options , __uuidof ( raw ) , raw , & agileRef ) ) ;
return agileRef ;
//! return an agile ref (com_agile_ref_XXX or other representation) representing the given source pointer (return error on failure, source maybe null)
template < typename T >
HRESULT com_agile_copy_nothrow ( T & & ptrSource , _COM_Outptr_result_maybenull_ IAgileReference * * ptrResult , AgileReferenceOptions options = AGILEREFERENCE_DEFAULT )
auto raw = com_raw_ptr ( wistd : : forward < T > ( ptrSource ) ) ;
if ( raw )
RETURN_HR ( : : RoGetAgileReference ( options , __uuidof ( raw ) , raw , ptrResult ) ) ;
* ptrResult = nullptr ;
return S_OK ;
//! @}
# endif
// Weak References
namespace details
template < typename T >
HRESULT GetWeakReference ( T * ptr , _COM_Outptr_ IWeakReference * * weakReference )
static_assert ( ! wistd : : is_same < IWeakReference , T > : : value , " Cannot get an IWeakReference to an IWeakReference " ) ;
* weakReference = nullptr ;
com_ptr_nothrow < IWeakReferenceSource > source ;
HRESULT hr = ptr - > QueryInterface ( IID_PPV_ARGS ( & source ) ) ;
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) )
hr = source - > GetWeakReference ( weakReference ) ;
return hr ;
//! Weak reference to a COM interface, errors throw exceptions (see @ref com_ptr_t and @ref com_weak_query for details)
using com_weak_ref = com_ptr < IWeakReference > ;
# endif
//! Weak reference to a COM interface, errors return error codes (see @ref com_ptr_t and @ref com_weak_query_nothrow for details)
using com_weak_ref_nothrow = com_ptr_nothrow < IWeakReference > ;
//! Weak reference to a COM interface, errors fail fast (see @ref com_ptr_t and @ref com_weak_query_failfast for details)
using com_weak_ref_failfast = com_ptr_failfast < IWeakReference > ;
//! @name Create weak reference helpers
//! * Attempts to retrieve a weak reference to the requested interface (see WRL's similar [WeakRef](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/br244853.aspx))
//! * Source pointer can be raw interface pointer, any wil com_ptr, or WRL ComPtr
//! * `query` methods AV if the source pointer is null
//! * `copy` methods succeed with null if the source pointer is null
//! See @ref page_query for more information on resolving a weak ref
//! @{
//! return a com_weak_ref representing the given source pointer (throws an exception on failure)
template < typename T >
com_weak_ref com_weak_query ( T & & ptrSource )
auto raw = com_raw_ptr ( wistd : : forward < T > ( ptrSource ) ) ;
com_weak_ref weakRef ;
THROW_IF_FAILED ( details : : GetWeakReference ( raw , & weakRef ) ) ;
return weakRef ;
# endif
//! return a com_weak_ref_failfast representing the given source pointer (fail-fast on failure)
template < typename T >
com_weak_ref_failfast com_weak_query_failfast ( T & & ptrSource )
auto raw = com_raw_ptr ( wistd : : forward < T > ( ptrSource ) ) ;
com_weak_ref_failfast weakRef ;
FAIL_FAST_IF_FAILED ( details : : GetWeakReference ( raw , & weakRef ) ) ;
return weakRef ;
//! return a com_weak_ref_nothrow representing the given source pointer (returns an HRESULT on failure)
template < typename T >
HRESULT com_weak_query_nothrow ( T & & ptrSource , _COM_Outptr_ IWeakReference * * ptrResult )
auto raw = com_raw_ptr ( wistd : : forward < T > ( ptrSource ) ) ;
auto hr = details : : GetWeakReference ( raw , ptrResult ) ;
__analysis_assume ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) | | ( * ptrResult = = nullptr ) ) ;
2023-02-22 23:12:56 +02:00
return hr ;
2019-11-01 01:09:52 +02:00
//! return a com_weak_ref representing the given source pointer (throws an exception on failure, source maybe null)
template < typename T >
com_weak_ref com_weak_copy ( T & & ptrSource )
auto raw = com_raw_ptr ( wistd : : forward < T > ( ptrSource ) ) ;
com_weak_ref weakRef ;
if ( raw )
THROW_IF_FAILED ( details : : GetWeakReference ( raw , & weakRef ) ) ;
return weakRef ;
# endif
//! return a com_weak_ref_failfast representing the given source pointer (fail-fast on failure, source maybe null)
template < typename T >
com_weak_ref_failfast com_weak_copy_failfast ( T & & ptrSource )
auto raw = com_raw_ptr ( wistd : : forward < T > ( ptrSource ) ) ;
com_weak_ref_failfast weakRef ;
if ( raw )
FAIL_FAST_IF_FAILED ( details : : GetWeakReference ( raw , & weakRef ) ) ;
return weakRef ;
//! return a com_weak_ref_failfast representing the given source pointer (fail-fast on failure, source maybe null)
template < typename T >
HRESULT com_weak_copy_nothrow ( T & & ptrSource , _COM_Outptr_result_maybenull_ IWeakReference * * ptrResult )
auto raw = com_raw_ptr ( wistd : : forward < T > ( ptrSource ) ) ;
if ( raw )
RETURN_HR ( details : : GetWeakReference ( raw , ptrResult ) ) ;
* ptrResult = nullptr ;
return S_OK ;
# pragma region COM Object Helpers
template < typename T >
inline bool is_agile ( T & & ptrSource )
wil : : com_ptr_nothrow < IAgileObject > agileObject ;
return SUCCEEDED ( com_raw_ptr ( wistd : : forward < T > ( ptrSource ) ) - > QueryInterface ( IID_PPV_ARGS ( & agileObject ) ) ) ;
/** constructs a COM object using an CLSID on a specific interface or IUnknown.*/
template < typename Interface = IUnknown , typename error_policy = err_exception_policy >
wil : : com_ptr_t < Interface , error_policy > CoCreateInstance ( REFCLSID rclsid , DWORD dwClsContext = CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER )
wil : : com_ptr_t < Interface , error_policy > result ;
error_policy : : HResult ( : : CoCreateInstance ( rclsid , nullptr , dwClsContext , IID_PPV_ARGS ( & result ) ) ) ;
return result ;
/** constructs a COM object using the class as the identifier (that has an associated CLSID) on a specific interface or IUnknown. */
template < typename Class , typename Interface = IUnknown , typename error_policy = err_exception_policy >
wil : : com_ptr_t < Interface , error_policy > CoCreateInstance ( DWORD dwClsContext = CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER )
return CoCreateInstance < Interface , error_policy > ( __uuidof ( Class ) , dwClsContext ) ;
/** constructs a COM object using an CLSID on a specific interface or IUnknown. */
template < typename Interface = IUnknown >
2023-02-22 23:12:56 +02:00
wil : : com_ptr_failfast < Interface > CoCreateInstanceFailFast ( REFCLSID rclsid , DWORD dwClsContext = CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER ) WI_NOEXCEPT
2019-11-01 01:09:52 +02:00
return CoCreateInstance < Interface , err_failfast_policy > ( rclsid , dwClsContext ) ;
/** constructs a COM object using the class as the identifier (that has an associated CLSID) on a specific interface or IUnknown. */
template < typename Class , typename Interface = IUnknown >
2023-02-22 23:12:56 +02:00
wil : : com_ptr_failfast < Interface > CoCreateInstanceFailFast ( DWORD dwClsContext = CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER ) WI_NOEXCEPT
2019-11-01 01:09:52 +02:00
return CoCreateInstanceFailFast < Interface > ( __uuidof ( Class ) , dwClsContext ) ;
/** constructs a COM object using an CLSID on a specific interface or IUnknown.
