2008-12-08 06:36:27 +02:00
// Windows Template Library - WTL version 8.0
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// This file is a part of the Windows Template Library.
// The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
// Common Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/osi3.0/licenses/cpl1.0.php)
// which can be found in the file CPL.TXT at the root of this distribution.
// By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
// the terms of this license. You must not remove this notice, or
// any other, from this software.
# ifndef __ATLFIND_H__
# define __ATLFIND_H__
# pragma once
# ifndef __cplusplus
# error ATL requires C++ compilation (use a .cpp suffix)
# endif
# ifdef _WIN32_WCE
# error atlfind.h is not supported on Windows CE
# endif
# ifndef __ATLCTRLS_H__
# error atlfind.h requires atlctrls.h to be included first
# endif
# ifndef __ATLDLGS_H__
# error atlfind.h requires atldlgs.h to be included first
# endif
# if !((defined(__ATLMISC_H__) && defined(_WTL_USE_CSTRING)) || defined(__ATLSTR_H__))
# error atlfind.h requires CString (either from ATL's atlstr.h or WTL's atlmisc.h with _WTL_USE_CSTRING)
# endif
// Classes in this file:
// CEditFindReplaceImplBase<T, TFindReplaceDialog>
// CEditFindReplaceImpl<T, TFindReplaceDialog>
// CRichEditFindReplaceImpl<T, TFindReplaceDialog>
namespace WTL
// CEditFindReplaceImplBase - Base class for mixin classes that
// help implement Find/Replace for CEdit or CRichEditCtrl based window classes.
template < class T , class TFindReplaceDialog = CFindReplaceDialog >
class CEditFindReplaceImplBase
protected :
// Typedefs
typedef CEditFindReplaceImplBase < T , TFindReplaceDialog > thisClass ;
// Data members
TFindReplaceDialog * m_pFindReplaceDialog ;
_CSTRING_NS : : CString m_sFindNext , m_sReplaceWith ;
BOOL m_bFindOnly , m_bFirstSearch , m_bMatchCase , m_bWholeWord , m_bFindDown ;
LONG m_nInitialSearchPos ;
HCURSOR m_hOldCursor ;
// Enumerations
enum TranslationTextItem
eText_OnReplaceAllMessage = 0 ,
eText_OnReplaceAllTitle = 1 ,
eText_OnTextNotFoundMessage = 2 ,
eText_OnTextNotFoundTitle = 3
} ;
public :
// Constructors
CEditFindReplaceImplBase ( ) :
m_pFindReplaceDialog ( NULL ) ,
m_bFindOnly ( TRUE ) ,
m_bFirstSearch ( TRUE ) ,
m_bMatchCase ( FALSE ) ,
m_bWholeWord ( FALSE ) ,
m_bFindDown ( TRUE ) ,
m_nInitialSearchPos ( 0 ) ,
m_hOldCursor ( NULL )
// Message Handlers
BEGIN_MSG_MAP ( thisClass )
MESSAGE_HANDLER ( TFindReplaceDialog : : GetFindReplaceMsg ( ) , OnFindReplaceCmd )
LRESULT OnDestroy ( UINT /*uMsg*/ , WPARAM /*wParam*/ , LPARAM /*lParam*/ , BOOL & bHandled )
if ( m_pFindReplaceDialog ! = NULL )
m_pFindReplaceDialog - > SendMessage ( WM_CLOSE ) ;
ATLASSERT ( m_pFindReplaceDialog = = NULL ) ;
bHandled = FALSE ;
return 0 ;
LRESULT OnFindReplaceCmd ( UINT /*uMsg*/ , WPARAM /*wParam*/ , LPARAM lParam , BOOL & /*bHandled*/ )
T * pT = static_cast < T * > ( this ) ;
TFindReplaceDialog * pDialog = TFindReplaceDialog : : GetNotifier ( lParam ) ;
if ( pDialog = = NULL )
: : MessageBeep ( MB_ICONERROR ) ;
return 1 ;
ATLASSERT ( pDialog = = m_pFindReplaceDialog ) ;
if ( ( m_pFindReplaceDialog ! = NULL ) & & ( findReplace ! = NULL ) )
if ( pDialog - > FindNext ( ) )
pT - > OnFindNext ( pDialog - > GetFindString ( ) , pDialog - > SearchDown ( ) ,
pDialog - > MatchCase ( ) , pDialog - > MatchWholeWord ( ) ) ;
else if ( pDialog - > ReplaceCurrent ( ) )
pT - > OnReplaceSel ( pDialog - > GetFindString ( ) ,
pDialog - > SearchDown ( ) , pDialog - > MatchCase ( ) , pDialog - > MatchWholeWord ( ) ,
pDialog - > GetReplaceString ( ) ) ;
else if ( pDialog - > ReplaceAll ( ) )
pT - > OnReplaceAll ( pDialog - > GetFindString ( ) , pDialog - > GetReplaceString ( ) ,
pDialog - > MatchCase ( ) , pDialog - > MatchWholeWord ( ) ) ;
else if ( pDialog - > IsTerminating ( ) )
// Dialog is going away (but hasn't gone away yet)
// OnFinalMessage will "delete this"
pT - > OnTerminatingFindReplaceDialog ( m_pFindReplaceDialog ) ;
m_pFindReplaceDialog = NULL ;
return 0 ;
LRESULT OnEditFind ( WORD /*wNotifyCode*/ , WORD /*wID*/ , HWND /*hWndCtl*/ , BOOL & /*bHandled*/ )
T * pT = static_cast < T * > ( this ) ;
pT - > FindReplace ( TRUE ) ;
return 0 ;
LRESULT OnEditRepeat ( WORD /*wNotifyCode*/ , WORD /*wID*/ , HWND /*hWndCtl*/ , BOOL & /*bHandled*/ )
T * pT = static_cast < T * > ( this ) ;
// If the user is holding down SHIFT when hitting F3, we'll
// search in reverse. Otherwise, we'll search forward.
