// Copyright 2013 Dolphin Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2+ // Refer to the license.txt file included. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Common/MathUtil.h" #include "Common/StringUtil.h" #include "InputCommon/ControlReference/ExpressionParser.h" namespace ciface::ExpressionParser { using namespace ciface::Core; enum TokenType { TOK_DISCARD, TOK_INVALID, TOK_EOF, TOK_LPAREN, TOK_RPAREN, TOK_UNARY, TOK_CONTROL, TOK_LITERAL, TOK_VARIABLE, // Binary Ops: TOK_BINARY_OPS_BEGIN, TOK_AND = TOK_BINARY_OPS_BEGIN, TOK_OR, TOK_ADD, TOK_SUB, TOK_MUL, TOK_DIV, TOK_MOD, TOK_ASSIGN, TOK_LTHAN, TOK_GTHAN, TOK_COND, TOK_COMMA, TOK_BINARY_OPS_END, }; inline std::string OpName(TokenType op) { switch (op) { case TOK_AND: return "And"; case TOK_OR: return "Or"; case TOK_UNARY: return "Unary"; case TOK_ADD: return "Add"; case TOK_SUB: return "Sub"; case TOK_MUL: return "Mul"; case TOK_DIV: return "Div"; case TOK_MOD: return "Mod"; case TOK_ASSIGN: return "Assign"; case TOK_LTHAN: return "LThan"; case TOK_GTHAN: return "GThan"; case TOK_COND: return "Cond"; case TOK_COMMA: return "Comma"; case TOK_VARIABLE: return "Var"; default: assert(false); return ""; } } class Token { public: TokenType type; std::string data; Token(TokenType type_) : type(type_) {} Token(TokenType type_, std::string data_) : type(type_), data(std::move(data_)) {} operator std::string() const { switch (type) { case TOK_DISCARD: return "Discard"; case TOK_EOF: return "EOF"; case TOK_LPAREN: return "("; case TOK_RPAREN: return ")"; case TOK_AND: return "&"; case TOK_OR: return "|"; case TOK_UNARY: return '!' + data; case TOK_ADD: return "+"; case TOK_SUB: return "-"; case TOK_MUL: return "*"; case TOK_DIV: return "/"; case TOK_MOD: return "%"; case TOK_ASSIGN: return "="; case TOK_LTHAN: return "<"; case TOK_GTHAN: return ">"; case TOK_COND: return "?"; case TOK_COMMA: return ","; case TOK_CONTROL: return "Device(" + data + ')'; case TOK_LITERAL: return '\'' + data + '\''; case TOK_VARIABLE: return '$' + data; case TOK_INVALID: break; } return "Invalid"; } }; class Lexer { public: std::string expr; std::string::iterator it; Lexer(const std::string& expr_) : expr(expr_) { it = expr.begin(); } bool FetchDelimString(std::string& value, char delim) { value = ""; while (it != expr.end()) { char c = *it; ++it; if (c == delim) return true; value += c; } return false; } std::string FetchWordChars() { std::string word; std::regex valid_name_char("[a-z0-9_]", std::regex_constants::icase); while (it != expr.end() && std::regex_match(std::string(1, *it), valid_name_char)) { word += *it; ++it; } return word; } Token GetUnaryFunction() { return Token(TOK_UNARY, FetchWordChars()); } Token GetLiteral() { std::string value; FetchDelimString(value, '\''); return Token(TOK_LITERAL, value); } Token GetVariable() { return Token(TOK_VARIABLE, FetchWordChars()); } Token GetFullyQualifiedControl() { std::string value; FetchDelimString(value, '`'); return Token(TOK_CONTROL, value); } Token GetBarewordsControl(char c) { std::string name; name += c; while (it != expr.end()) { c = *it; if (!isalpha(c)) break; name += c; ++it; } ControlQualifier qualifier; qualifier.control_name = name; return Token(TOK_CONTROL, qualifier); } Token NextToken() { if (it == expr.end()) return Token(TOK_EOF); char c = *it++; switch (c) { case ' ': case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': return Token(TOK_DISCARD); case '(': return Token(TOK_LPAREN); case ')': return Token(TOK_RPAREN); case '&': return Token(TOK_AND); case '|': return Token(TOK_OR); case '!': return GetUnaryFunction(); case '+': return Token(TOK_ADD); case '-': return Token(TOK_SUB); case '*': return Token(TOK_MUL); case '/': return Token(TOK_DIV); case '%': return Token(TOK_MOD); case '=': return Token(TOK_ASSIGN); case '<': return Token(TOK_LTHAN); case '>': return Token(TOK_GTHAN); case '?': return Token(TOK_COND); case ',': return Token(TOK_COMMA); case '\'': return GetLiteral(); case '$': return GetVariable(); case '`': return GetFullyQualifiedControl(); default: if (isalpha(c)) return GetBarewordsControl(c); else return Token(TOK_INVALID); } } ParseStatus Tokenize(std::vector& tokens) { while (true) { Token tok = NextToken(); if (tok.type == TOK_DISCARD) continue; if (tok.type == TOK_INVALID) { tokens.clear(); return ParseStatus::SyntaxError; } tokens.push_back(tok); if (tok.type == TOK_EOF) break; } return ParseStatus::Successful; } }; class ControlExpression : public