// Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Dolphin Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official SVN repository and contact information can be found at // http://code.google.com/p/dolphin-emu/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Includes // ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ #include #include #include #include "Common.h" // Common #include "pluginspecs_wiimote.h" #include "StringUtil.h" // For ArrayToString #include "wiimote_hid.h" #include "EmuMain.h" #include "EmuSubroutines.h" #include "EmuDefinitions.h" #include "Logging.h" // For startConsoleWin, Console::Print, GetConsoleHwnd #include "Config.h" // For g_Config ////////////////////////////////// extern SWiimoteInitialize g_WiimoteInitialize; namespace WiiMoteEmu { //****************************************************************************** // Subroutines //****************************************************************************** //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Wiimote core buttons // --------------- void FillReportInfo(wm_core& _core) { /* This has to be filled with zeroes (and not for example 0xff) because when no buttons are pressed the value is 00 00 */ memset(&_core, 0x00, sizeof(wm_core)); #ifdef _WIN32 // Allow both mouse buttons and keyboard to press a and b if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LBUTTON) ? 1 : 0 || GetAsyncKeyState('A') ? 1 : 0) _core.a = 1; if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RBUTTON) ? 1 : 0 || GetAsyncKeyState('B') ? 1 : 0) _core.b = 1; _core.one = GetAsyncKeyState('1') ? 1 : 0; _core.two = GetAsyncKeyState('2') ? 1 : 0; _core.plus = GetAsyncKeyState('P') ? 1 : 0; _core.minus = GetAsyncKeyState('M') ? 1 : 0; _core.home = GetAsyncKeyState('H') ? 1 : 0; /* Sideways controls (for example for Wario Land) if the Wiimote is intended to be held sideways */ if(g_Config.bSidewaysDPad) { _core.left = GetAsyncKeyState(VK_DOWN) ? 1 : 0; _core.up = GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LEFT) ? 1 : 0; _core.right = GetAsyncKeyState(VK_UP) ? 1 : 0; _core.down = GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RIGHT) ? 1 : 0; } else { _core.left = GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LEFT) ? 1 : 0; _core.up = GetAsyncKeyState(VK_UP) ? 1 : 0; _core.right = GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RIGHT) ? 1 : 0; _core.down = GetAsyncKeyState(VK_DOWN) ? 1 : 0; } #else // TODO: fill in #endif } ////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Wiimote accelerometer // --------------- /* The accelerometer x, y and z values range from 0x00 to 0xff with the default netural values being [y = 0x84, x = 0x84, z = 0x9f] according to a source. The extremes are 0x00 for (-) and 0xff for (+). It's important that all values are not 0x80, the mouse pointer can disappear from the screen permanently then, until z is adjusted back. */ // ---------- // Global declarations for FillReportAcc: These variables are global so they can be changed during debugging //int A = 0, B = 128, C = 64; // for debugging //int a = 1, b = 1, c = 2, d = -2; // for debugging //int consoleDisplay = 0; int X = 0x84, Y = 0x84, Z = 0x9f; // neutral values u8 x = X, y = Y, z = Z; int shake = -1, yhistsize = 15; // for the shake function std::vector yhist(15); // for the tilt function void FillReportAcc(wm_accel& _acc) { #ifdef _WIN32 // ----------------------------- // Wiimote to Gamepad translations // ---------- // Tilting Wiimote (Wario Land aiming, Mario Kart steering) : For some