Note , failures are reported as a null result , the HRESULT is lost . */
template < typename Interface = IUnknown >
2023-02-22 23:12:56 +02:00
wil : : com_ptr_nothrow < Interface > CoCreateInstanceNoThrow ( REFCLSID rclsid , DWORD dwClsContext = CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER ) WI_NOEXCEPT
2019-11-01 01:09:52 +02:00
return CoCreateInstance < Interface , err_returncode_policy > ( rclsid , dwClsContext ) ;
/** constructs a COM object using the class as the identifier (that has an associated CLSID) on a specific interface or IUnknown.
Note , failures are reported as a null result , the HRESULT is lost . */
template < typename Class , typename Interface = IUnknown >
2023-02-22 23:12:56 +02:00
wil : : com_ptr_nothrow < Interface > CoCreateInstanceNoThrow ( DWORD dwClsContext = CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER ) WI_NOEXCEPT
2019-11-01 01:09:52 +02:00
return CoCreateInstanceNoThrow < Interface > ( __uuidof ( Class ) , dwClsContext ) ;
/** constructs a COM object class factory using an CLSID on IClassFactory or a specific interface. */
template < typename Interface = IClassFactory , typename error_policy = err_exception_policy >
wil : : com_ptr_t < Interface , error_policy > CoGetClassObject ( REFCLSID rclsid , DWORD dwClsContext = CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER )
wil : : com_ptr_t < Interface , error_policy > result ;
error_policy : : HResult ( CoGetClassObject ( rclsid , dwClsContext , nullptr , IID_PPV_ARGS ( & result ) ) ) ;
return result ;
/** constructs a COM object class factory using the class as the identifier (that has an associated CLSID)
on IClassFactory or a specific interface . */
template < typename Class , typename Interface = IClassFactory , typename error_policy = err_exception_policy >
wil : : com_ptr_t < Interface , error_policy > CoGetClassObject ( DWORD dwClsContext = CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER )
return CoGetClassObject < Interface , error_policy > ( __uuidof ( Class ) , dwClsContext ) ;
/** constructs a COM object class factory using an CLSID on IClassFactory or a specific interface. */
template < typename Interface = IClassFactory >
wil : : com_ptr_failfast < Interface > CoGetClassObjectFailFast ( REFCLSID rclsid , DWORD dwClsContext = CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER )
return CoGetClassObject < Interface , err_failfast_policy > ( rclsid , dwClsContext ) ;
/** constructs a COM object class factory using the class as the identifier (that has an associated CLSID)
on IClassFactory or a specific interface . */
template < typename Class , typename Interface = IClassFactory >
wil : : com_ptr_failfast < Interface > CoGetClassObjectFailFast ( DWORD dwClsContext = CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER )
return CoGetClassObjectFailFast < Interface > ( __uuidof ( Class ) , dwClsContext ) ;
/** constructs a COM object class factory using an CLSID on IClassFactory or a specific interface.
Note , failures are reported as a null result , the HRESULT is lost . */
template < typename Interface = IClassFactory >
wil : : com_ptr_nothrow < Interface > CoGetClassObjectNoThrow ( REFCLSID rclsid , DWORD dwClsContext = CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER )
return CoGetClassObject < Interface , err_returncode_policy > ( rclsid , dwClsContext ) ;
/** constructs a COM object class factory using the class as the identifier (that has an associated CLSID)
on IClassFactory or a specific interface .
Note , failures are reported as a null result , the HRESULT is lost . */
template < typename Class , typename Interface = IClassFactory >
wil : : com_ptr_nothrow < Interface > CoGetClassObjectNoThrow ( DWORD dwClsContext = CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER )
return CoGetClassObjectNoThrow < Interface > ( __uuidof ( Class ) , dwClsContext ) ;
2023-02-22 23:12:56 +02:00
# if __cpp_lib_apply && __has_include(<type_traits>)
namespace details
template < typename error_policy , typename . . . Results >
auto CoCreateInstanceEx ( REFCLSID clsid , CLSCTX clsCtx ) noexcept
MULTI_QI multiQis [ sizeof . . . ( Results ) ] { } ;
const IID * iids [ sizeof . . . ( Results ) ] { & __uuidof ( Results ) . . . } ;
static_assert ( sizeof . . . ( Results ) > 0 ) ;
for ( auto i = 0U ; i < sizeof . . . ( Results ) ; + + i )
multiQis [ i ] . pIID = iids [ i ] ;
const auto hr = CoCreateInstanceEx ( clsid , nullptr , clsCtx , nullptr ,
ARRAYSIZE ( multiQis ) , multiQis ) ;
std : : tuple < wil : : com_ptr_t < Results , error_policy > . . . > resultTuple ;
std : : apply ( [ i = 0 , & multiQis ] ( auto & . . . a ) mutable
( a . attach ( reinterpret_cast < typename std : : remove_reference < decltype ( a ) > : : type : : pointer > ( multiQis [ i + + ] . pItf ) ) , . . . ) ;
} , resultTuple ) ;
return std : : tuple < HRESULT , decltype ( resultTuple ) > ( hr , std : : move ( resultTuple ) ) ;
template < typename error_policy , typename . . . Results >
auto com_multi_query ( IUnknown * obj )
MULTI_QI multiQis [ sizeof . . . ( Results ) ] { } ;
const IID * iids [ sizeof . . . ( Results ) ] { & __uuidof ( Results ) . . . } ;
static_assert ( sizeof . . . ( Results ) > 0 ) ;
for ( auto i = 0U ; i < sizeof . . . ( Results ) ; + + i )
multiQis [ i ] . pIID = iids [ i ] ;
std : : tuple < wil : : com_ptr_t < Results , error_policy > . . . > resultTuple { } ;
wil : : com_ptr_nothrow < IMultiQI > multiQi ;
auto hr = obj - > QueryInterface ( IID_PPV_ARGS ( & multiQi ) ) ;
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) )
hr = multiQi - > QueryMultipleInterfaces ( ARRAYSIZE ( multiQis ) , multiQis ) ;
std : : apply ( [ i = 0 , & multiQis ] ( auto & . . . a ) mutable
( a . attach ( reinterpret_cast < typename std : : remove_reference < decltype ( a ) > : : type : : pointer > ( multiQis [ i + + ] . pItf ) ) , . . . ) ;
} , resultTuple ) ;
return std : : tuple < HRESULT , decltype ( resultTuple ) > { hr , std : : move ( resultTuple ) } ;
// CoCreateInstanceEx can be used to improve performance by requesting multiple interfaces
// from an object at create time. This is most useful for out of process (OOP) servers, saving
// and RPC per extra interface requested.