Expression { public: // Keep a shared_ptr to the device so the control pointer doesn't become invalid // TODO: This is causing devices to be destructed after backends are shutdown: std::shared_ptr m_device; explicit ControlExpression(ControlQualifier qualifier_) : qualifier(qualifier_) {} ControlState GetValue() const override { if (!input) return 0.0; // Note: Inputs may return negative values in situations where opposing directions are // activated. We clamp off the negative values here. // FYI: Clamping values greater than 1.0 is purposely not done to support unbounded values in // the future. (e.g. raw accelerometer/gyro data) return std::max(0.0, input->GetState()); } void SetValue(ControlState value) override { if (output) output->SetState(value); } int CountNumControls() const override { return (input || output) ? 1 : 0; } void UpdateReferences(ControlEnvironment& env) override { m_device = env.FindDevice(qualifier); input = env.FindInput(qualifier); output = env.FindOutput(qualifier); } operator std::string() const override { return "`" + static_cast(qualifier) + "`"; } private: ControlQualifier qualifier; Device::Input* input = nullptr; Device::Output* output = nullptr; }; class BinaryExpression : public Expression { public: TokenType op; std::unique_ptr lhs; std::unique_ptr rhs; BinaryExpression(TokenType op_, std::unique_ptr&& lhs_, std::unique_ptr&& rhs_) : op(op_), lhs(std::move(lhs_)), rhs(std::move(rhs_)) { } ControlState GetValue() const override { switch (op) { case TOK_AND: return std::min(lhs->GetValue(), rhs->GetValue()); case TOK_OR: return std::max(lhs->GetValue(), rhs->GetValue()); case TOK_ADD: return lhs->GetValue() + rhs->GetValue(); case TOK_SUB: return lhs->GetValue() - rhs->GetValue(); case TOK_MUL: return lhs->GetValue() * rhs->GetValue(); case TOK_DIV: { const ControlState result = lhs->GetValue() / rhs->GetValue(); return std::isinf(result) ? 0.0 : result; } case TOK_MOD: { const ControlState result = std::fmod(lhs->GetValue(), rhs->GetValue()); return std::isnan(result) ? 0.0 : result; } case TOK_ASSIGN: { lhs->SetValue(rhs->GetValue()); return lhs->GetValue(); } case TOK_LTHAN: return lhs->GetValue() < rhs->GetValue(); case TOK_GTHAN: return lhs->GetValue() > rhs->GetValue(); case TOK_COND: { constexpr ControlState COND_THRESHOLD = 0.5; if (lhs->GetValue() > COND_THRESHOLD) return rhs->GetValue(); else return 0.0; } case TOK_COMMA: { // Eval and discard lhs: lhs->GetValue(); return rhs->GetValue(); } default: assert(false); return 0; } } void SetValue(ControlState value) override { // Don't do anything special with the op we have. // Treat "A & B" the same as "A | B". lhs->SetValue(value); rhs->SetValue(value); } int CountNumControls() const override { return lhs->CountNumControls() + rhs->CountNumControls(); } void UpdateReferences(ControlEnvironment& env) override { lhs->UpdateReferences(env); rhs->UpdateReferences(env); } operator std::string() const override { return OpName(op) + "(" + (std::string)(*lhs) + ", " + (std::string)(*rhs) + ")"; } }; class UnaryExpression : public Expression { public: UnaryExpression(std::unique_ptr&& inner_) : inner(std::move(inner_)) {} int CountNumControls() const override { return inner->CountNumControls(); } void UpdateReferences(ControlEnvironment& env) override { inner->UpdateReferences(env); } operator std::string() const override { return '!' + GetFuncName() + '(' + static_cast(*inner) + ')'; } protected: virtual std::string GetFuncName() const = 0; std::unique_ptr inner; }; // TODO: Return an oscillating value to make it apparent something was spelled wrong? class UnaryUnknownExpression : public UnaryExpression { public: UnaryUnknownExpression(std::unique_ptr&& inner_) : UnaryExpression(std::move(inner_)) { } ControlState GetValue() const override { return 0.0; } void SetValue(ControlState value) override {} std::string GetFuncName() const override { return "Unknown"; } }; class UnaryToggleExpression : public UnaryExpression { public: UnaryToggleExpression(std::unique_ptr&& inner_) : UnaryExpression(std::move(inner_)) { } ControlState GetValue() const override { const ControlState inner_value = inner->GetValue(); if (inner_value < THRESHOLD) { m_released = true; } else if (m_released && inner_value > THRESHOLD) { m_released = false; m_state ^= true; } return m_state; } void SetValue(ControlState value) override {} std::string GetFuncName() const override { return "Toggle"; } private: static constexpr ControlState