// (be sure to have an accelerator mapped to ID_EDIT_REPEAT
// for both F3 and Shift+F3)
m_bFindDown = ! ( ( : : GetKeyState ( VK_SHIFT ) & 0x8000 ) = = 0x8000 ) ;
if ( m_sFindNext . IsEmpty ( ) )
pT - > FindReplace ( TRUE ) ;
if ( ! pT - > FindTextSimple ( m_sFindNext , m_bMatchCase , m_bWholeWord , m_bFindDown ) )
pT - > TextNotFound ( m_sFindNext ) ;
return 0 ;
LRESULT OnEditReplace ( WORD /*wNotifyCode*/ , WORD /*wID*/ , HWND /*hWndCtl*/ , BOOL & bHandled )
T * pT = static_cast < T * > ( this ) ;
DWORD style = pT - > GetStyle ( ) ;
if ( ( style & ES_READONLY ) ! = ES_READONLY )
pT - > FindReplace ( FALSE ) ;
// Don't allow replace when the edit control is read only
bHandled = FALSE ;
return 0 ;
// Operations (overrideable)
TFindReplaceDialog * CreateFindReplaceDialog ( BOOL bFindOnly , // TRUE for Find, FALSE for FindReplace
LPCTSTR lpszFindWhat ,
LPCTSTR lpszReplaceWith = NULL ,
DWORD dwFlags = FR_DOWN ,
HWND hWndParent = NULL )
// You can override all of this in a derived class
TFindReplaceDialog * findReplaceDialog = new TFindReplaceDialog ( ) ;
if ( findReplaceDialog = = NULL )
: : MessageBeep ( MB_ICONHAND ) ;
HWND hWndFindReplace = findReplaceDialog - > Create ( bFindOnly ,
lpszFindWhat , lpszReplaceWith , dwFlags , hWndParent ) ;
if ( hWndFindReplace = = NULL )
delete findReplaceDialog ;
findReplaceDialog = NULL ;
findReplaceDialog - > SetActiveWindow ( ) ;
findReplaceDialog - > ShowWindow ( SW_SHOW ) ;
return findReplaceDialog ;
void AdjustDialogPosition ( HWND hWndDialog )
ATLASSERT ( ( hWndDialog ! = NULL ) & & : : IsWindow ( hWndDialog ) ) ;
T * pT = static_cast < T * > ( this ) ;
LONG nStartChar = 0 , nEndChar = 0 ;
// Send EM_GETSEL so we can use both Edit and RichEdit
// (CEdit::GetSel uses int&, and CRichEditCtrlT::GetSel uses LONG&)
: : SendMessage ( pT - > m_hWnd , EM_GETSEL , ( WPARAM ) & nStartChar , ( LPARAM ) & nEndChar ) ;
POINT point = pT - > PosFromChar ( nStartChar ) ;
: : ClientToScreen ( pT - > GetParent ( ) , & point ) ;
CRect rect ;
: : GetWindowRect ( hWndDialog , & rect ) ;
if ( rect . PtInRect ( point ) )
if ( point . y > rect . Height ( ) )
rect . OffsetRect ( 0 , point . y - rect . bottom - 20 ) ;
int nVertExt = GetSystemMetrics ( SM_CYSCREEN ) ;
if ( point . y + rect . Height ( ) < nVertExt )
rect . OffsetRect ( 0 , 40 + point . y - rect . top ) ;
: : MoveWindow ( hWndDialog , rect . left , rect . top , rect . Width ( ) , rect . Height ( ) , TRUE ) ;
DWORD GetFindReplaceDialogFlags ( void ) const
DWORD dwFlags = 0 ;
if ( m_bFindDown )
dwFlags | = FR_DOWN ;
if ( m_bMatchCase )
dwFlags | = FR_MATCHCASE ;
if ( m_bWholeWord )
dwFlags | = FR_WHOLEWORD ;
return dwFlags ;
void FindReplace ( BOOL bFindOnly )
T * pT = static_cast < T * > ( this ) ;
m_bFirstSearch = TRUE ;
if ( m_pFindReplaceDialog ! = NULL )
if ( m_bFindOnly = = bFindOnly )
m_pFindReplaceDialog - > SetActiveWindow ( ) ;
