// Copyright 2009 Dolphin Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2+ // Refer to the license.txt file included. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Common/Align.h" #include "Common/CommonFuncs.h" #include "Common/CommonTypes.h" #include "Common/FileUtil.h" #include "Common/Logging/Log.h" #include "Common/MsgHandler.h" #include "Common/NandPaths.h" #include "Common/StringUtil.h" #include "DiscIO/Enums.h" #include "DiscIO/NANDContentLoader.h" #include "DiscIO/WiiWad.h" namespace DiscIO { CNANDContentData::~CNANDContentData() = default; CSharedContent::CSharedContent() { UpdateLocation(); } void CSharedContent::UpdateLocation() { m_Elements.clear(); m_LastID = 0; m_ContentMap = StringFromFormat("%s/shared1/content.map", File::GetUserPath(D_WIIROOT_IDX).c_str()); File::IOFile pFile(m_ContentMap, "rb"); SElement Element; while (pFile.ReadArray(&Element, 1)) { m_Elements.push_back(Element); m_LastID++; } } CSharedContent::~CSharedContent() { } std::string CSharedContent::GetFilenameFromSHA1(const u8* hash) { for (auto& Element : m_Elements) { if (memcmp(hash, Element.SHA1Hash, 20) == 0) { return StringFromFormat( "%s/shared1/%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c.app", File::GetUserPath(D_WIIROOT_IDX).c_str(), Element.FileName[0], Element.FileName[1], Element.FileName[2], Element.FileName[3], Element.FileName[4], Element.FileName[5], Element.FileName[6], Element.FileName[7]); } } return "unk"; } std::string CSharedContent::AddSharedContent(const u8* hash) { std::string filename = GetFilenameFromSHA1(hash); if (strcasecmp(filename.c_str(), "unk") == 0) { std::string id = StringFromFormat("%08x", m_LastID); SElement Element; memcpy(Element.FileName, id.c_str(), 8); memcpy(Element.SHA1Hash, hash, 20); m_Elements.push_back(Element); File::CreateFullPath(m_ContentMap); File::IOFile pFile(m_ContentMap, "ab"); pFile.WriteArray(&Element, 1); filename = StringFromFormat("%s/shared1/%s.app", File::GetUserPath(D_WIIROOT_IDX).c_str(), id.c_str()); m_LastID++; } return filename; } CNANDContentDataFile::CNANDContentDataFile(const std::string& filename) : m_filename{filename} { } CNANDContentDataFile::~CNANDContentDataFile() = default; void CNANDContentDataFile::EnsureOpen() { if (!m_file) m_file = std::make_unique(m_filename, "rb"); else if (!m_file->IsOpen()) m_file->Open(m_filename, "rb"); } void CNANDContentDataFile::Open() { EnsureOpen(); } std::vector CNANDContentDataFile::Get() { EnsureOpen(); if (!m_file->IsGood()) return {}; u64 size = m_file->GetSize(); if (size == 0) return {}; std::vector result(size); m_file->ReadBytes(result.data(), result.size()); return result; } bool CNANDContentDataFile::GetRange(u32 start, u32 size, u8* buffer) { EnsureOpen(); if (!m_file->IsGood()) return false; if (!m_file->Seek(start, SEEK_SET)) return false; return m_file->ReadBytes(buffer, static_cast(size)); } void CNANDContentDataFile::Close() { if (m_file && m_file->IsOpen()) m_file->Close(); } bool CNANDContentDataBuffer::GetRange(u32 start, u32 size, u8* buffer) { if (start + size > m_buffer.size()) return false; std::copy(&m_buffer[start], &m_buffer[start + size], buffer); return true; } CNANDContentLoader::CNANDContentLoader(const std::string& content_name) : m_Valid(false), m_IsWAD(false), m_TitleID(-1), m_IosVersion(0x09), m_BootIndex(-1) { m_Valid = Initialize(content_name); } CNANDContentLoader::~CNANDContentLoader() { } const