template < typename . . . Results >
auto CoCreateInstanceEx ( REFCLSID clsid , CLSCTX clsCtx = CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER )
auto [ error , result ] = details : : CoCreateInstanceEx < err_exception_policy , Results . . . > ( clsid , clsCtx ) ;
THROW_IF_FAILED ( error ) ;
return result ;
template < typename . . . Results >
auto TryCoCreateInstanceEx ( REFCLSID clsid , CLSCTX clsCtx = CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER )
auto [ error , result ] = details : : CoCreateInstanceEx < err_exception_policy , Results . . . > ( clsid , clsCtx ) ;
return result ;
# endif
// Returns [error, result] where result is a tuple with each of the requested interfaces.
template < typename . . . Results >
auto CoCreateInstanceExNoThrow ( REFCLSID clsid , CLSCTX clsCtx = CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER ) noexcept
auto [ error , result ] = details : : CoCreateInstanceEx < err_returncode_policy , Results . . . > ( clsid , clsCtx ) ;
if ( SUCCEEDED ( error ) & & ( error = = CO_S_NOTALLINTERFACES ) )
return std : : tuple < HRESULT , decltype ( result ) > { E_NOINTERFACE , { } } ;
return std : : tuple < HRESULT , decltype ( result ) > { error , result } ;
template < typename . . . Results >
auto TryCoCreateInstanceExNoThrow ( REFCLSID clsid , CLSCTX clsCtx = CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER ) noexcept
auto [ error , result ] = details : : CoCreateInstanceEx < err_returncode_policy , Results . . . > ( clsid , clsCtx ) ;
return result ;
template < typename . . . Results >
auto CoCreateInstanceExFailFast ( REFCLSID clsid , CLSCTX clsCtx = CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER ) noexcept
auto [ error , result ] = details : : CoCreateInstanceEx < err_failfast_policy , Results . . . > ( clsid , clsCtx ) ;
return result ;
template < typename . . . Results >
auto TryCoCreateInstanceExFailFast ( REFCLSID clsid , CLSCTX clsCtx = CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER ) noexcept
auto [ error , result ] = details : : CoCreateInstanceEx < err_failfast_policy , Results . . . > ( clsid , clsCtx ) ;
return result ;
template < typename . . . Results >
auto com_multi_query ( IUnknown * obj )
auto [ error , result ] = details : : com_multi_query < err_exception_policy , Results . . . > ( obj ) ;
THROW_IF_FAILED ( error ) ;
return result ;
template < typename . . . Results >
auto try_com_multi_query ( IUnknown * obj )
auto [ error , result ] = details : : com_multi_query < err_exception_policy , Results . . . > ( obj ) ;
return result ;
# endif
# endif // __cpp_lib_apply && __has_include(<type_traits>)
2019-11-01 01:09:52 +02:00
# pragma endregion
# pragma region Stream helpers
/** Read data from a stream into a buffer.
Reads up to a certain number of bytes into a buffer . Returns the amount of data written , which
may be less than the amount requested if the stream ran out .
~ ~ ~ ~
IStream * source = // ...
ULONG dataBlob = 0 ;
size_t read = 0 ;
RETURN_IF_FAILED ( wil : : stream_read_partial_nothrow ( source , & dataBlob , sizeof ( dataBlob ) , & read ) ) ;
if ( read ! = sizeof ( dataBlob ) )
// end of stream, probably
else if ( dataBlob = = 0x8675309 )
DoThing ( dataBlob ) ;
~ ~ ~ ~
@ param stream The stream from which to read at most ` size ` bytes .
@ param data A buffer into which up to ` size ` bytes will be read
@ param size The size , in bytes , of the buffer pointed to by ` data `
@ param wrote The amount , in bytes , of data read from ` stream ` into ` data `
inline HRESULT stream_read_partial_nothrow ( _In_ ISequentialStream * stream , _Out_writes_bytes_to_ ( size , * wrote ) void * data , unsigned long size , unsigned long * wrote )
RETURN_HR ( stream - > Read ( data , size , wrote ) ) ;
/** Read an exact number of bytes from a stream into a buffer.
Fails if the stream didn ' t read all the bytes requested .
~ ~ ~ ~
IStream * source = // ...
ULONG dataBlob = 0 ;
RETURN_IF_FAILED ( wil : : stream_read_nothrow ( source , & dataBlob , sizeof ( dataBlob ) ) ) ;
if ( dataBlob = = 0x8675309 )
DoThing ( dataBlob ) ;
~ ~ ~ ~
@ param stream The stream from which to read at most ` size ` bytes .
@ param data A buffer into which up to ` size ` bytes will be read
@ param size The size , in bytes , of the buffer pointed to by ` data `
@ return The underlying stream read result , or HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 ( ERROR_INVALID_DATA ) if the stream
did not read the complete buffer .
inline HRESULT stream_read_nothrow ( _In_ ISequentialStream * stream , _Out_writes_bytes_all_ ( size ) void * data , unsigned long size )
unsigned long didRead ;
RETURN_IF_FAILED ( stream_read_partial_nothrow ( stream , data , size , & didRead ) ) ;
return S_OK ;
/** Read from a stream into a POD type.