THRESHOLD = 0.5; // eww: mutable bool m_released{}; mutable bool m_state{}; }; class UnaryNotExpression : public UnaryExpression { public: UnaryNotExpression(std::unique_ptr&& inner_) : UnaryExpression(std::move(inner_)) {} ControlState GetValue() const override { return 1.0 - inner->GetValue(); } void SetValue(ControlState value) override { inner->SetValue(1.0 - value); } std::string GetFuncName() const override { return ""; } }; class UnarySinExpression : public UnaryExpression { public: UnarySinExpression(std::unique_ptr&& inner_) : UnaryExpression(std::move(inner_)) {} ControlState GetValue() const override { return std::sin(inner->GetValue()); } void SetValue(ControlState value) override {} std::string GetFuncName() const override { return "Sin"; } }; class UnaryWhileExpression : public UnaryExpression { public: UnaryWhileExpression(std::unique_ptr&& inner_) : UnaryExpression(std::move(inner_)) {} ControlState GetValue() const override { constexpr int MAX_REPS = 10000; constexpr int COND_THRESHOLD = 0.5; // Returns 1.0 on successful loop, 0.0 on reps exceeded. Sensible? for (int i = 0; i != MAX_REPS; ++i) { const ControlState val = inner->GetValue(); if (val < COND_THRESHOLD) return 1.0; } // Exceeded max reps: return 0.0; } void SetValue(ControlState value) override {} std::string GetFuncName() const override { return "Sin"; } }; std::unique_ptr MakeUnaryExpression(std::string name, std::unique_ptr&& inner_) { // Case insensitive matching. std::transform(name.begin(), name.end(), name.begin(), [](char c) { return std::tolower(c, std::locale::classic()); }); if (name.empty()) return std::make_unique(std::move(inner_)); else if ("toggle" == name) return std::make_unique(std::move(inner_)); else if ("sin" == name) return std::make_unique(std::move(inner_)); else if ("while" == name) return std::make_unique(std::move(inner_)); else return std::make_unique(std::move(inner_)); } class LiteralExpression : public Expression { public: void SetValue(ControlState value) override { // Do nothing. } int CountNumControls() const override { return 1; } void UpdateReferences(ControlEnvironment&) override { // Nothing needed. } operator std::string() const override { return '\'' + GetName() + '\''; } protected: virtual std::string GetName() const = 0; }; class LiteralReal : public LiteralExpression { public: LiteralReal(ControlState value) : m_value(value) {} ControlState GetValue() const override { return m_value; } std::string GetName() const override { return ValueToString(m_value); } private: const ControlState m_value{}; }; // A +1.0 per second incrementing timer: class LiteralTimer : public LiteralExpression { public: ControlState GetValue() const override { const auto ms = std::chrono::duration_cast(Clock::now().time_since_epoch()); // TODO: Will this roll over nicely? return ms.count() / 1000.0; } std::string GetName() const override { return "Timer"; } private: using Clock = std::chrono::steady_clock; }; std::unique_ptr MakeLiteralExpression(std::string name) { // Case insensitive matching. std::transform(name.begin(), name.end(), name.begin(), [](char c) { return std::tolower(c, std::locale::classic()); }); // Check for named literals: if ("timer" == name) { return std::make_unique(); } else { // Assume it's a Real. If TryParse fails we'll just get a Zero. ControlState val{}; TryParse(name, &val); return std::make_unique(val); } } class VariableExpression : public Expression { public: VariableExpression(std::string name) : m_name(name) {} ControlState GetValue() const override { return *m_value_ptr; } void SetValue(ControlState value) override { *m_value_ptr = value; } int CountNumControls() const override { return 1; } void UpdateReferences(ControlEnvironment& env) override { m_value_ptr = env.GetVariablePtr(m_name); } operator std::string() const override { return '$' + m_name; } protected: const std::string m_name; ControlState* m_value_ptr{}; }; // This class proxies all methods to its either left-hand child if it has bound controls, or its // right-hand child. Its intended use is for supporting old-style barewords expressions. class CoalesceExpression : public Expression { public: CoalesceExpression(std::unique_ptr&& lhs, std::unique_ptr&& rhs) : m_lhs(std::move(lhs)), m_rhs(std::move(rhs)) { } ControlState GetValue() const override { return GetActiveChild()->GetValue(); } void SetValue(ControlState value) override { GetActiveChild()->SetValue(value); } int CountNumControls() const