SNANDContent* CNANDContentLoader::GetContentByIndex(int index) const { for (auto& Content : m_Content) { if (Content.m_Index == index) { return &Content; } } return nullptr; } bool CNANDContentLoader::Initialize(const std::string& name) { if (name.empty()) return false; m_Path = name; WiiWAD wad(name); std::vector data_app; std::vector tmd; std::vector decrypted_title_key; if (wad.IsValid()) { m_IsWAD = true; m_Ticket = wad.GetTicket(); decrypted_title_key = GetKeyFromTicket(m_Ticket); tmd = wad.GetTMD(); data_app = wad.GetDataApp(); } else { std::string tmd_filename(m_Path); if (tmd_filename.back() == '/') tmd_filename += "title.tmd"; else m_Path = tmd_filename.substr(0, tmd_filename.find("title.tmd")); File::IOFile tmd_file(tmd_filename, "rb"); if (!tmd_file) { WARN_LOG(DISCIO, "CreateFromDirectory: error opening %s", tmd_filename.c_str()); return false; } tmd.resize(static_cast(File::GetSize(tmd_filename))); tmd_file.ReadBytes(tmd.data(), tmd.size()); } std::copy(&tmd[0], &tmd[TMD_HEADER_SIZE], m_TMDHeader); std::copy(&tmd[0x180], &tmd[0x180 + TMD_VIEW_SIZE], m_TMDView); m_TitleVersion = Common::swap16(&tmd[0x01DC]); m_NumEntries = Common::swap16(&tmd[0x01DE]); m_BootIndex = Common::swap16(&tmd[0x01E0]); m_TitleID = Common::swap64(&tmd[0x018C]); m_IosVersion = Common::swap16(&tmd[0x018A]); m_Country = static_cast(m_TitleID & 0xFF); if (m_Country == 2) // SYSMENU m_Country = GetSysMenuRegion(m_TitleVersion); InitializeContentEntries(tmd, decrypted_title_key, data_app); return true; } void CNANDContentLoader::InitializeContentEntries(const std::vector& tmd, const std::vector& decrypted_title_key, const std::vector& data_app) { m_Content.resize(m_NumEntries); std::array iv; u32 data_app_offset = 0; for (u32 i = 0; i < m_NumEntries; i++) { const u32 entry_offset = 0x24 * i; SNANDContent& content = m_Content[i]; content.m_ContentID = Common::swap32(&tmd[entry_offset + 0x01E4]); content.m_Index = Common::swap16(&tmd[entry_offset + 0x01E8]); content.m_Type = Common::swap16(&tmd[entry_offset + 0x01EA]); content.m_Size = static_cast(Common::swap64(&tmd[entry_offset + 0x01EC])); const auto header_begin = std::next(tmd.begin(), entry_offset + 0x01E4); const auto header_end = std::next(header_begin, ArraySize(content.m_Header)); std::copy(header_begin, header_end, content.m_Header); const auto hash_begin = std::next(tmd.begin(), entry_offset + 0x01F4); const auto hash_end = std::next(hash_begin, ArraySize(content.m_SHA1Hash)); std::copy(hash_begin, hash_end, content.m_SHA1Hash); if (m_IsWAD) { u32 rounded_size = Common::AlignUp(content.m_Size, 0x40); iv.fill(0); std::copy(&tmd[entry_offset + 0x01E8], &tmd[entry_offset + 0x01E8 + 2], iv.begin()); content.m_Data = std::make_unique(AESDecode( decrypted_title_key.data(), iv.data(), &data_app[data_app_offset], rounded_size)); data_app_offset += rounded_size; continue; } std::string filename; if (content.m_Type & 0x8000) // shared app filename = CSharedContent::AccessInstance().GetFilenameFromSHA1(content.m_SHA1Hash); else filename = StringFromFormat("%s/%08x.app", m_Path.c_str(), content.m_ContentID); content.m_Data = std::make_unique(filename); // Be graceful about incorrect TMDs. if (File::Exists(filename)) content.m_Size = static_cast(File::GetSize(filename)); } } std::vector CNANDContentLoader::AESDecode(const u8* key, u8* iv, const u8* src, u32 