reason 150 and 40 // seemed like decent starting values. if(GetAsyncKeyState('3')) { //if(a < 128) // for debugging if(y < 250) { y += 4; // aim left //a += c; // debugging values //y = A + a; // aim left } } else if(GetAsyncKeyState('4')) { // if(b < 128) // for debugging if(y > 5) { y -= 4; // aim right //b -= d; // debugging values //y = B + b; } } /* Single shake of Wiimote while holding it sideways (Wario Land pound ground) if(GetAsyncKeyState('S')) z = 0; else z = Z;*/ if(GetAsyncKeyState('S')) { z = 0; y = 0; shake = 2; } else #endif if(shake == 2) { z = 128; y = 0; shake = 1; } else if(shake == 1) { z = Z; y = Y; shake = -1; } else // the default Y and Z if nothing is pressed { z = Z; } // ---------- // ----------------------------- // For tilting: add new value and move all back // ---------- bool ypressed = false; #ifdef _WIN32 yhist[yhist.size() - 1] = ( GetAsyncKeyState('3') ? true : false || GetAsyncKeyState('4') ? true : false || shake > 0 ); #endif if(yhistsize > (int)yhist.size()) yhistsize = (int)yhist.size(); for (int i = 1; i < yhistsize; i++) { yhist[i-1] = yhist[i]; if(yhist[i]) ypressed = true; } if(!ypressed) // y was not pressed a single time { y = Y; // this is the default value that will occur most of the time //a = 0; // for debugging //b = 0; } // else if(!GetAsyncKeyState('3') && !GetAsyncKeyState('4')) // { // perhaps start dropping acceleration back? // } // ---------- // Write values _acc.x = X; _acc.y = y; _acc.z = z; // ---------------------------- // Debugging for translating Wiimote to Keyboard (or Gamepad) // ---------- /* // Toogle console display if(GetAsyncKeyState('U')) { if(consoleDisplay < 2) consoleDisplay ++; else consoleDisplay = 0; } if(GetAsyncKeyState('5')) A-=1; else if(GetAsyncKeyState('6')) A+=1; if(GetAsyncKeyState('7')) B-=1; else if(GetAsyncKeyState('8')) B+=1; if(GetAsyncKeyState('9')) C-=1; else if(GetAsyncKeyState('0')) C+=1; else if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD3)) d-=1; else if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD6)) d+=1; else if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ADD)) yhistsize-=1; else if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SUBTRACT)) yhistsize+=1; if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_INSERT)) AX-=1; else if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_DELETE)) AX+=1; else if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_HOME)) AY-=1; else if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_END)) AY+=1; else if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT)) AZ-=1; else if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL)) AZ+=1; if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD1)) X+=1; else if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD2)) X-=1; if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD4)) Y+=1; else if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD5)) Y-=1; if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD7)) Z+=1; else if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD8)) Z-=1; //if(consoleDisplay == 0) Console::Print("x: %03i | y: %03i | z: %03i | A:%i B:%i C:%i a:%i b:%i c:%i d:%i X:%i Y:%i Z:%i\n", _acc.x, _acc.y, _acc.z, A, B, C, a, b, c, d, X, Y, Z ); Console::Print("x: %03i | y: %03i | z: %03i | X:%i Y:%i Z:%i | AX:%i AY:%i AZ:%i \n", _acc.x, _acc.y, _acc.z, X, Y, Z, AX, AY, AZ );*/ } ///////////////////////// void FillReportIR(wm_ir_extended& _ir0, wm_ir_extended& _ir1) { /* DESCRIPTION: The calibration is controlled by these values, their