// Copyright 2017 Dolphin Emulator Project // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later #include "DolphinQt/Debugger/NewBreakpointDialog.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Core/PowerPC/Expression.h" #include "DolphinQt/Debugger/BreakpointWidget.h" #include "DolphinQt/QtUtils/ModalMessageBox.h" NewBreakpointDialog::NewBreakpointDialog(BreakpointWidget* parent) : QDialog(parent), m_parent(parent) { setWindowFlags(windowFlags() & ~Qt::WindowContextHelpButtonHint); setWindowTitle(tr("New Breakpoint")); CreateWidgets(); ConnectWidgets(); OnBPTypeChanged(); OnAddressTypeChanged(); } void NewBreakpointDialog::CreateWidgets() { m_buttons = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel); auto* type_group = new QButtonGroup(this); // Instruction BP auto* top_layout = new QHBoxLayout; m_instruction_bp = new QRadioButton(tr("Instruction Breakpoint")); m_instruction_bp->setChecked(true); type_group->addButton(m_instruction_bp); m_instruction_box = new QGroupBox; m_instruction_address = new QLineEdit; m_instruction_condition = new QLineEdit; m_cond_help_btn = new QPushButton(tr("Help")); top_layout->addWidget(m_instruction_bp); top_layout->addStretch(); top_layout->addWidget(m_cond_help_btn); auto* instruction_layout = new QGridLayout; m_instruction_box->setLayout(instruction_layout); instruction_layout->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Address:")), 0, 0); instruction_layout->addWidget(m_instruction_address, 0, 1); instruction_layout->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Condition:")), 1, 0); instruction_layout->addWidget(m_instruction_condition, 1, 1); // Memory BP m_memory_bp = new QRadioButton(tr("Memory Breakpoint")); type_group->addButton(m_memory_bp); m_memory_box = new QGroupBox; auto* memory_type_group = new QButtonGroup(this); m_memory_use_address = new QRadioButton(tr("Address")); m_memory_use_address->setChecked(true); memory_type_group->addButton(m_memory_use_address); // i18n: A range of memory addresses m_memory_use_range = new QRadioButton(tr("Range")); memory_type_group->addButton(m_memory_use_range); m_memory_address_from = new QLineEdit; m_memory_address_to = new QLineEdit; m_memory_address_from_label = new QLabel; // Set by OnAddressTypeChanged m_memory_address_to_label = new QLabel(tr("To:")); // i18n: This is a selectable condition when adding a breakpoint m_memory_on_read = new QRadioButton(tr("Read")); // i18n: This is a selectable condition when adding a breakpoint m_memory_on_write = new QRadioButton(tr("Write")); // i18n: This is a selectable condition when adding a breakpoint m_memory_on_read_and_write = new QRadioButton(tr("Read or Write")); m_memory_on_write->setChecked(true); // i18n: This is a selectable action when adding a breakpoint m_do_log = new QRadioButton(tr("Write to Log")); // i18n: This is a selectable action when adding a breakpoint m_do_break = new QRadioButton(tr("Break")); // i18n: This is a selectable action when adding a breakpoint m_do_log_and_break = new QRadioButton(tr("Write to Log and Break")); m_do_log_and_break->setChecked(true); auto* memory_layout = new QGridLayout; m_memory_box->setLayout(memory_layout); memory_layout->addWidget(m_memory_use_address, 0, 0); memory_layout->addWidget(m_memory_use_range, 0, 3); memory_layout->addWidget(m_memory_address_from_label, 1, 0); memory_layout->addWidget(m_memory_address_from, 1, 1); memory_layout->addWidget(m_memory_address_to_label, 1, 2); memory_layout->addWidget(m_memory_address_to, 1, 3); QGroupBox* condition_box = new QGroupBox(tr("Condition")); auto* condition_layout = new QHBoxLayout; condition_box->setLayout(condition_layout); memory_layout->addWidget(condition_box, 2, 0, 1, -1); condition_layout->addWidget(m_memory_on_read); condition_layout->addWidget(m_memory_on_write); condition_layout->addWidget(m_memory_on_read_and_write); QGroupBox* action_box = new QGroupBox(tr("Action")); auto* action_layout = new QHBoxLayout; action_box->setLayout(action_layout); action_layout->addWidget(m_do_log); action_layout->addWidget(m_do_break); action_layout->addWidget(m_do_log_and_break); auto* layout = new QVBoxLayout; layout->addLayout(top_layout); layout->addWidget(m_instruction_box); layout->addWidget(m_memory_bp); layout->addWidget(m_memory_box); layout->addWidget(action_box); layout->addWidget(m_buttons); setLayout(layout); m_instruction_address->setFocus(); } void