m_pFindReplaceDialog - > ShowWindow ( SW_SHOW ) ;
return ;
m_pFindReplaceDialog - > SendMessage ( WM_CLOSE ) ;
ATLASSERT ( m_pFindReplaceDialog = = NULL ) ;
ATLASSERT ( m_pFindReplaceDialog = = NULL ) ;
_CSTRING_NS : : CString findNext ;
pT - > GetSelText ( findNext ) ;
// if selection is empty or spans multiple lines use old find text
if ( findNext . IsEmpty ( ) | | ( findNext . FindOneOf ( _T ( " \n \r " ) ) ! = - 1 ) )
findNext = m_sFindNext ;
_CSTRING_NS : : CString replaceWith = m_sReplaceWith ;
DWORD dwFlags = pT - > GetFindReplaceDialogFlags ( ) ;
m_pFindReplaceDialog = pT - > CreateFindReplaceDialog ( bFindOnly ,
findNext , replaceWith , dwFlags , pT - > operator HWND ( ) ) ;
ATLASSERT ( m_pFindReplaceDialog ! = NULL ) ;
if ( m_pFindReplaceDialog ! = NULL )
m_bFindOnly = bFindOnly ;
BOOL SameAsSelected ( LPCTSTR lpszCompare , BOOL bMatchCase , BOOL /*bWholeWord*/ )
T * pT = static_cast < T * > ( this ) ;
// check length first
size_t nLen = lstrlen ( lpszCompare ) ;
LONG nStartChar = 0 , nEndChar = 0 ;
// Send EM_GETSEL so we can use both Edit and RichEdit
// (CEdit::GetSel uses int&, and CRichEditCtrlT::GetSel uses LONG&)
: : SendMessage ( pT - > m_hWnd , EM_GETSEL , ( WPARAM ) & nStartChar , ( LPARAM ) & nEndChar ) ;
if ( nLen ! = ( size_t ) ( nEndChar - nStartChar ) )
return FALSE ;
// length is the same, check contents
_CSTRING_NS : : CString selectedText ;
pT - > GetSelText ( selectedText ) ;
return ( bMatchCase & & selectedText . Compare ( lpszCompare ) = = 0 ) | |
( ! bMatchCase & & selectedText . CompareNoCase ( lpszCompare ) = = 0 ) ;
void TextNotFound ( LPCTSTR lpszFind )
T * pT = static_cast < T * > ( this ) ;
m_bFirstSearch = TRUE ;
pT - > OnTextNotFound ( lpszFind ) ;
_CSTRING_NS : : CString GetTranslationText ( enum TranslationTextItem eItem ) const
_CSTRING_NS : : CString text ;
switch ( eItem )
case eText_OnReplaceAllMessage :
text = _T ( " Replaced %d occurances of \" %s \" with \" %s \" " ) ;
break ;
case eText_OnReplaceAllTitle :
text = _T ( " Replace All " ) ;
break ;
case eText_OnTextNotFoundMessage :
text = _T ( " Unable to find the text \" %s \" " ) ;
break ;
case eText_OnTextNotFoundTitle :
text = _T ( " Text not found " ) ;
break ;
return text ;
// Overrideable Handlers
void OnFindNext ( LPCTSTR lpszFind , BOOL bFindDown , BOOL bMatchCase , BOOL bWholeWord )
T * pT = static_cast < T * > ( this ) ;
m_sFindNext = lpszFind ;
m_bMatchCase = bMatchCase ;
m_bWholeWord = bWholeWord ;
m_bFindDown = bFindDown ;
if ( ! pT - > FindTextSimple ( m_sFindNext , m_bMatchCase , m_bWholeWord , m_bFindDown ) )
pT - > TextNotFound ( m_sFindNext ) ;
pT - > AdjustDialogPosition ( m_pFindReplaceDialog - > operator HWND ( ) ) ;
void OnReplaceSel ( LPCTSTR lpszFind , BOOL bFindDown , BOOL bMatchCase , BOOL bWholeWord , LPCTSTR lpszReplace )
T * pT = static_cast < T * > ( this ) ;
m_sFindNext = lpszFind ;