absolute value and the relative distance between between them control the calibration. WideScreen mode has its own settings. */ int Top, Left, Right, Bottom, SensorBarRadius; if(g_Config.bWideScreen) { Top = wTOP; Left = wLEFT; Right = wRIGHT; Bottom = wBOTTOM; SensorBarRadius = wSENSOR_BAR_RADIUS; } else { Top = TOP; Left = LEFT; Right = RIGHT; Bottom = BOTTOM; SensorBarRadius = SENSOR_BAR_RADIUS; } // Fill with 0xff (0r 0x00?) if empty memset(&_ir0, 0x00, sizeof(wm_ir_extended)); memset(&_ir1, 0x00, sizeof(wm_ir_extended)); float MouseX, MouseY; GetMousePos(MouseX, MouseY); int y0 = Top + (MouseY * (Bottom - Top)); int y1 = Top + (MouseY * (Bottom - Top)); int x0 = Left + (MouseX * (Right - Left)) - SensorBarRadius; int x1 = Left + (MouseX * (Right - Left)) + SensorBarRadius; x0 = 1023 - x0; _ir0.x = x0 & 0xFF; _ir0.y = y0 & 0xFF; _ir0.size = 10; _ir0.xHi = x0 >> 8; _ir0.yHi = y0 >> 8; x1 = 1023 - x1; _ir1.x = x1 & 0xFF; _ir1.y = y1 & 0xFF; _ir1.size = 10; _ir1.xHi = x1 >> 8; _ir1.yHi = y1 >> 8; // ---------------------------- // Debugging for calibration // ---------- /* if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD1)) Right +=1; else if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD2)) Right -=1; if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD4)) Left +=1; else if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD5)) Left -=1; if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD7)) Top += 1; else if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD8)) Top -= 1; if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD6)) Bottom += 1; else if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD3)) Bottom -= 1; if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_INSERT)) SensorBarRadius += 1; else if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_DELETE)) SensorBarRadius -= 1; //ClearScreen(); //if(consoleDisplay == 1) Console::Print("x0:%03i x1:%03i y0:%03i y1:%03i irx0:%03i y0:%03i x1:%03i y1:%03i | T:%i L:%i R:%i B:%i S:%i\n", x0, x1, y0, y1, _ir0.x, _ir0.y, _ir1.x, _ir1.y, Top, Left, Right, Bottom, SensorBarRadius ); Console::Print("\n"); Console::Print("ir0.x:%02x xHi:%02x ir1.x:%02x xHi:%02x | ir0.y:%02x yHi:%02x ir1.y:%02x yHi:%02x | 1.s:%02x 2:%02x\n", _ir0.x, _ir0.xHi, _ir1.x, _ir1.xHi, _ir0.y, _ir0.yHi, _ir1.y, _ir1.yHi, _ir0.size, _ir1.size );*/ } void FillReportIRBasic(wm_ir_basic& _ir0, wm_ir_basic& _ir1) { /* See description above */ int Top, Left, Right, Bottom, SensorBarRadius; if(g_Config.bWideScreen) { Top = wTOP; Left = wLEFT; Right = wRIGHT; Bottom = wBOTTOM; SensorBarRadius = wSENSOR_BAR_RADIUS; } else { Top = TOP; Left = LEFT; Right = RIGHT; Bottom = BOTTOM; SensorBarRadius = SENSOR_BAR_RADIUS; } // Fill with 0x00 if empty memset(&_ir0, 0x00, sizeof(wm_ir_basic)); memset(&_ir1, 0x00, sizeof(wm_ir_basic)); float MouseX, MouseY; GetMousePos(MouseX, MouseY); int y1 = Top + (MouseY * (Bottom - Top)); int y2 = Top + (MouseY * (Bottom - Top)); int x1 = Left + (MouseX * (Right - Left)) - SensorBarRadius; int x2 = Left + (MouseX * (Right - Left)) + SensorBarRadius; /* As with the extented report we settle with emulating two out of four possible objects */ x1 = 1023 - x1; _ir0.x1 = x1 & 0xff; _ir0.y1 = y1 & 0xff; _ir0.x1Hi = (x1 >> 8); // we are dealing with 2 bit values here _ir0.y1Hi = (y1 >> 8); x2 = 1023 - x2; _ir0.x2 = x2 & 0xff; _ir0.y2 = y2 & 0xff; _ir0.x2Hi = (x2 >> 8); _ir0.y2Hi = (y2 >> 8); // I don't understand't the & 0x03, should we do that? //_ir1.x1Hi = (x1 >> 8) & 0x3; //_ir1.y1Hi = (y1 >> 8) & 