Fails if the stream didn ' t have enough bytes .
~ ~ ~ ~
IStream * source = // ...
MY_HEADER header { } ;
RETURN_IF_FAILED ( wil : : stream_read_nothrow ( source , & header ) ) ;
if ( header . Version = = 0x8675309 )
ConsumeOldHeader ( stream , header ) ;
~ ~ ~ ~
@ param stream The stream from which to read at most ` size ` bytes .
@ param pThing The POD data type to read from the stream .
@ return The underlying stream read result , or HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 ( ERROR_INVALID_DATA ) if the stream
did not read the complete buffer .
template < typename T > HRESULT stream_read_nothrow ( _In_ ISequentialStream * stream , _Out_ T * pThing )
static_assert ( __is_pod ( T ) , " Type must be POD. " ) ;
return stream_read_nothrow ( stream , pThing , sizeof ( T ) ) ;
/** Write an exact number of bytes to a stream from a buffer.
Fails if the stream didn ' t read write the bytes requested .
~ ~ ~ ~
IStream * source = // ...
ULONG dataBlob = 0x8675309 ;
RETURN_IF_FAILED ( wil : : stream_write_nothrow ( source , & dataBlob , sizeof ( dataBlob ) ) ) ;
~ ~ ~ ~
@ param stream The stream to which to write at most ` size ` bytes .
@ param data A buffer from which up to ` size ` bytes will be read
@ param size The size , in bytes , of the buffer pointed to by ` data `
inline HRESULT stream_write_nothrow ( _In_ ISequentialStream * stream , _In_reads_bytes_ ( size ) const void * data , unsigned long size )
unsigned long wrote ;
RETURN_IF_FAILED ( stream - > Write ( data , size , & wrote ) ) ;
return S_OK ;
/** Write a POD type to a stream.
Fails if not all the bytes were written .
~ ~ ~ ~
IStream * source = // ...
MY_HEADER header { 0x8675309 , HEADER_FLAG_1 | HEADER_FLAG_2 } ;
RETURN_IF_FAILED ( wil : : stream_write_nothrow ( source , header ) ) ;
ULONGLONG value = 16 ;
RETURN_IF_FAILED ( wil : : stream_write_nothrow ( source , value ) ) ;
~ ~ ~ ~
@ param stream The stream to which to write ` thing `
@ param thing The POD data type to write to the stream .
template < typename T > inline HRESULT stream_write_nothrow ( _In_ ISequentialStream * stream , const T & thing )
return stream_write_nothrow ( stream , wistd : : addressof ( thing ) , sizeof ( thing ) ) ;
/** Retrieve the size of this stream, in bytes
~ ~ ~ ~
IStream * source = // ...
RETURN_IF_FAILED ( wil : : stream_size_nothrow ( source , & size ) ) ;
~ ~ ~ ~
@ param stream The stream whose size is to be returned in ` value `
@ param value The size , in bytes , reported by ` stream `
inline HRESULT stream_size_nothrow ( _In_ IStream * stream , _Out_ unsigned long long * value )
STATSTG st { } ;
RETURN_IF_FAILED ( stream - > Stat ( & st , STATFLAG_NONAME ) ) ;
* value = st . cbSize . QuadPart ;
return S_OK ;
/** Seek a stream to a relative offset or absolute position
~ ~ ~ ~
IStream * source = // ...
unsigned long long landed ;
RETURN_IF_FAILED ( wil : : stream_seek_nothrow ( source , 16 , STREAM_SEEK_CUR , & landed ) ) ;
RETURN_IF_FAILED ( wil : : stream_seek_nothrow ( source , - 5 , STREAM_SEEK_END ) ) ;
RETURN_IF_FAILED ( wil : : stream_seek_nothrow ( source , LLONG_MAX , STREAM_SEEK_CUR ) ) ;
~ ~ ~ ~
@ param stream The stream to seek
@ param offset The position , in bytes from the current position , to seek
@ param from The starting point from which to seek , from the STREAM_SEEK_ * set of values
@ param value Optionally recieves the new absolute position from the stream
inline HRESULT stream_seek_nothrow ( _In_ IStream * stream , long long offset , unsigned long from , _Out_opt_ unsigned long long * value = nullptr )
ULARGE_INTEGER landed { } ;
amount . QuadPart = offset ;
RETURN_IF_FAILED ( stream - > Seek ( amount , from , value ? & landed : nullptr ) ) ;
assign_to_opt_param ( value , landed . QuadPart ) ;
return S_OK ;
/** Seek a stream to an absolute offset
~ ~ ~ ~
IStream * source = // ...
RETURN_HR ( wil : : stream_set_position_nothrow ( source , 16 ) ) ;
~ ~ ~ ~
@ param stream The stream whose size is to be returned in ` value `
@ param offset The position , in bytes from the start of the stream , to seek to
@ param value Optionally recieves the new absolute position from the stream
inline HRESULT stream_set_position_nothrow ( _In_ IStream * stream , unsigned long long offset , _Out_opt_ unsigned long long * value = nullptr )
// IStream::Seek(..., _SET) interprets the first parameter as an unsigned value.
return stream_seek_nothrow ( stream , static_cast < long long > ( offset ) , STREAM_SEEK_SET , value ) ;
/** Seek a relative amount in a stream
~ ~ ~ ~
IStream * source = // ...
RETURN_IF_FAILED ( wil : : stream_seek_from_current_position_nothrow ( source , - 16 ) ) ;
ULONGLONG newPosition ;
RETURN_IF_FAILED ( wil : : stream_seek_from_current_position_nothrow ( source , 16 , & newPosition ) ) ;
~ ~ ~ ~
@ param stream The stream whose location is to be moved
@ param amount The offset , in bytes , to seek the stream .
@ param value Set to the new absolute steam position , in bytes
inline HRESULT stream_seek_from_current_position_nothrow ( _In_ IStream * stream , long long amount , _Out_opt_ unsigned long long * value = nullptr )
return stream_seek_nothrow ( stream , amount , STREAM_SEEK_CUR , value ) ;
/** Determine the current byte position in the stream
~ ~ ~ ~
IStream * source = // ...