override { return GetActiveChild()->CountNumControls(); } operator std::string() const override { return "Coalesce(" + static_cast(*m_lhs) + ", " + static_cast(*m_rhs) + ')'; } void UpdateReferences(ControlEnvironment& env) override { m_lhs->UpdateReferences(env); m_rhs->UpdateReferences(env); } private: const std::unique_ptr& GetActiveChild() const { return m_lhs->CountNumControls() > 0 ? m_lhs : m_rhs; } std::unique_ptr m_lhs; std::unique_ptr m_rhs; }; std::shared_ptr ControlEnvironment::FindDevice(ControlQualifier qualifier) const { if (qualifier.has_device) return container.FindDevice(qualifier.device_qualifier); else return container.FindDevice(default_device); } Device::Input* ControlEnvironment::FindInput(ControlQualifier qualifier) const { const std::shared_ptr device = FindDevice(qualifier); if (!device) return nullptr; return device->FindInput(qualifier.control_name); } Device::Output* ControlEnvironment::FindOutput(ControlQualifier qualifier) const { const std::shared_ptr device = FindDevice(qualifier); if (!device) return nullptr; return device->FindOutput(qualifier.control_name); } ControlState* ControlEnvironment::GetVariablePtr(const std::string& name) { return &m_variables[name]; } struct ParseResult { ParseResult(ParseStatus status_, std::unique_ptr&& expr_ = {}) : status(status_), expr(std::move(expr_)) { } ParseStatus status; std::unique_ptr expr; }; class Parser { public: explicit Parser(std::vector tokens_) : tokens(tokens_) { m_it = tokens.begin(); } ParseResult Parse() { return Toplevel(); } private: std::vector tokens; std::vector::iterator m_it; Token Chew() { return *m_it++; } Token Peek() { return *m_it; } bool Expects(TokenType type) { Token tok = Chew(); return tok.type == type; } ParseResult Atom() { Token tok = Chew(); switch (tok.type) { case TOK_CONTROL: { ControlQualifier cq; cq.FromString(tok.data); return {ParseStatus::Successful, std::make_unique(cq)}; } case TOK_LITERAL: { return {ParseStatus::Successful, MakeLiteralExpression(tok.data)}; } case TOK_VARIABLE: { return {ParseStatus::Successful, std::make_unique(tok.data)}; } case TOK_LPAREN: return Paren(); default: return {ParseStatus::SyntaxError}; } } bool IsUnaryExpression(TokenType type) { switch (type) { case TOK_UNARY: return true; default: return false; } } ParseResult Unary() { if (IsUnaryExpression(Peek().type)) { Token tok = Chew(); ParseResult result = Atom(); if (result.status == ParseStatus::SyntaxError) return result; return {ParseStatus::Successful, MakeUnaryExpression(tok.data, std::move(result.expr))}; } return Atom(); } bool IsBinaryToken(TokenType type) { return type >= TOK_BINARY_OPS_BEGIN && type < TOK_BINARY_OPS_END; } ParseResult Binary() { ParseResult result = Unary(); if (result.status == ParseStatus::SyntaxError) return result; std::unique_ptr expr = std::move(result.expr); while (IsBinaryToken(Peek().type)) { Token tok = Chew(); ParseResult unary_result = Unary(); if (unary_result.status == ParseStatus::SyntaxError) { return unary_result; } expr = std::make_unique(tok.type, std::move(expr), std::move(unary_result.expr)); } return {ParseStatus::Successful, std::move(expr)}; } ParseResult Paren() { // lparen already chewed ParseResult result = Toplevel(); if (result.status != ParseStatus::Successful) return result; if (!Expects(TOK_RPAREN)) { return {ParseStatus::SyntaxError}; } return result; } ParseResult Toplevel() { return Binary(); } }; static ParseResult ParseComplexExpression(const std::string& str) { Lexer l(str); std::vector tokens; ParseStatus tokenize_status = l.Tokenize(tokens); if (tokenize_status != ParseStatus::Successful) return {tokenize_status}; return Parser(std::move(tokens)).Parse(); } static std::unique_ptr ParseBarewordExpression(const std::string& str) { ControlQualifier qualifier; qualifier.control_name = str; qualifier.has_device = false; return std::make_unique(qualifier); } std::pair> ParseExpression(const std::string& str) { if (StripSpaces(str).empty()) return std::make_pair(ParseStatus::EmptyExpression, nullptr); auto bareword_expr = ParseBarewordExpression(str); ParseResult complex_result = ParseComplexExpression(str); if (complex_result.status != ParseStatus::Successful) { return std::make_pair(complex_result.status, std::move(bareword_expr)); } auto combined_expr = std::make_unique(std::move(bareword_expr), std::move(complex_result.expr)); return std::make_pair(complex_result.status, std::move(combined_expr)); } } // namespace ciface::ExpressionParser