m_sReplaceWith = lpszReplace ;
m_bMatchCase = bMatchCase ;
m_bWholeWord = bWholeWord ;
m_bFindDown = bFindDown ;
if ( pT - > SameAsSelected ( m_sFindNext , m_bMatchCase , m_bWholeWord ) )
pT - > ReplaceSel ( m_sReplaceWith ) ;
if ( ! pT - > FindTextSimple ( m_sFindNext , m_bMatchCase , m_bWholeWord , m_bFindDown ) )
pT - > TextNotFound ( m_sFindNext ) ;
pT - > AdjustDialogPosition ( m_pFindReplaceDialog - > operator HWND ( ) ) ;
void OnReplaceAll ( LPCTSTR lpszFind , LPCTSTR lpszReplace , BOOL bMatchCase , BOOL bWholeWord )
T * pT = static_cast < T * > ( this ) ;
m_sFindNext = lpszFind ;
m_sReplaceWith = lpszReplace ;
m_bMatchCase = bMatchCase ;
m_bWholeWord = bWholeWord ;
m_bFindDown = TRUE ;
// no selection or different than what looking for
if ( ! pT - > SameAsSelected ( m_sFindNext , m_bMatchCase , m_bWholeWord ) )
if ( ! pT - > FindTextSimple ( m_sFindNext , m_bMatchCase , m_bWholeWord , m_bFindDown ) )
pT - > TextNotFound ( m_sFindNext ) ;
return ;
pT - > OnReplaceAllCoreBegin ( ) ;
int replaceCount = 0 ;
+ + replaceCount ;
pT - > ReplaceSel ( m_sReplaceWith ) ;
} while ( pT - > FindTextSimple ( m_sFindNext , m_bMatchCase , m_bWholeWord , m_bFindDown ) ) ;
pT - > OnReplaceAllCoreEnd ( replaceCount ) ;
void OnReplaceAllCoreBegin ( )
T * pT = static_cast < T * > ( this ) ;
m_hOldCursor = : : SetCursor ( : : LoadCursor ( NULL , IDC_WAIT ) ) ;
pT - > HideSelection ( TRUE , FALSE ) ;
void OnReplaceAllCoreEnd ( int replaceCount )
T * pT = static_cast < T * > ( this ) ;
pT - > HideSelection ( FALSE , FALSE ) ;
: : SetCursor ( m_hOldCursor ) ;
_CSTRING_NS : : CString message = pT - > GetTranslationText ( eText_OnReplaceAllMessage ) ;
if ( message . GetLength ( ) > 0 )
_CSTRING_NS : : CString formattedMessage ;
formattedMessage . Format ( message ,
replaceCount , m_sFindNext , m_sReplaceWith ) ;
if ( m_pFindReplaceDialog ! = NULL )
m_pFindReplaceDialog - > MessageBox ( formattedMessage ,
pT - > GetTranslationText ( eText_OnReplaceAllTitle ) ,
pT - > MessageBox ( formattedMessage ,
pT - > GetTranslationText ( eText_OnReplaceAllTitle ) ,
void OnTextNotFound ( LPCTSTR lpszFind )
T * pT = static_cast < T * > ( this ) ;
_CSTRING_NS : : CString message = pT - > GetTranslationText ( eText_OnTextNotFoundMessage ) ;
if ( message . GetLength ( ) > 0 )
_CSTRING_NS : : CString formattedMessage ;
formattedMessage . Format ( message , lpszFind ) ;
if ( m_pFindReplaceDialog ! = NULL )
m_pFindReplaceDialog - > MessageBox ( formattedMessage ,
pT - > GetTranslationText ( eText_OnTextNotFoundTitle ) ,
pT - > MessageBox ( formattedMessage ,
pT - > GetTranslationText ( eText_OnTextNotFoundTitle ) ,
: : MessageBeep ( MB_ICONHAND ) ;
void OnTerminatingFindReplaceDialog ( TFindReplaceDialog * & /*findReplaceDialog*/ )
} ;
// CEditFindReplaceImpl - Mixin class for implementing Find/Replace for CEdit
// based window classes.
