// Copyright 2008 Dolphin Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2+ // Refer to the license.txt file included. #include "VideoCommon/VertexLoader.h" #include "Common/Assert.h" #include "Common/CommonTypes.h" #include "VideoCommon/DataReader.h" #include "VideoCommon/VertexLoaderManager.h" #include "VideoCommon/VertexLoaderUtils.h" #include "VideoCommon/VertexLoader_Color.h" #include "VideoCommon/VertexLoader_Normal.h" #include "VideoCommon/VertexLoader_Position.h" #include "VideoCommon/VertexLoader_TextCoord.h" #include "VideoCommon/VideoCommon.h" // This pointer is used as the source/dst for all fixed function loader calls u8* g_video_buffer_read_ptr; u8* g_vertex_manager_write_ptr; static void PosMtx_ReadDirect_UByte(VertexLoader* loader) { u32 posmtx = DataRead() & 0x3f; if (loader->m_counter < 3) VertexLoaderManager::position_matrix_index[loader->m_counter + 1] = posmtx; DataWrite(posmtx); PRIM_LOG("posmtx: {}, ", posmtx); } static void TexMtx_ReadDirect_UByte(VertexLoader* loader) { loader->m_curtexmtx[loader->m_texmtxread] = DataRead() & 0x3f; PRIM_LOG("texmtx{}: {}, ", loader->m_texmtxread, loader->m_curtexmtx[loader->m_texmtxread]); loader->m_texmtxread++; } static void TexMtx_Write_Float(VertexLoader* loader) { DataWrite(float(loader->m_curtexmtx[loader->m_texmtxwrite++])); } static void TexMtx_Write_Float2(VertexLoader* loader) { DataWrite(0.f); DataWrite(float(loader->m_curtexmtx[loader->m_texmtxwrite++])); } static void TexMtx_Write_Float3(VertexLoader* loader) { DataWrite(0.f); DataWrite(0.f); DataWrite(float(loader->m_curtexmtx[loader->m_texmtxwrite++])); } static void SkipVertex(VertexLoader* loader) { if (loader->m_vertexSkip) { // reset the output buffer g_vertex_manager_write_ptr -= loader->m_native_vtx_decl.stride; loader->m_skippedVertices++; } } VertexLoader::VertexLoader(const TVtxDesc& vtx_desc, const VAT& vtx_attr) : VertexLoaderBase(vtx_desc, vtx_attr) { CompileVertexTranslator(); // generate frac factors m_posScale = 1.0f / (1U << m_VtxAttr.PosFrac); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) m_tcScale[i] = 1.0f / (1U << m_VtxAttr.texCoord[i].Frac); } void VertexLoader::CompileVertexTranslator() { m_VertexSize = 0; const TVtxAttr& vtx_attr = m_VtxAttr; // Reset pipeline m_numPipelineStages = 0; u32 components = 0; // Position in pc vertex format. int nat_offset = 0; // Position Matrix Index if (m_VtxDesc.low.PosMatIdx) { WriteCall(PosMtx_ReadDirect_UByte); components |= VB_HAS_POSMTXIDX; m_native_vtx_decl.posmtx.components = 4; m_native_vtx_decl.posmtx.enable = true; m_native_vtx_decl.posmtx.offset = nat_offset; m_native_vtx_decl.posmtx.type = VAR_UNSIGNED_BYTE; m_native_vtx_decl.posmtx.integer = true; nat_offset += 4; m_VertexSize += 1; } if (m_VtxDesc.low.Tex0MatIdx) { m_VertexSize += 1; components |= VB_HAS_TEXMTXIDX0; WriteCall(TexMtx_ReadDirect_UByte); } if (m_VtxDesc.low.Tex1MatIdx) { m_VertexSize += 1; components |= VB_HAS_TEXMTXIDX1; WriteCall(TexMtx_ReadDirect_UByte); } if (m_VtxDesc.low.Tex2MatIdx) { m_VertexSize += 1; components |= VB_HAS_TEXMTXIDX2; WriteCall(TexMtx_ReadDirect_UByte); } if (m_VtxDesc.low.Tex3MatIdx) { m_VertexSize += 1; components |= VB_HAS_TEXMTXIDX3; WriteCall(TexMtx_ReadDirect_UByte); } if (m_VtxDesc.low.Tex4MatIdx) { m_VertexSize += 1; components |= VB_HAS_TEXMTXIDX4; WriteCall(TexMtx_ReadDirect_UByte); } if (m_VtxDesc.low.Tex5MatIdx) { m_VertexSize += 1; components |= VB_HAS_TEXMTXIDX5; WriteCall(TexMtx_ReadDirect_UByte); } if (m_VtxDesc.low.Tex6MatIdx) { m_VertexSize += 1; components |= VB_HAS_TEXMTXIDX6; WriteCall(TexMtx_ReadDirect_UByte); } if (m_VtxDesc.low.Tex7MatIdx) { m_VertexSize += 1; components |= VB_HAS_TEXMTXIDX7; WriteCall(TexMtx_ReadDirect_UByte); } // Write vertex position loader WriteCall(VertexLoader_Position::GetFunction(m_VtxDesc.low.Position, m_VtxAttr.PosFormat, m_VtxAttr.PosElements)); m_VertexSize += VertexLoader_Position::GetSize(m_VtxDesc.low.Position, m_VtxAttr.PosFormat, m_VtxAttr.PosElements); int pos_elements = m_VtxAttr.PosElements == CoordComponentCount::XY ? 2 : 3; m_native_vtx_decl.position.components = pos_elements; m_native_vtx_decl.position.enable = true; m_native_vtx_decl.position.offset = nat_offset; m_native_vtx_decl.position.type = VAR_FLOAT; m_native_vtx_decl.position.integer = false; nat_offset += pos_elements * sizeof(float); // Normals if (m_VtxDesc.low.Normal != VertexComponentFormat::NotPresent) { m_VertexSize += VertexLoader_Normal::GetSize(m_VtxDesc.low.Normal, m_VtxAttr.NormalFormat, m_VtxAttr.NormalElements, m_VtxAttr.NormalIndex3); TPipelineFunction pFunc = VertexLoader_Normal::GetFunction(m_VtxDesc.low.Normal, m_VtxAttr.NormalFormat, m_VtxAttr.NormalElements, m_VtxAttr.NormalIndex3); if (pFunc == nullptr) { PanicAlertFmt("VertexLoader_Normal::GetFunction({} {} {} {}) returned zero!", m_VtxDesc.low.Normal, m_VtxAttr.NormalFormat, m_VtxAttr.NormalElements, m_VtxAttr.NormalIndex3); } WriteCall(pFunc); for (int i = 0; i < (vtx_attr.NormalElements == NormalComponentCount::NBT ? 3 : 1); i++) { m_native_vtx_decl.normals[i].components = 3; m_native_vtx_decl.normals[i].enable = true; m_native_vtx_decl.normals[i].offset = nat_offset; m_native_vtx_decl.normals[i].type = VAR_FLOAT; m_native_vtx_decl.normals[i].integer = false; nat_offset += 12; } components |= VB_HAS_NRM0; if (m_VtxAttr.NormalElements == NormalComponentCount::NBT) components |= VB_HAS_NRM1 | VB_HAS_NRM2; } for (size_t i = 0; i < m_VtxDesc.low.Color.Size(); i++) { m_native_vtx_decl.colors[i].components = 4; m_native_vtx_decl.colors[i].type = VAR_UNSIGNED_BYTE; m_native_vtx_decl.colors[i].integer = false; m_VertexSize += VertexLoader_Color::GetSize(m_VtxDesc.low.Color[i], m_VtxAttr.color[i].Comp); TPipelineFunction pFunc = VertexLoader_Color::GetFunction(m_VtxDesc.low.Color[i], m_VtxAttr.color[i].Comp); if (pFunc != nullptr) WriteCall(pFunc); else ASSERT(m_VtxDesc.low.Color[i] == VertexComponentFormat::NotPresent); if (m_VtxDesc.low.Color[i] != VertexComponentFormat::NotPresent) { components |= VB_HAS_COL0 << i; m_native_vtx_decl.colors[i].offset = nat_offset; m_native_vtx_decl.colors[i].enable = true; nat_offset += 4; } } // Texture matrix indices (remove if corresponding texture coordinate isn't enabled) for (size_t i = 0; i < m_VtxDesc.high.TexCoord.Size(); i++) { m_native_vtx_decl.texcoords[i].offset = nat_offset; m_native_vtx_decl.texcoords[i].type = VAR_FLOAT; m_native_vtx_decl.texcoords[i].integer = false; const auto tc = m_VtxDesc.high.TexCoord[i].Value(); const auto format = m_VtxAttr.texCoord[i].Format; const auto elements = m_VtxAttr.texCoord[i].Elements; if (tc != VertexComponentFormat::NotPresent) { ASSERT_MSG(VIDEO, VertexComponentFormat::Direct <= tc && tc <= VertexComponentFormat::Index16, "Invalid texture coordinates!\n(tc = %d)", (u32)tc); ASSERT_MSG(VIDEO, ComponentFormat::UByte <= format && format <= ComponentFormat::Float, "Invalid texture coordinates format!\n(format = %d)", (u32)format); ASSERT_MSG(VIDEO, elements == TexComponentCount::S || elements == TexComponentCount::ST, "Invalid number of texture coordinates elements!\n(elements = %d)", (u32)elements); components |= VB_HAS_UV0 << i; WriteCall(VertexLoader_TextCoord::GetFunction(tc, format, elements)); m_VertexSize += VertexLoader_TextCoord::GetSize(tc, format, elements); } if (components & (VB_HAS_TEXMTXIDX0 << i)) { m_native_vtx_decl.texcoords[i].enable = true; if (tc != VertexComponentFormat::NotPresent) { // if texmtx is included, texcoord will always be 3 floats, z will be the texmtx index m_native_vtx_decl.texcoords[i].components = 3; nat_offset += 12; WriteCall(m_VtxAttr.texCoord[i].Elements == TexComponentCount::ST ? TexMtx_Write_Float : TexMtx_Write_Float2); } else { m_native_vtx_decl.texcoords[i].components = 3; nat_offset += 12; WriteCall(TexMtx_Write_Float3); } } else { if (tc != VertexComponentFormat::NotPresent) { m_native_vtx_decl.texcoords[i].enable = true; m_native_vtx_decl.texcoords[i].components = vtx_attr.texCoord[i].Elements == TexComponentCount::ST ? 2 : 1; nat_offset += 4 * (vtx_attr.texCoord[i].Elements == TexComponentCount::ST ? 2 : 1); } } if (tc == VertexComponentFormat::NotPresent) { // if there's more tex coords later, have to write a dummy call size_t j = i + 1; for (; j < m_VtxDesc.high.TexCoord.Size(); ++j) { if (m_VtxDesc.high.TexCoord[j] != VertexComponentFormat::NotPresent) { WriteCall(VertexLoader_TextCoord::GetDummyFunction()); // important to get indices right! break; } } // tricky! if (j == 8 && !((components & VB_HAS_TEXMTXIDXALL) & (VB_HAS_TEXMTXIDXALL << (i + 1)))) { // no more tex coords and tex matrices, so exit loop break; } } } // indexed position formats may skip the vertex if (IsIndexed(m_VtxDesc.low.Position)) { WriteCall(SkipVertex); } m_native_components = components; m_native_vtx_decl.stride = nat_offset; } void VertexLoader::WriteCall(TPipelineFunction func) { m_PipelineStages[m_numPipelineStages++] = func; } int VertexLoader::RunVertices(DataReader src, DataReader dst, int count) { g_vertex_manager_write_ptr = dst.GetPointer(); g_video_buffer_read_ptr = src.GetPointer(); m_numLoadedVertices += count; m_skippedVertices = 0; for (m_counter = count - 1; m_counter >= 0; m_counter--) { m_tcIndex = 0; m_colIndex = 0; m_texmtxwrite = m_texmtxread = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m_numPipelineStages; i++) m_PipelineStages[i](this); PRIM_LOG("\n"); } return count - m_skippedVertices; }