ULONGLONG currentPos ;
RETURN_IF_FAILED ( wil : : stream_get_position_nothrow ( source , & currentPos ) ) ;
~ ~ ~ ~
@ param stream The stream whose location is to be moved
@ param position Set to the current absolute steam position , in bytes
inline HRESULT stream_get_position_nothrow ( _In_ IStream * stream , _Out_ unsigned long long * position )
return stream_seek_from_current_position_nothrow ( stream , 0 , position ) ;
/** Moves the stream to absolute position 0
~ ~ ~ ~
IStream * source = // ...
RETURN_IF_FAILED ( wil : : stream_reset_nothrow ( source ) ) ;
~ ~ ~ ~
@ param stream The stream whose location is to be moved
inline HRESULT stream_reset_nothrow ( _In_ IStream * stream )
return stream_set_position_nothrow ( stream , 0 ) ;
/** Copy data from one stream to another, returning the final amount copied.
~ ~ ~ ~
IStream * source = // ...
IStream * target = // ...
ULONGLONG copied ;
RETURN_IF_FAILED ( wil : : stream_copy_bytes_nothrow ( source , target , sizeof ( MyType ) , & copied ) ) ;
if ( copied < sizeof ( MyType ) )
DoSomethingAboutPartialCopy ( ) ;
~ ~ ~ ~
@ param source The stream from which to copy at most ` amount ` bytes
@ param target The steam to which to copy at most ` amount ` bytes
@ param amount The maximum number of bytes to copy from ` source ` to ` target `
@ param pCopied If non - null , set to the number of bytes copied between the two .
inline HRESULT stream_copy_bytes_nothrow ( _In_ IStream * source , _In_ IStream * target , unsigned long long amount , _Out_opt_ unsigned long long * pCopied = nullptr )
toCopy . QuadPart = amount ;
RETURN_IF_FAILED ( source - > CopyTo ( target , toCopy , nullptr , & copied ) ) ;
assign_to_opt_param ( pCopied , copied . QuadPart ) ;
return S_OK ;
/** Copy all data from one stream to another, returning the final amount copied.
~ ~ ~ ~
IStream * source = // ...
IStream * target = // ...
ULONGLONG copied ;
RETURN_IF_FAILED ( wil : : stream_copy_all_nothrow ( source , target , & copied ) ) ;
if ( copied < 8 )
DoSomethingAboutPartialCopy ( ) ;
~ ~ ~ ~
@ param source The stream from which to copy all content
@ param target The steam to which to copy all content
@ param pCopied If non - null , set to the number of bytes copied between the two .
inline HRESULT stream_copy_all_nothrow ( _In_ IStream * source , _In_ IStream * target , _Out_opt_ unsigned long long * pCopied = nullptr )
return stream_copy_bytes_nothrow ( source , target , ULLONG_MAX , pCopied ) ;
/** Copies an exact amount of data from one stream to another, failing otherwise
~ ~ ~ ~
IStream * source = // ...
IStream * target = // ...
RETURN_IF_FAILED ( wil : : stream_copy_all_nothrow ( source , target , 16 ) ) ;
~ ~ ~ ~
@ param source The stream from which to copy at most ` amount ` bytes
@ param target The steam to which to copy at most ` amount ` bytes
@ param amount The number of bytes to copy from ` source ` to ` target `
inline HRESULT stream_copy_exact_nothrow ( _In_ IStream * source , _In_ IStream * target , unsigned long long amount )
unsigned long long copied ;
RETURN_IF_FAILED ( stream_copy_bytes_nothrow ( source , target , ULLONG_MAX , & copied ) ) ;
RETURN_HR_IF ( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 ( ERROR_INVALID_DATA ) , copied ! = amount ) ;
return S_OK ;
//! Controls behavior when reading a zero-length string from a stream
enum class empty_string_options
//! Zero-length strings are returned as nullptr
returns_null ,
//! Zero-length strings are allocated and returned with zero characters
returns_empty ,
} ;
# ifdef __WIL_OBJBASE_H_
/** Read a string from a stream and returns an allocated copy
Deserializes strings in streams written by both IStream_WriteStr and wil : : stream_write_string [ _nothrow ] . The format
is a single 16 - bit quantity , followed by that many wchar_ts . The returned string is allocated with CoTaskMemAlloc .
Returns a zero - length ( but non - null ) string if the stream contained a zero - length string .
~ ~ ~ ~
IStream * source = // ...
wil : : unique_cotaskmem_string content ;
RETURN_IF_FAILED ( wil : : stream_read_string_nothrow ( source , & content ) ) ;
if ( wcscmp ( content . get ( ) , L " waffles " ) = = 0 )
// Waffles!
~ ~ ~ ~
@ param source The stream from which to read a string
@ param value Set to point to the allocated result of reading a string from ` source `
inline HRESULT stream_read_string_nothrow (
2023-02-22 23:12:56 +02:00
_In_ ISequentialStream * source ,
_When_ ( options = = empty_string_options : : returns_empty , _Outptr_result_z_ ) _When_ ( options = = empty_string_options : : returns_null , _Outptr_result_maybenull_z_ ) wchar_t * * value ,
2019-11-01 01:09:52 +02:00
empty_string_options options = empty_string_options : : returns_empty )
unsigned short cch ;
RETURN_IF_FAILED ( stream_read_nothrow ( source , & cch ) ) ;
if ( ( cch = = 0 ) & & ( options = = empty_string_options : : returns_null ) )
* value = nullptr ;
auto allocated = make_unique_cotaskmem_nothrow < wchar_t [ ] > ( static_cast < size_t > ( cch ) + 1 ) ;
RETURN_IF_NULL_ALLOC ( allocated ) ;
RETURN_IF_FAILED ( stream_read_nothrow ( source , allocated . get ( ) , static_cast < unsigned long > ( cch ) * sizeof ( wchar_t ) ) ) ;
allocated [ cch ] = 0 ;
* value = allocated . release ( ) ;
return S_OK ;
# endif // __WIL_OBJBASE_H
/** Write a string to a stream
Serializes a string into a stream by putting its length and then the wchar_ts in the string
into the stream . Zero - length strings have their length but no data written . This is the
form expected by IStream_ReadStr and wil : : string_read_stream .
~ ~ ~ ~
IStream * target = // ...