0x3; // ---------------------------- // Debugging for calibration // ---------- /* if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD1)) Right +=1; else if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD2)) Right -=1; if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD4)) Left +=1; else if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD5)) Left -=1; if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD7)) Top += 1; else if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD8)) Top -= 1; if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD6)) Bottom += 1; else if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD3)) Bottom -= 1; if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_INSERT)) SensorBarRadius += 1; else if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_DELETE)) SensorBarRadius -= 1; //ClearScreen(); //if(consoleDisplay == 1) Console::Print("x1:%03i x2:%03i y1:%03i y2:%03i irx1:%02x y1:%02x x2:%02x y2:%02x | T:%i L:%i R:%i B:%i S:%i\n", x1, x2, y1, y2, _ir0.x1, _ir0.y1, _ir1.x2, _ir1.y2, Top, Left, Right, Bottom, SensorBarRadius ); Console::Print("\n"); Console::Print("ir0.x1:%02x x1h:%02x x2:%02x x2h:%02x | ir0.y1:%02x y1h:%02x y2:%02x y2h:%02x | ir1.x1:%02x x1h:%02x x2:%02x x2h:%02x | ir1.y1:%02x y1h:%02x y2:%02x y2h:%02x\n", _ir0.x1, _ir0.x1Hi, _ir0.x2, _ir0.x2Hi, _ir0.y1, _ir0.y1Hi, _ir0.y2, _ir0.y2Hi, _ir1.x1, _ir1.x1Hi, _ir1.x2, _ir1.x2Hi, _ir1.y1, _ir1.y1Hi, _ir1.y2, _ir1.y2Hi );*/ } int abc = 0; // =================================================== /* Generate the 6 byte extension report for the Nunchuck, encrypted. The bytes are JX JY AX AY AZ BT. */ // ---------------- void FillReportExtension(wm_extension& _ext) { /* These are the default neutral values for the nunchuck accelerometer according to a source. */ _ext.ax = 0x80; _ext.ay = 0x80; _ext.az = 0xb3; _ext.ax += abc; abc ++; if (abc > 50) abc = 0; _ext.jx = 0x80; // these are the default values unless we use them _ext.jy = 0x80; _ext.bt = 0x03; // 0x03 means no button pressed, the button is zero active #ifdef _WIN32 /* We use a 192 range (32 to 224) that match our calibration values in nunchuck_calibration */ if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD4)) // left _ext.jx = 0x20; if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD8)) _ext.jy = 0xe0; if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD6)) // right _ext.jx = 0xe0; if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD5)) _ext.jy = 0x20; if(GetAsyncKeyState('C')) _ext.bt = 0x01; if(GetAsyncKeyState('Z')) _ext.bt = 0x02; if(GetAsyncKeyState('C') && GetAsyncKeyState('Z')) _ext.bt = 0x00; #else // TODO linux port #endif /* Here we use g_RegExtTmpReport as a temporary storage for the enryption function because the type if array may have some importance for wiimote_encrypt(). We avoid using g_RegExtTmp that is used in EmuMain.cpp because if this runs on a different thread there is a small chance that they may interfer with each other. */ // Clear g_RegExtTmpReport by copying zeroes to it, this may not be needed memset(g_RegExtTmpReport, 0, sizeof(g_RegExtTmp)); /* Write the nunchuck inputs to it. We begin writing at 0x08, but it could also be 0x00, the important thing is that we begin at an address evenly divisible by 0x08 */ memcpy(g_RegExtTmpReport + 0x08, &_ext, sizeof(_ext)); // Encrypt it wiimote_encrypt(&g_ExtKey, &g_RegExtTmpReport[0x08], 0x08, sizeof(_ext)); // Write it back to the extension memcpy(&_ext, &g_RegExtTmpReport[0x08], sizeof(_ext)); } // ======================= // =================================================== /* Generate