// Chain to CEditFindReplaceImpl message map. Your class must also derive from CEdit.
// Example:
// class CMyEdit : public CWindowImpl<CMyEdit, CEdit>,
// public CEditFindReplaceImpl<CMyEdit>
// {
// public:
// // your handlers...
// CHAIN_MSG_MAP_ALT(CEditFindReplaceImpl<CMyEdit>, 1)
// // other stuff...
// };
template < class T , class TFindReplaceDialog = CFindReplaceDialog >
class CEditFindReplaceImpl : public CEditFindReplaceImplBase < T , TFindReplaceDialog >
protected :
typedef CEditFindReplaceImpl < T , TFindReplaceDialog > thisClass ;
typedef CEditFindReplaceImplBase < T , TFindReplaceDialog > baseClass ;
// Data members
LPTSTR m_pShadowBuffer ; // Special shadow buffer only used in some cases.
UINT m_nShadowSize ;
int m_bShadowBufferNeeded ; // TRUE, FALSE, < 0 => Need to check
public :
// Constructors
CEditFindReplaceImpl ( ) :
m_pShadowBuffer ( NULL ) ,
m_nShadowSize ( 0 ) ,
m_bShadowBufferNeeded ( - 1 )
virtual ~ CEditFindReplaceImpl ( )
if ( m_pShadowBuffer ! = NULL )
delete [ ] m_pShadowBuffer ;
m_pShadowBuffer = NULL ;
// Message Handlers
BEGIN_MSG_MAP ( thisClass )
CHAIN_MSG_MAP_ALT ( baseClass , 1 )
// Operations
// Supported only for RichEdit, so this does nothing for Edit
void HideSelection ( BOOL /*bHide*/ = TRUE , BOOL /*bChangeStyle*/ = FALSE )
// Operations (overrideable)
BOOL FindTextSimple ( LPCTSTR lpszFind , BOOL bMatchCase , BOOL bWholeWord , BOOL bFindDown = TRUE )
T * pT = static_cast < T * > ( this ) ;
ATLASSERT ( lpszFind ! = NULL ) ;
ATLASSERT ( * lpszFind ! = _T ( ' \0 ' ) ) ;
UINT nLen = pT - > GetBufferLength ( ) ;
int nStartChar = 0 , nEndChar = 0 ;
pT - > GetSel ( nStartChar , nEndChar ) ;
UINT nStart = nStartChar ;
int iDir = bFindDown ? + 1 : - 1 ;
// can't find a match before the first character
if ( nStart = = 0 & & iDir < 0 )
return FALSE ;
LPCTSTR lpszText = pT - > LockBuffer ( ) ;
bool isDBCS = false ;
# ifdef _MBCS
CPINFO info = { 0 } ;
: : GetCPInfo ( : : GetOEMCP ( ) , & info ) ;
isDBCS = ( info . MaxCharSize > 1 ) ;
# endif
if ( iDir < 0 )
// always go back one for search backwards
nStart - = int ( ( lpszText + nStart ) - : : CharPrev ( lpszText , lpszText + nStart ) ) ;
else if ( nStartChar ! = nEndChar & & pT - > SameAsSelected ( lpszFind , bMatchCase , bWholeWord ) )
// easy to go backward/forward with SBCS
# ifndef _UNICODE
if ( : : IsDBCSLeadByte ( lpszText [ nStart ] ) )
nStart + + ;
# endif
nStart + = iDir ;
// handle search with nStart past end of buffer
UINT nLenFind = : : lstrlen ( lpszFind ) ;
if ( nStart + nLenFind - 1 > = nLen )
if ( iDir < 0 & & nLen > = nLenFind )
if ( isDBCS )
// walk back to previous character n times
nStart = nLen ;
int n = nLenFind ;
while ( n - - )
nStart - = int ( ( lpszText + nStart ) - : : CharPrev ( lpszText , lpszText + nStart ) ) ;
// single-byte character set is easy and fast
nStart = nLen - nLenFind ;
ATLASSERT ( nStart + nLenFind - 1 < = nLen ) ;
pT - > UnlockBuffer ( ) ;
return FALSE ;
// start the search at nStart
LPCTSTR lpsz = lpszText + nStart ;
typedef int ( WINAPI * CompareProc ) ( LPCTSTR str1 , LPCTSTR str2 ) ;
CompareProc pfnCompare = bMatchCase ? lstrcmp : lstrcmpi ;
if ( isDBCS )
// double-byte string search
LPCTSTR lpszStop = NULL ;
if ( iDir > 0 )
// start at current and find _first_ occurrance
lpszStop = lpszText + nLen - nLenFind + 1 ;