size) { mbedtls_aes_context aes_ctx; std::vector buffer(size); mbedtls_aes_setkey_dec(&aes_ctx, key, 128); mbedtls_aes_crypt_cbc(&aes_ctx, MBEDTLS_AES_DECRYPT, size, iv, src, buffer.data()); return buffer; } std::vector CNANDContentLoader::GetKeyFromTicket(const std::vector& ticket) { const u8 common_key[16] = {0xeb, 0xe4, 0x2a, 0x22, 0x5e, 0x85, 0x93, 0xe4, 0x48, 0xd9, 0xc5, 0x45, 0x73, 0x81, 0xaa, 0xf7}; u8 iv[16] = {}; std::copy(&ticket[0x01DC], &ticket[0x01DC + 8], iv); return AESDecode(common_key, iv, &ticket[0x01BF], 16); } DiscIO::Region CNANDContentLoader::GetRegion() const { if (!IsValid()) return DiscIO::Region::UNKNOWN_REGION; return RegionSwitchWii(m_Country); } CNANDContentManager::~CNANDContentManager() { } const CNANDContentLoader& CNANDContentManager::GetNANDLoader(const std::string& content_path) { auto it = m_map.find(content_path); if (it != m_map.end()) return *it->second; return *m_map .emplace_hint(it, std::make_pair(content_path, std::make_unique(content_path))) ->second; } const CNANDContentLoader& CNANDContentManager::GetNANDLoader(u64 title_id, Common::FromWhichRoot from) { std::string path = Common::GetTitleContentPath(title_id, from); return GetNANDLoader(path); } bool CNANDContentManager::RemoveTitle(u64 title_id, Common::FromWhichRoot from) { auto& loader = GetNANDLoader(title_id, from); if (!loader.IsValid()) return false; loader.RemoveTitle(); return GetNANDLoader(title_id, from).IsValid(); } void CNANDContentManager::ClearCache() { m_map.clear(); } void CNANDContentLoader::RemoveTitle() const { INFO_LOG(DISCIO, "RemoveTitle %08x/%08x", (u32)(m_TitleID >> 32), (u32)m_TitleID); if (IsValid()) { // remove TMD? for (u32 i = 0; i < m_NumEntries; i++) { if (!(m_Content[i].m_Type & 0x8000)) // skip shared apps { std::string filename = StringFromFormat("%s/%08x.app", m_Path.c_str(), m_Content[i].m_ContentID); INFO_LOG(DISCIO, "Delete %s", filename.c_str()); File::Delete(filename); } } CNANDContentManager::Access().ClearCache(); // deletes 'this' } } cUIDsys::cUIDsys() { UpdateLocation(); } void cUIDsys::UpdateLocation() { m_Elements.clear(); m_LastUID = 0x00001000; m_UidSys = File::GetUserPath(D_SESSION_WIIROOT_IDX) + "/sys/uid.sys"; File::IOFile pFile(m_UidSys, "rb"); SElement Element; while (pFile.ReadArray(&Element, 1)) { *(u32*)&(Element.UID) = Common::swap32(m_LastUID++); m_Elements.push_back(Element); } pFile.Close(); if (m_Elements.empty()) { *(u64*)&(Element.titleID) = Common::swap64(TITLEID_SYSMENU); *(u32*)&(Element.UID) = Common::swap32(m_LastUID++); File::CreateFullPath(m_UidSys); pFile.Open(m_UidSys, "wb"); if (!pFile.WriteArray(&Element, 1)) ERROR_LOG(DISCIO, "Failed to write to %s", m_UidSys.c_str()); } } cUIDsys::~cUIDsys() { } u32 cUIDsys::GetUIDFromTitle(u64 title_id) { for (auto& Element : m_Elements) { if (Common::swap64(title_id) == *(u64*)&(Element.titleID)) { return Common::swap32(Element.UID); } } return 0; } void cUIDsys::AddTitle(u64 title_id) { if (GetUIDFromTitle(title_id)) { INFO_LOG(DISCIO, "Title %08x%08x, already exists in uid.sys", (u32)(title_id >> 32), (u32)title_id); return; } SElement Element; *(u64*)&(Element.titleID) = Common::swap64(title_id); *(u32*)&(Element.UID) = Common::swap32(m_LastUID++); m_Elements.push_back(Element); File::CreateFullPath(m_UidSys); File::IOFile pFile(m_UidSys, "ab"); if (!pFile.WriteArray(&Element, 1)) ERROR_LOG(DISCIO, "fwrite failed"); } void