the 6 byte extension report for the Classic Controller, encrypted. The bytes are ... */ // ---------------- void FillReportClassicExtension(wm_classic_extension& _ext) { /* These are the default neutral values for the analog triggers and sticks */ u8 Rx = 0x80, Ry = 0x80, Lx = 0x80, Ly = 0x80, lT = 0x80, rT = 0x80; _ext.b1.padding = 0x01; // 0x01 means not pressed _ext.b1.bRT = 0x01; _ext.b1.bP = 0x01; _ext.b1.bH = 0x01; _ext.b1.bM = 0x01; _ext.b1.bLT = 0x01; _ext.b1.bdD = 0x01; _ext.b1.bdR = 0x01; _ext.b2.bdU = 0x01; _ext.b2.bdL = 0x01; _ext.b2.bZR = 0x01; _ext.b2.bX = 0x01; _ext.b2.bA = 0x01; _ext.b2.bY = 0x01; _ext.b2.bB = 0x01; _ext.b2.bZL = 0x01; // -------------------------------------- /* Left and right analog sticks u8 Lx : 6; // byte 0 u8 Rx : 2; u8 Ly : 6; // byte 1 u8 Rx2 : 2; u8 Ry : 5; // byte 2 u8 lT : 2; u8 Rx3 : 1; u8 rT : 5; // byte 3 u8 lT2 : 3; */ #ifdef _WIN32 /* We use a 200 range (28 to 228) for the left analog stick and a 176 range (40 to 216) for the right analog stick to match our calibration values in classic_calibration */ if(GetAsyncKeyState('J')) // left analog left Lx = 0x1c; if(GetAsyncKeyState('I')) // up Ly = 0xe4; if(GetAsyncKeyState('L')) // right Lx = 0xe4; if(GetAsyncKeyState('K')) // down Ly = 0x1c; if(GetAsyncKeyState('D')) // right analog left Rx = 0x28; if(GetAsyncKeyState('R')) // up Ry = 0xd8; if(GetAsyncKeyState('G')) // right Rx = 0xd8; if(GetAsyncKeyState('F')) // down Ry = 0x28; #endif _ext.Lx = (Lx >> 2); _ext.Ly = (Ly >> 2); _ext.Rx = (Rx >> 3); // this may be wrong _ext.Rx2 = (Rx >> 5); _ext.Rx3 = (Rx >> 7); _ext.Ry = (Ry >> 2); _ext.lT = (Ry >> 2); _ext.lT2 = (Ry >> 3); _ext.rT = (Ry >> 4); // -------------- #ifdef _WIN32 // -------------------------------------- /* D-Pad u8 b1; 0: 6: bdD 7: bdR u8 b2; 0: bdU 1: bdL */ if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD4)) // left _ext.b2.bdL = 0x00; if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD8)) // up _ext.b2.bdU = 0x00; if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD6)) // right _ext.b1.bdR = 0x00; if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD5)) // down _ext.b1.bdD = 0x00; // -------------- // -------------------------------------- /* Buttons u8 b1; 0: 6: - 7: - u8 b2; 0: - 1: - 2: bZr 3: bX 4: bA 5: bY 6: bB 7: bZl */ if(GetAsyncKeyState('Z')) _ext.b2.bA = 0x00; if(GetAsyncKeyState('C')) _ext.b2.bB = 0x00; if(GetAsyncKeyState('Y')) _ext.b2.bY = 0x00; if(GetAsyncKeyState('X')) _ext.b2.bX = 0x00; if(GetAsyncKeyState('O')) // O instead of P _ext.b1.bP = 0x00; if(GetAsyncKeyState('N')) // N instead of M _ext.b1.bM = 0x00; if(GetAsyncKeyState('U')) // Home button _ext.b1.bH = 0x00; if(GetAsyncKeyState('7')) // digital left trigger _ext.b1.bLT = 0x00; if(GetAsyncKeyState('8')) _ext.b2.bZL = 0x00; if(GetAsyncKeyState('9')) _ext.b2.bZR = 0x00; if(GetAsyncKeyState('0')) // digital right trigger _ext.b1.bRT = 0x00; // All buttons pressed //if(GetAsyncKeyState('C') && GetAsyncKeyState('Z')) // { _ext.b2.bA = 0x01; _ext.b2.bB = 0x01; } // -------------- #else // TODO linux port #endif // Clear g_RegExtTmp by copying zeroes to it memset(g_RegExtTmpReport, 0, sizeof(g_RegExtTmp)); /* Write the nunchuck inputs to it. We begin writing at 0x08, see comment above. */ memcpy(g_RegExtTmpReport + 0x08, &_ext, sizeof(_ext)); // Encrypt it wiimote_encrypt(&g_ExtKey, &g_RegExtTmpReport[0x08], 0x08, 0x06); // Write it back memcpy(&_ext, &g_RegExtTmpReport[0x08], sizeof(_ext)); } // ======================= } // end of namespace