// start at top and find _last_ occurrance
lpszStop = lpsz ;
lpsz = lpszText ;
LPCTSTR lpszFound = NULL ;
while ( lpsz < = lpszStop )
# ifndef _UNICODE
if ( ! bMatchCase | | ( * lpsz = = * lpszFind & & ( ! : : IsDBCSLeadByte ( * lpsz ) | | lpsz [ 1 ] = = lpszFind [ 1 ] ) ) )
# else
if ( ! bMatchCase | | ( * lpsz = = * lpszFind & & lpsz [ 1 ] = = lpszFind [ 1 ] ) )
# endif
LPTSTR lpch = ( LPTSTR ) ( lpsz + nLenFind ) ;
TCHAR chSave = * lpch ;
* lpch = _T ( ' \0 ' ) ;
int nResult = ( * pfnCompare ) ( lpsz , lpszFind ) ;
* lpch = chSave ;
if ( nResult = = 0 )
lpszFound = lpsz ;
if ( iDir > 0 )
break ;
lpsz = : : CharNext ( lpsz ) ;
pT - > UnlockBuffer ( ) ;
if ( lpszFound ! = NULL )
int n = ( int ) ( lpszFound - lpszText ) ;
pT - > SetSel ( n , n + nLenFind ) ;
return TRUE ;
// single-byte string search
UINT nCompare ;
if ( iDir < 0 )
nCompare = ( UINT ) ( lpsz - lpszText ) + 1 ;
nCompare = nLen - ( UINT ) ( lpsz - lpszText ) - nLenFind + 1 ;
while ( nCompare > 0 )
ATLASSERT ( lpsz > = lpszText ) ;
ATLASSERT ( lpsz + nLenFind - 1 < = lpszText + nLen - 1 ) ;
LPSTR lpch = ( LPSTR ) ( lpsz + nLenFind ) ;
char chSave = * lpch ;
* lpch = ' \0 ' ;
int nResult = ( * pfnCompare ) ( lpsz , lpszFind ) ;
* lpch = chSave ;
if ( nResult = = 0 )
pT - > UnlockBuffer ( ) ;
int n = ( int ) ( lpsz - lpszText ) ;
pT - > SetSel ( n , n + nLenFind ) ;
return TRUE ;
// restore character at end of search
* lpch = chSave ;
// move on to next substring
nCompare - - ;
lpsz + = iDir ;
pT - > UnlockBuffer ( ) ;
return FALSE ;
LPCTSTR LockBuffer ( ) const
const T * pT = static_cast < const T * > ( this ) ;
ATLASSERT ( pT - > m_hWnd ! = NULL ) ;
BOOL useShadowBuffer = pT - > UseShadowBuffer ( ) ;
if ( useShadowBuffer )
if ( m_pShadowBuffer = = NULL | | pT - > GetModify ( ) )
ATLASSERT ( m_pShadowBuffer ! = NULL | | m_nShadowSize = = 0 ) ;
UINT nSize = pT - > GetWindowTextLength ( ) + 1 ;
if ( nSize > m_nShadowSize )
// need more room for shadow buffer
T * pThisNoConst = const_cast < T * > ( pT ) ;
delete [ ] m_pShadowBuffer ;
pThisNoConst - > m_pShadowBuffer = NULL ;
pThisNoConst - > m_nShadowSize = 0 ;
pThisNoConst - > m_pShadowBuffer = new TCHAR [ nSize ] ;
pThisNoConst - > m_nShadowSize = nSize ;
// update the shadow buffer with GetWindowText
ATLASSERT ( m_nShadowSize > = nSize ) ;
ATLASSERT ( m_pShadowBuffer ! = NULL ) ;
pT - > GetWindowText ( m_pShadowBuffer , nSize ) ;
return m_pShadowBuffer ;
HLOCAL hLocal = pT - > GetHandle ( ) ;
ATLASSERT ( hLocal ! = NULL ) ;
LPCTSTR lpszText = ( LPCTSTR ) : : LocalLock ( hLocal ) ;
ATLASSERT ( lpszText ! = NULL ) ;
return lpszText ;
void UnlockBuffer ( ) const
const T * pT = static_cast < const T * > ( this ) ;
ATLASSERT ( pT - > m_hWnd ! = NULL ) ;
BOOL useShadowBuffer = pT - > UseShadowBuffer ( ) ;
if ( ! useShadowBuffer )
HLOCAL hLocal = pT - > GetHandle ( ) ;
ATLASSERT ( hLocal ! = NULL ) ;
: : LocalUnlock ( hLocal ) ;
UINT GetBufferLength ( ) const
const T * pT = static_cast < const T * > ( this ) ;
ATLASSERT ( pT - > m_hWnd ! = NULL ) ;
UINT nLen = 0 ;
LPCTSTR lpszText = pT - > LockBuffer ( ) ;
if ( lpszText ! = NULL )
nLen = : : lstrlen ( lpszText ) ;
pT - > UnlockBuffer ( ) ;
return nLen ;
LONG EndOfLine ( LPCTSTR lpszText , UINT nLen , UINT nIndex ) const
LPCTSTR lpsz = lpszText + nIndex ;
LPCTSTR lpszStop = lpszText + nLen ;