cUIDsys::GetTitleIDs(std::vector& title_ids, bool owned) { for (auto& Element : m_Elements) { if ((owned && Common::CheckTitleTIK(Common::swap64(Element.titleID), Common::FROM_SESSION_ROOT)) || (!owned && Common::CheckTitleTMD(Common::swap64(Element.titleID), Common::FROM_SESSION_ROOT))) title_ids.push_back(Common::swap64(Element.titleID)); } } u64 CNANDContentManager::Install_WiiWAD(const std::string& filename) { if (filename.find(".wad") == std::string::npos) return 0; const CNANDContentLoader& content_loader = GetNANDLoader(filename); if (content_loader.IsValid() == false) return 0; u64 title_id = content_loader.GetTitleID(); // copy WAD's TMD header and contents to content directory std::string content_path(Common::GetTitleContentPath(title_id, Common::FROM_CONFIGURED_ROOT)); std::string tmd_filename(Common::GetTMDFileName(title_id, Common::FROM_CONFIGURED_ROOT)); File::CreateFullPath(tmd_filename); File::IOFile tmd_file(tmd_filename, "wb"); if (!tmd_file) { PanicAlertT("WAD installation failed: error creating %s", tmd_filename.c_str()); return 0; } tmd_file.WriteBytes(content_loader.GetTMDHeader(), CNANDContentLoader::TMD_HEADER_SIZE); for (u32 i = 0; i < content_loader.GetContentSize(); i++) { const SNANDContent& content = content_loader.GetContent()[i]; tmd_file.WriteBytes(content.m_Header, CNANDContentLoader::CONTENT_HEADER_SIZE); std::string app_filename; if (content.m_Type & 0x8000) // shared app_filename = CSharedContent::AccessInstance().AddSharedContent(content.m_SHA1Hash); else app_filename = StringFromFormat("%s%08x.app", content_path.c_str(), content.m_ContentID); if (!File::Exists(app_filename)) { File::CreateFullPath(app_filename); File::IOFile app_file(app_filename, "wb"); if (!app_file) { PanicAlertT("WAD installation failed: error creating %s", app_filename.c_str()); return 0; } app_file.WriteBytes(content.m_Data->Get().data(), content.m_Size); } else { INFO_LOG(DISCIO, "Content %s already exists.", app_filename.c_str()); } } // Extract and copy WAD's ticket to ticket directory if (!AddTicket(content_loader.GetTicket())) { PanicAlertT("WAD installation failed: error creating ticket"); return 0; } cUIDsys::AccessInstance().AddTitle(title_id); ClearCache(); return title_id; } bool AddTicket(const std::vector& ticket) { // Find the "entry point" of the ticket by skipping the appropriate number of // bytes, depending on the signature type. We need to parse some of the // ticket because in some cases (ES_AddTicket) it is the only thing that // indicated to us what title id the ticket is for. u32 signature_type = Common::FromBigEndian(*reinterpret_cast(ticket.data())); u32 entry_offset; if (signature_type == 0x10000) // RSA4096 { entry_offset = 576; } else if (signature_type == 0x10001) // RSA2048 { entry_offset = 320; } else if (signature_type == 0x10002) // ECDSA { entry_offset = 128; } else { ERROR_LOG(DISCIO, "Invalid ticket signature type: %08x", signature_type); return false; } const u8* ticket_data = ticket.data() + entry_offset; u64 title_id = Common::FromBigEndian(*reinterpret_cast(ticket_data + 0x9c)); std::string ticket_filename = Common::GetTicketFileName(title_id, Common::FROM_CONFIGURED_ROOT); File::CreateFullPath(ticket_filename); File::IOFile ticket_file(ticket_filename, "wb"); if (!ticket_file) return false; return ticket_file.WriteBytes(ticket.data(), ticket.size()); } } // namespace end