RETURN_IF_FAILED ( wil : : stream_write_string_nothrow ( target , L " Waffles " , 3 ) ) ;
// Produces wchar_t[] { 0x3, L'W', L'a', L'f' };
~ ~ ~ ~
@ param target The stream to which to write a string
@ param source The string to write . Can be null if ` writeLength ` is zero
@ param writeLength The number of characters to write from source into ` target `
inline HRESULT stream_write_string_nothrow ( _In_ ISequentialStream * target , _In_reads_opt_ ( writeLength ) const wchar_t * source , _In_ size_t writeLength )
FAIL_FAST_IF ( writeLength > USHRT_MAX ) ;
RETURN_IF_FAILED ( stream_write_nothrow ( target , static_cast < unsigned short > ( writeLength ) ) ) ;
if ( writeLength > 0 )
RETURN_IF_FAILED ( stream_write_nothrow ( target , source , static_cast < unsigned short > ( writeLength ) * sizeof ( wchar_t ) ) ) ;
return S_OK ;
/** Write a string to a stream
Serializes a string into a stream by putting its length and then the wchar_ts in the string
into the stream . Zero - length strings have their length but no data written . This is the
form expected by IStream_ReadStr and wil : : string_read_stream .
~ ~ ~ ~
IStream * target = // ...
RETURN_IF_FAILED ( wil : : stream_write_string_nothrow ( target , L " Waffles " ) ) ;
// Produces wchar_t[] { 0x3, L'W', L'a', L'f', L'f', L'l', L'e', L's' };
~ ~ ~ ~
@ param target The stream to which to write a string
@ param source The string to write . When nullptr , a zero - length string is written .
inline HRESULT stream_write_string_nothrow ( _In_ ISequentialStream * target , _In_opt_z_ const wchar_t * source )
return stream_write_string_nothrow ( target , source , source ? wcslen ( source ) : 0 ) ;
/** Read data from a stream into a buffer.
~ ~ ~ ~
IStream * source = // ...
ULONG dataBlob = 0 ;
auto read = wil : : stream_read_partial ( source , & dataBlob , sizeof ( dataBlob ) ) ;
if ( read ! = sizeof ( dataBlob ) )
// end of stream, probably
else if ( dataBlob = = 0x8675309 )
DoThing ( dataBlob ) ;
~ ~ ~ ~
@ param stream The stream from which to read at most ` size ` bytes .
@ param data A buffer into which up to ` size ` bytes will be read
@ param size The size , in bytes , of the buffer pointed to by ` data `
@ return The amount , in bytes , of data read from ` stream ` into ` data `
inline unsigned long stream_read_partial ( _In_ ISequentialStream * stream , _Out_writes_bytes_to_ ( size , return ) void * data , unsigned long size )
unsigned long didRead ;
THROW_IF_FAILED ( stream_read_partial_nothrow ( stream , data , size , & didRead ) ) ;
return didRead ;
/** Read an exact number of bytes from a stream into a buffer.
Fails if the stream didn ' t read all the bytes requested by throwing HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 ( ERROR_INVALID_DATA ) .
~ ~ ~ ~
IStream * source = // ...
ULONG dataBlob = 0 ;
wil : : stream_read ( source , & dataBlob , sizeof ( dataBlob ) ) ;
if ( dataBlob = = 0x8675309 )
DoThing ( dataBlob ) ;
~ ~ ~ ~
@ param stream The stream from which to read at most ` size ` bytes .
@ param data A buffer into which up to ` size ` bytes will be read
@ param size The size , in bytes , of the buffer pointed to by ` data `
inline void stream_read ( _In_ ISequentialStream * stream , _Out_writes_bytes_all_ ( size ) void * data , unsigned long size )
THROW_HR_IF ( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 ( ERROR_INVALID_DATA ) , stream_read_partial ( stream , data , size ) ! = size ) ;
/** Read from a stream into a POD type.
Fails if the stream didn ' t have enough bytes by throwing HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 ( ERROR_INVALID_DATA ) .
~ ~ ~ ~
IStream * source = // ...
MY_HEADER header = wil : : stream_read < MY_HEADER > ( source ) ;
if ( header . Version = = 0x8675309 )
ConsumeOldHeader ( stream , header ) ;
~ ~ ~ ~
@ param stream The stream from which to read at most ` sizeof ( T ) ` bytes .
@ return An instance of ` T ` read from the stream
template < typename T > T stream_read ( _In_ ISequentialStream * stream )
static_assert ( __is_pod ( T ) , " Read type must be POD " ) ;
T temp { } ;
stream_read ( stream , & temp , sizeof ( temp ) ) ;
return temp ;
/** Write an exact number of bytes to a stream from a buffer.
Fails if the stream didn ' t read write the bytes requested .
~ ~ ~ ~
IStream * source = // ...
ULONG dataBlob = 0 ;
wil : : stream_write ( source , dataBlob , sizeof ( dataBlob ) ) ;
~ ~ ~ ~
@ param stream The stream to which to write at most ` size ` bytes .
@ param data A buffer from which up to ` size ` bytes will be read
@ param size The size , in bytes , of the buffer pointed to by ` data `
inline void stream_write ( _In_ ISequentialStream * stream , _In_reads_bytes_ ( size ) const void * data , unsigned long size )
THROW_IF_FAILED ( stream_write_nothrow ( stream , data , size ) ) ;
/** Write a POD type to a stream.
Fails if the stream didn ' t accept the entire size .
~ ~ ~ ~
IStream * target = // ...
MY_HEADER header { 0x8675309 , HEADER_FLAG_1 | HEADER_FLAG_2 } ;
wil : : stream_write ( target , header )
wil : : stream_write < ULONGLONG > ( target , 16 ) ;
~ ~ ~ ~
@ param stream The stream to which to write ` thing `
@ param thing The POD data type to write to the stream .
template < typename T > inline void stream_write ( _In_ ISequentialStream * stream , const T & thing )
stream_write ( stream , wistd : : addressof ( thing ) , sizeof ( thing ) ) ;
/** Retrieve the size of this stream, in bytes
~ ~ ~ ~
IStream * source = // ...
ULONGLONG size = wil : : stream_size ( source ) ;
~ ~ ~ ~
@ param stream The stream whose size is to be returned in ` value `
@ return The size , in bytes , reported by ` stream `
inline unsigned long long stream_size ( _In_ IStream * stream )
unsigned long long size ;
THROW_IF_FAILED ( stream_size_nothrow ( stream , & size ) ) ;
return size ;
/** Seek a stream to an absolute offset
~ ~ ~ ~
IStream * source = // ...
wil : : stream_set_position ( source , sizeof ( HEADER ) ) ;
~ ~ ~ ~
@ param stream The stream whose size is to be returned in ` value `
@ param offset The offset , in bytes , to seek the stream .