while ( lpsz < lpszStop & & * lpsz ! = _T ( ' \r ' ) )
+ + lpsz ;
return LONG ( lpsz - lpszText ) ;
LONG GetSelText ( _CSTRING_NS : : CString & strText ) const
const T * pT = static_cast < const T * > ( this ) ;
int nStartChar = 0 , nEndChar = 0 ;
pT - > GetSel ( nStartChar , nEndChar ) ;
ATLASSERT ( ( UINT ) nEndChar < = pT - > GetBufferLength ( ) ) ;
LPCTSTR lpszText = pT - > LockBuffer ( ) ;
LONG nLen = pT - > EndOfLine ( lpszText , nEndChar , nStartChar ) - nStartChar ;
SecureHelper : : memcpy_x ( strText . GetBuffer ( nLen ) , nLen * sizeof ( TCHAR ) , lpszText + nStartChar , nLen * sizeof ( TCHAR ) ) ;
strText . ReleaseBuffer ( nLen ) ;
pT - > UnlockBuffer ( ) ;
return nLen ;
BOOL UseShadowBuffer ( void ) const
const T * pT = static_cast < const T * > ( this ) ;
if ( pT - > m_bShadowBufferNeeded < 0 )
T * pThisNoConst = const_cast < T * > ( pT ) ;
OSVERSIONINFO ovi = { 0 } ;
ovi . dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof ( OSVERSIONINFO ) ;
: : GetVersionEx ( & ovi ) ;
bool bWin9x = ( ovi . dwPlatformId = = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS ) ;
if ( bWin9x )
// Windows 95, 98, ME
// Under Win9x, it is necessary to maintain a shadow buffer.
// It is only updated when the control contents have been changed.
pThisNoConst - > m_bShadowBufferNeeded = TRUE ;
// Windows NT, 2000, XP, etc.
pThisNoConst - > m_bShadowBufferNeeded = FALSE ;
# ifndef _UNICODE
// On Windows XP (or later), if common controls version 6 is in use
// (such as via theming), then EM_GETHANDLE will always return a UNICODE string.
// If theming is enabled and Common Controls version 6 is in use,
// you're really not suppose to superclass or subclass common controls
// with an ANSI windows procedure (so its best to only theme if you use UNICODE).
// Using a shadow buffer uses GetWindowText instead, so it solves
// this problem for us (although it makes it a little less efficient).
if ( ( ovi . dwMajorVersion = = 5 & & ovi . dwMinorVersion > = 1 ) | | ( ovi . dwMajorVersion > 5 ) )
// We use DLLVERSIONINFO_private so we don't have to depend on shlwapi.h
typedef struct _DLLVERSIONINFO_private
DWORD cbSize ;
DWORD dwMajorVersion ;
DWORD dwMinorVersion ;
DWORD dwBuildNumber ;
DWORD dwPlatformID ;
HMODULE hModule = : : LoadLibrary ( " comctl32.dll " ) ;
if ( hModule ! = NULL )
typedef HRESULT ( CALLBACK * LPFN_DllGetVersion ) ( DLLVERSIONINFO_private * ) ;
LPFN_DllGetVersion fnDllGetVersion = ( LPFN_DllGetVersion ) : : GetProcAddress ( hModule , " DllGetVersion " ) ;
if ( fnDllGetVersion ! = NULL )
DLLVERSIONINFO_private version = { 0 } ;
version . cbSize = sizeof ( DLLVERSIONINFO_private ) ;
if ( SUCCEEDED ( fnDllGetVersion ( & version ) ) )
if ( version . dwMajorVersion > = 6 )
pThisNoConst - > m_bShadowBufferNeeded = TRUE ;
ATLTRACE2 ( atlTraceUI , 0 , _T ( " Warning: You have compiled for MBCS/ANSI but are using common controls version 6 or later (likely through a manifest file). \r \n " ) ) ;
ATLTRACE2 ( atlTraceUI , 0 , _T ( " If you use common controls version 6 or later, you should only do so for UNICODE builds. \r \n " ) ) ;
: : FreeLibrary ( hModule ) ;
hModule = NULL ;
# endif // !_UNICODE
return ( pT - > m_bShadowBufferNeeded = = TRUE ) ;
} ;
// CRichEditFindReplaceImpl - Mixin class for implementing Find/Replace for CRichEditCtrl
// based window classes.