NewBreakpointDialog::ConnectWidgets() { connect(m_buttons, &QDialogButtonBox::accepted, this, &NewBreakpointDialog::accept); connect(m_buttons, &QDialogButtonBox::rejected, this, &NewBreakpointDialog::reject); connect(m_cond_help_btn, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &NewBreakpointDialog::ShowConditionHelp); connect(m_instruction_bp, &QRadioButton::toggled, this, &NewBreakpointDialog::OnBPTypeChanged); connect(m_memory_bp, &QRadioButton::toggled, this, &NewBreakpointDialog::OnBPTypeChanged); connect(m_memory_use_address, &QRadioButton::toggled, this, &NewBreakpointDialog::OnAddressTypeChanged); connect(m_memory_use_range, &QRadioButton::toggled, this, &NewBreakpointDialog::OnAddressTypeChanged); } void NewBreakpointDialog::OnBPTypeChanged() { m_instruction_box->setEnabled(m_instruction_bp->isChecked()); m_memory_box->setEnabled(m_memory_bp->isChecked()); } void NewBreakpointDialog::OnAddressTypeChanged() { bool ranged = m_memory_use_range->isChecked(); m_memory_address_to->setHidden(!ranged); m_memory_address_to_label->setHidden(!ranged); m_memory_address_from_label->setText(ranged ? tr("From:") : tr("Address:")); } void NewBreakpointDialog::accept() { auto invalid_input = [this](QString field) { ModalMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"), tr("Invalid input for the field \"%1\"").arg(field)); }; bool instruction = m_instruction_bp->isChecked(); bool ranged = m_memory_use_range->isChecked(); // Triggers bool on_read = m_memory_on_read->isChecked() || m_memory_on_read_and_write->isChecked(); bool on_write = m_memory_on_write->isChecked() || m_memory_on_read_and_write->isChecked(); // Actions bool do_log = m_do_log->isChecked() || m_do_log_and_break->isChecked(); bool do_break = m_do_break->isChecked() || m_do_log_and_break->isChecked(); bool good; if (instruction) { u32 address = m_instruction_address->text().toUInt(&good, 16); if (!good) { invalid_input(tr("Address")); return; } const QString condition = m_instruction_condition->text().trimmed(); if (!condition.isEmpty() && !Expression::TryParse(condition.toUtf8().constData())) { invalid_input(tr("Condition")); return; } m_parent->AddBP(address, false, do_break, do_log, condition); } else { u32 from = m_memory_address_from->text().toUInt(&good, 16); if (!good) { invalid_input(ranged ? tr("From") : tr("Address")); return; } if (ranged) { u32 to = m_memory_address_to->text().toUInt(&good, 16); if (!good) { invalid_input(tr("To")); return; } m_parent->AddRangedMBP(from, to, on_read, on_write, do_log, do_break); } else { m_parent->AddAddressMBP(from, on_read, on_write, do_log, do_break); } } QDialog::accept(); } void NewBreakpointDialog::ShowConditionHelp() { const auto message = QStringLiteral( "Set a code breakpoint for when an instruction is executed. Use with the code widget.\n" "\n" "Conditions:\n" "Sets an expression that is evaluated when a breakpoint is hit. If the expression is false " "or 0, the breakpoint is ignored until hit again. Statements should be separated by a comma. " "Only the last statement will be used to determine what to do.\n" "\n" "Registers that can be referenced:\n" "GPRs : r0..r31\n" "FPRs : f0..f31\n LR, CTR, PC\n" "\n" "Functions:\n" "Set a register: r1 = 8\n" "Casts: s8(0xff). Available: s8, u8, s16, u16, s32, u32\n" "Read Memory: read_u32(0x80000000). Available: u8, s8, u16, s16, u32, s32, f32, f64\n" "Write Memory: write_u32(r3, 0x80000000). Available: u8, u16, u32, f32, f64\n" "*currently writing will always be triggered\n" "\n" "Operations:\n" "Unary: -u, !u, ~u\n" "Math: * / + -, power: **, remainder: %, shift: <<, >>\n" "Compare: <, <=, >, >=, ==, !=, &&, ||\n" "Bitwise: &, |, ^\n" "\n" "Examples:\n" "r4 == 1\n" "f0 == 1.0 && f2 < 10.0\n" "r26 <= r0 && ((r5 + 3) & -4) * ((r6 + 3) & -4)* 4 > r0\n" "p = r3 + 0x8, p == 0x8003510 && read_u32(p) != 0\n" "Write and break: r4 = 8, 1\n" "Write and continue: f3 = f1 + f2, 0\n" "The condition must always be last\n\n" "All variables will be printed in the Memory Interface log, if there's a hit or a NaN " "result. To check for issues, assign a variable to your equation, so it can be printed.\n\n" "Note: All values are internally converted to Doubles for calculations. It's possible for " "them to go out of range or to become NaN. A warning will be given if NaN is returned, and " "the var that became NaN will be logged."); ModalMessageBox::information(this, tr("Conditional help"), message); }