@ return The new absolute stream position , in bytes
inline unsigned long long stream_set_position ( _In_ IStream * stream , unsigned long long offset )
unsigned long long landed ;
THROW_IF_FAILED ( stream_set_position_nothrow ( stream , offset , & landed ) ) ;
return landed ;
/** Seek a relative amount in a stream
~ ~ ~ ~
IStream * source = // ...
ULONGLONG newPosition = wil : : stream_seek_from_current_position ( source , 16 ) ;
~ ~ ~ ~
@ param stream The stream whose location is to be moved
@ param amount The offset , in bytes , to seek the stream .
@ return The new absolute stream position , in bytes
inline unsigned long long stream_seek_from_current_position ( _In_ IStream * stream , long long amount )
unsigned long long landed ;
THROW_IF_FAILED ( stream_seek_from_current_position_nothrow ( stream , amount , & landed ) ) ;
return landed ;
/** Determine the current byte position in the stream
~ ~ ~ ~
IStream * source = // ...
ULONGLONG currentPos = wil : : stream_get_position ( source ) ;
~ ~ ~ ~
@ param stream The stream whose location is to be moved
@ return The current position reported by ` stream `
inline unsigned long long stream_get_position ( _In_ IStream * stream )
return stream_seek_from_current_position ( stream , 0 ) ;
/** Moves the stream to absolute position 0
~ ~ ~ ~
IStream * source = // ...
wil : : stream_reset ( source ) ;
ASSERT ( wil : : stream_get_position ( source ) = = 0 ) ;
~ ~ ~ ~
@ param stream The stream whose location is to be moved
inline void stream_reset ( _In_ IStream * stream )
stream_set_position ( stream , 0 ) ;
/** Copy data from one stream to another
~ ~ ~ ~
IStream * source = // ...
IStream * target = // ...
ULONGLONG copied = ;
if ( wil : : stream_copy_bytes ( source , target , sizeof ( Header ) ) < sizeof ( Header ) )
DoSomethingAboutPartialCopy ( ) ;
~ ~ ~ ~
@ param source The stream from which to copy at most ` amount ` bytes
@ param target The steam to which to copy at most ` amount ` bytes
@ param amount The maximum number of bytes to copy from ` source ` to ` target `
@ return The number of bytes copied between the two streams
inline unsigned long long stream_copy_bytes ( _In_ IStream * source , _In_ IStream * target , unsigned long long amount )
unsigned long long copied ;
THROW_IF_FAILED ( stream_copy_bytes_nothrow ( source , target , amount , & copied ) ) ;
return copied ;
/** Copy all data from one stream to another
~ ~ ~ ~
IStream * source = // ...
IStream * target = // ...
ULONGLONG copied = wil : : stream_copy_all ( source , target ) ;
~ ~ ~ ~
@ param source The stream from which to copy all content
@ param target The steam to which to copy all content
@ return The number of bytes copied between the two .
inline unsigned long long stream_copy_all ( _In_ IStream * source , _In_ IStream * target )
return stream_copy_bytes ( source , target , ULLONG_MAX ) ;
/** Copies an exact amount of data from one stream to another, failing otherwise
~ ~ ~ ~
IStream * source = // ...
IStream * target = // ...
wil : : stream_copy_all_nothrow ( source , target , sizeof ( SOMETHING ) ) ;
~ ~ ~ ~
@ param source The stream from which to copy at most ` amount ` bytes
@ param target The steam to which to copy at most ` amount ` bytes
@ param amount The number of bytes to copy from ` source ` to ` target `
inline void stream_copy_exact ( _In_ IStream * source , _In_ IStream * target , unsigned long long amount )
THROW_HR_IF ( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 ( ERROR_INVALID_DATA ) , stream_copy_bytes ( source , target , amount ) ! = amount ) ;
# ifdef __WIL_OBJBASE_H_
/** Read a string from a stream and returns an allocated copy
Deserializes strings in streams written by both IStream_WriteStr and wil : : stream_write_string [ _nothrow ] . The format
is a single 16 - bit quantity , followed by that many wchar_ts . The returned string is allocated with CoTaskMemAlloc .
Returns a zero - length ( but non - null ) string if the stream contained a zero - length string .
~ ~ ~ ~
IStream * source = // ...
wil : : unique_cotaskmem_string content = wil : : stream_read_string ( source ) ;
if ( wcscmp ( content . get ( ) , L " waffles " ) = = 0 )
// Waffles!
~ ~ ~ ~
@ param source The stream from which to read a string
@ return An non - null string ( but possibly zero lengh ) string read from ` source `
inline wil : : unique_cotaskmem_string stream_read_string ( _In_ ISequentialStream * source , empty_string_options options = empty_string_options : : returns_empty )
wil : : unique_cotaskmem_string result ;
THROW_IF_FAILED ( stream_read_string_nothrow ( source , & result , options ) ) ;
return result ;
# endif // __WIL_OBJBASE_H
/** Write a string to a stream
Serializes a string into a stream by putting its length and then the wchar_ts in the string
into the stream . Zero - length strings have their length but no data written . This is the
form expected by IStream_ReadStr and wil : : string_read_stream .
~ ~ ~ ~
IStream * target = // ...
wil : : stream_write_string ( target , L " Waffles " , 3 ) ;
~ ~ ~ ~
@ param target The stream to which to write a string
2023-02-22 23:12:56 +02:00
@ param source The string to write . Can be null if ` toWriteCch ` is zero
@ param toWriteCch The number of characters to write from source into ` target `
2019-11-01 01:09:52 +02:00
inline void stream_write_string ( _In_ ISequentialStream * target , _In_reads_opt_ ( toWriteCch ) const wchar_t * source , _In_ size_t toWriteCch )
THROW_IF_FAILED ( stream_write_string_nothrow ( target , source , toWriteCch ) ) ;
/** Write a string to a stream
Serializes a string into a stream by putting its length and then the wchar_ts in the string
into the stream . Zero - length strings have their length but no data written . This is the
form expected by IStream_ReadStr and wil : : string_read_stream .
~ ~ ~ ~
IStream * target = // ...
wil : : stream_write_string ( target , L " Waffles " ) ;
~ ~ ~ ~
@ param target The stream to which to write a string
@ param source The string to write . When nullptr , a zero - length string is written .
inline void stream_write_string ( _In_ ISequentialStream * target , _In_opt_z_ const wchar_t * source )
THROW_IF_FAILED ( stream_write_string_nothrow ( target , source , source ? wcslen ( source ) : 0 ) ) ;
/** Saves and restores the position of a stream
Useful for potentially reading data from a stream , or being able to read ahead , then reset
back to where one left off , such as conditionally reading content from a stream .