// Chain to CRichEditFindReplaceImpl message map. Your class must also derive from CRichEditCtrl.
// Example:
// class CMyRichEdit : public CWindowImpl<CMyRichEdit, CRichEditCtrl>,
// public CRichEditFindReplaceImpl<CMyRichEdit>
// {
// public:
// // your handlers...
// CHAIN_MSG_MAP_ALT(CRichEditFindReplaceImpl<CMyRichEdit>, 1)
// // other stuff...
// };
template < class T , class TFindReplaceDialog = CFindReplaceDialog >
class CRichEditFindReplaceImpl : public CEditFindReplaceImplBase < T , TFindReplaceDialog >
protected :
typedef CRichEditFindReplaceImpl < T , TFindReplaceDialog > thisClass ;
typedef CEditFindReplaceImplBase < T , TFindReplaceDialog > baseClass ;
public :
BEGIN_MSG_MAP ( thisClass )
CHAIN_MSG_MAP_ALT ( baseClass , 1 )
// Operations (overrideable)
BOOL FindTextSimple ( LPCTSTR lpszFind , BOOL bMatchCase , BOOL bWholeWord , BOOL bFindDown = TRUE )
T * pT = static_cast < T * > ( this ) ;
ATLASSERT ( lpszFind ! = NULL ) ;
FINDTEXTEX ft = { 0 } ;
pT - > GetSel ( ft . chrg ) ;
if ( m_bFirstSearch )
if ( bFindDown )
m_nInitialSearchPos = ft . chrg . cpMin ;
m_nInitialSearchPos = ft . chrg . cpMax ;
m_bFirstSearch = FALSE ;
# if (_RICHEDIT_VER >= 0x0200)
ft . lpstrText = ( LPTSTR ) lpszFind ;
# else // !(_RICHEDIT_VER >= 0x0200)
ft . lpstrText = T2A ( ( LPTSTR ) lpszFind ) ;
# endif // !(_RICHEDIT_VER >= 0x0200)
if ( ft . chrg . cpMin ! = ft . chrg . cpMax ) // i.e. there is a selection
if ( bFindDown )
ft . chrg . cpMin + + ;
// won't wraparound backwards
ft . chrg . cpMin = max ( ft . chrg . cpMin , 0 ) ;
DWORD dwFlags = bMatchCase ? FR_MATCHCASE : 0 ;
dwFlags | = bWholeWord ? FR_WHOLEWORD : 0 ;
ft . chrg . cpMax = pT - > GetTextLength ( ) + m_nInitialSearchPos ;
if ( bFindDown )
if ( m_nInitialSearchPos > = 0 )
ft . chrg . cpMax = pT - > GetTextLength ( ) ;
dwFlags | = FR_DOWN ;
ATLASSERT ( ft . chrg . cpMax > = ft . chrg . cpMin ) ;
if ( m_nInitialSearchPos > = 0 )
ft . chrg . cpMax = 0 ;
dwFlags & = ~ FR_DOWN ;
ATLASSERT ( ft . chrg . cpMax < = ft . chrg . cpMin ) ;
if ( pT - > FindAndSelect ( dwFlags , ft ) ! = - 1 )
bRet = TRUE ; // we found the text
else if ( m_nInitialSearchPos > 0 )
// if the original starting point was not the beginning
// of the buffer and we haven't already been here
if ( bFindDown )
ft . chrg . cpMin = 0 ;
ft . chrg . cpMax = m_nInitialSearchPos ;
ft . chrg . cpMin = pT - > GetTextLength ( ) ;
ft . chrg . cpMax = m_nInitialSearchPos ;
m_nInitialSearchPos = m_nInitialSearchPos - pT - > GetTextLength ( ) ;
bRet = ( pT - > FindAndSelect ( dwFlags , ft ) ! = - 1 ) ? TRUE : FALSE ;
return bRet ;
long FindAndSelect ( DWORD dwFlags , FINDTEXTEX & ft )
T * pT = static_cast < T * > ( this ) ;
LONG index = pT - > FindText ( dwFlags , ft ) ;
if ( index ! = - 1 ) // i.e. we found something
pT - > SetSel ( ft . chrgText ) ;
return index ;
} ;
} ; // namespace WTL
# endif // __ATLFIND_H__