~ ~ ~ ~
void MaybeConsumeStream ( IStream * stream )
// On error, reset the read position in the stream to where we left off
auto saver = wil : : stream_position_saver ( stream ) ;
auto header = wil : : stream_read < MY_HEADER > ( stream ) ;
for ( ULONG i = 0 ; i < header . Count ; + + i )
ProcessElement ( wil : : stream_read < MY_ELEMENT > ( stream ) ) ;
~ ~ ~ ~
class stream_position_saver
public :
//! Constructs a saver from the current position of this stream
//! @param stream The stream instance whose position is to be saved.
explicit stream_position_saver ( _In_opt_ IStream * stream ) :
m_stream ( stream ) ,
m_position ( stream ? stream_get_position ( stream ) : 0 )
~ stream_position_saver ( )
if ( m_stream )
LOG_IF_FAILED ( stream_set_position_nothrow ( m_stream . get ( ) , m_position ) ) ;
/** Updates the current position in the stream
~ ~ ~ ~
// Read a size marker from the stream, then advance that much.
IStream * stream1 = // ...
auto saver = wil : : stream_position_saver ( stream1 ) ;
auto size = wil : : stream_read < long > ( stream1 ) ;
wil : : stream_seek_from_current_position ( stream , size ) ;
saver . update ( ) ;
~ ~ ~ ~
void update ( )
m_position = stream_get_position ( m_stream . get ( ) ) ;
//! Returns the current position being saved for the stream
//! @returns The position, in bytes, being saved for the stream
unsigned long long position ( ) const
return m_position ;
/** Resets the position saver to manage a new stream
Reverts the position of any stream this saver is currently holding a place for .
~ ~ ~ ~
IStream * stream1 = // ...
IStream * stream2 = // ...
auto saver = wil : : stream_position_saver ( stream1 ) ;
if ( wil : : stream_read < MyType > ( stream1 ) . Flags ! = 0 )
saver . reset ( stream2 ) ; // position in stream1 is reverted, now holding stream2
~ ~ ~ ~
@ param stream The stream whose position is to be saved
void reset ( _In_ IStream * stream )
reset ( ) ;
m_stream = stream ;
m_position = wil : : stream_get_position ( m_stream . get ( ) ) ;
/** Resets the position of the stream
~ ~ ~ ~
IStream * stream1 = // ...
auto saver = wil : : stream_position_saver ( stream1 ) ;
MyType mt = wil : : stream_read < MyType > ( stream1 ) ;
if ( mt . Flags & MyTypeFlags : : Extended )
saver . reset ( ) ;
ProcessExtended ( stream1 , wil : : stream_read < MyTypeExtended > ( stream1 ) ) ;
ProcessStandard ( stream1 , mt ) ;
~ ~ ~ ~
void reset ( )
if ( m_stream )
wil : : stream_set_position ( m_stream . get ( ) , m_position ) ;
/** Stops saving the position of the stream
~ ~ ~ ~
// The stream has either a standard or extended header, followed by interesting content.
// Read either one, leaving the stream after the headers have been read off. On failure,
// the stream's position is restored.
std : : pair < MyType , MyTypeExtended > get_headers ( _In_ IStream * source )
auto saver = wil : : stream_position_saver ( stream1 ) ;
MyType mt = wil : : stream_read < MyType > ( stream1 ) ;
MyTypeExtended mte { } ;
if ( mt . Flags & MyTypeFlags : : Extended )
mte = wil : : stream_read < MyTypeExtended > ( stream1 ) ;
saver . dismiss ( ) ;
return { mt , mte } ;
~ ~ ~ ~
void dismiss ( )
m_stream . reset ( ) ;
stream_position_saver ( stream_position_saver & & ) = default ;
stream_position_saver & operator = ( stream_position_saver & & ) = default ;
stream_position_saver ( const stream_position_saver & ) = delete ;
void operator = ( const stream_position_saver & ) = delete ;
private :
com_ptr < IStream > m_stream ;
unsigned long long m_position ;
} ;
# pragma endregion // stream helpers
# if defined(__IObjectWithSite_INTERFACE_DEFINED__)
/// @cond
namespace details
inline void __stdcall SetSiteNull ( IObjectWithSite * objWithSite )
objWithSite - > SetSite ( nullptr ) ; // break the cycle
} // details
/// @endcond
using unique_set_site_null_call = wil : : unique_com_call < IObjectWithSite , decltype ( details : : SetSiteNull ) , details : : SetSiteNull > ;
/** RAII support for managing the site chain. This function sets the site pointer on an object and return an object
that resets it on destruction to break the cycle .
Note , this does not preserve the existing site if there is one ( an uncommon case ) so only use this when that is not required .
~ ~ ~
auto cleanup = wil : : com_set_site ( execCommand . get ( ) , serviceProvider - > GetAsSite ( ) ) ;
~ ~ ~
Include ocidl . h before wil \ com . h to use this .
WI_NODISCARD inline unique_set_site_null_call com_set_site ( _In_opt_ IUnknown * obj , _In_opt_ IUnknown * site )
wil : : com_ptr_nothrow < IObjectWithSite > objWithSite ;
if ( site & & wil : : try_com_copy_to ( obj , & objWithSite ) )
objWithSite - > SetSite ( site ) ;
return unique_set_site_null_call ( objWithSite . get ( ) ) ;
/** Iterate over each object in a site chain. Useful for debugging site issues, here is sample use.
~ ~ ~
void OutputDebugSiteChainWatchWindowText ( IUnknown * site )
OutputDebugStringW ( L " Copy and paste these entries into the Visual Studio Watch Window \n " ) ;
wil : : for_each_site ( site , [ ] ( IUnknown * site )
wchar_t msg [ 64 ] ;
StringCchPrintfW ( msg , ARRAYSIZE ( msg ) , L " ((IUnknown*)0x%p)->__vfptr[0] \n " , site ) ;
OutputDebugStringW ( msg ) ;
} ) ;
template < typename TLambda >
void for_each_site ( _In_opt_ IUnknown * siteInput , TLambda & & callback )
wil : : com_ptr_nothrow < IUnknown > site ( siteInput ) ;
while ( site )
callback ( site . get ( ) ) ;
auto objWithSite = site . try_query < IObjectWithSite > ( ) ;
site . reset ( ) ;
if ( objWithSite )
objWithSite - > GetSite ( IID_PPV_ARGS ( & site ) ) ;
# endif // __IObjectWithSite_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
} // wil
# endif