// Copyright 2013 Dolphin Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2 // Refer to the license.txt file included. #include "Common/Common.h" #include "Common/FileUtil.h" #include "Common/StringUtil.h" #include "VideoBackends/Software/BPMemLoader.h" #include "VideoBackends/Software/DebugUtil.h" #include "VideoBackends/Software/EfbInterface.h" #include "VideoBackends/Software/HwRasterizer.h" #include "VideoBackends/Software/SWCommandProcessor.h" #include "VideoBackends/Software/SWStatistics.h" #include "VideoBackends/Software/SWVideoConfig.h" #include "VideoBackends/Software/TextureSampler.h" #include "VideoCommon/ImageWrite.h" namespace DebugUtil { static bool drawingHwTriangles = false; enum { NumObjectBuffers = 40}; static u32 *ObjectBuffer[NumObjectBuffers]; static u32 TempBuffer[NumObjectBuffers]; static bool DrawnToBuffer[NumObjectBuffers]; static const char* ObjectBufferName[NumObjectBuffers]; static int BufferBase[NumObjectBuffers]; void Init() { for (int i = 0; i < NumObjectBuffers; i++) { ObjectBuffer[i] = new u32[EFB_WIDTH*EFB_HEIGHT](); DrawnToBuffer[i] = false; ObjectBufferName[i] = nullptr; BufferBase[i] = 0; } } void Shutdown() { for (int i = 0; i < NumObjectBuffers; i++) { delete[] ObjectBuffer[i]; } } static void SaveTexture(const std::string& filename, u32 texmap, s32 mip) { FourTexUnits& texUnit = bpmem.tex[(texmap >> 2) & 1]; u8 subTexmap = texmap & 3; TexImage0& ti0 = texUnit.texImage0[subTexmap]; u32 width = ti0.width + 1; u32 height = ti0.height + 1; u8 *data = new u8[width * height * 4]; GetTextureRGBA(data, texmap, mip, width, height); (void)TextureToPng(data, width*4, filename, width, height, true); delete[] data; } void GetTextureRGBA(u8 *dst, u32 texmap, s32 mip, u32 width, u32 height) { for (u32 y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (u32 x = 0; x < width; x++) { TextureSampler::SampleMip(x << 7, y << 7, mip, false, texmap, dst); dst += 4; } } } static s32 GetMaxTextureLod(u32 texmap) { FourTexUnits& texUnit = bpmem.tex[(texmap >> 2) & 1]; u8 subTexmap = texmap & 3; u8 maxLod = texUnit.texMode1[subTexmap].max_lod; u8 mip = maxLod >> 4; u8 fract = maxLod & 0xf; if (fract) ++mip; return (s32)mip; } void DumpActiveTextures() { for (unsigned int stageNum = 0; stageNum < bpmem.genMode.numindstages; stageNum++) { u32 texmap = bpmem.tevindref.getTexMap(stageNum); s32 maxLod = GetMaxTextureLod(texmap); for (s32 mip = 0; mip <= maxLod; ++mip) { SaveTexture(StringFromFormat("%star%i_ind%i_map%i_mip%i.png", File::GetUserPath(D_DUMPTEXTURES_IDX).c_str(), swstats.thisFrame.numDrawnObjects, stageNum, texmap, mip), texmap, mip); } } for (unsigned int stageNum = 0; stageNum <= bpmem.genMode.numtevstages; stageNum++) { int stageNum2 = stageNum >> 1; int stageOdd = stageNum&1; TwoTevStageOrders &order = bpmem.tevorders[stageNum2]; int texmap = order.getTexMap(stageOdd); s32 maxLod = GetMaxTextureLod(texmap); for (s32 mip = 0; mip <= maxLod; ++mip) { SaveTexture(StringFromFormat("%star%i_stage%i_map%i_mip%i.png", File::GetUserPath(D_DUMPTEXTURES_IDX).c_str(), swstats.thisFrame.numDrawnObjects, stageNum, texmap, mip), texmap, mip); } } } static void DumpEfb(const std::string& filename) { u8 *data = new u8[EFB_WIDTH * EFB_HEIGHT * 4]; u8 *writePtr = data; u8 sample[4]; for (int y = 0; y < EFB_HEIGHT; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < EFB_WIDTH; x++) { EfbInterface::GetColor(x, y, sample); // ABGR to RGBA *(writePtr++) = sample[3]; *(writePtr++) = sample[2]; *(writePtr++) = sample[1]; *(writePtr++) = sample[0]; } } (void)TextureToPng(data, EFB_WIDTH * 4, filename, EFB_WIDTH, EFB_HEIGHT, true); delete[] data; } static void DumpDepth(const std::string& filename) { u8 *data = new u8[EFB_WIDTH * EFB_HEIGHT * 4]; u8 *writePtr = data; for (int y = 0; y < EFB_HEIGHT; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < EFB_WIDTH; x++) { u32 depth = EfbInterface::GetDepth(x, y); // depth to rgba *(writePtr++) = depth & 0xff; *(writePtr++) = (depth >> 8) & 0xff; *(writePtr++) = (depth >> 16) & 0xff; *(writePtr++) = 255; } } (void)TextureToPng(data, EFB_WIDTH * 4, filename, EFB_WIDTH, EFB_HEIGHT, true); delete[] data; } void DrawObjectBuffer(s16 x, s16 y, u8 *color, int bufferBase, int subBuffer, const char *name) { int buffer = bufferBase + subBuffer; u32 offset = (x + y * EFB_WIDTH) * 4; u8 *dst = (u8*)&ObjectBuffer[buffer][offset]; *(dst++) = color[2]; *(dst++) = color[1]; *(dst++) = color[0]; *(dst++) = color[3]; DrawnToBuffer[buffer] = true; ObjectBufferName[buffer] = name; BufferBase[buffer] = bufferBase; } void DrawTempBuffer(u8 *color, int buffer) { u8 *dst = (u8*)&TempBuffer[buffer]; *(dst++) = color[2]; *(dst++) = color[1]; *(dst++) = color[0]; *(dst++) = color[3]; } void CopyTempBuffer(s16 x, s16 y, int bufferBase, int subBuffer, const char *name) { int buffer = bufferBase + subBuffer; u32 offset = (x + y * EFB_WIDTH); ObjectBuffer[buffer][offset] = TempBuffer[buffer]; DrawnToBuffer[buffer] = true; ObjectBufferName[buffer] = name; BufferBase[buffer] = bufferBase; } void OnObjectBegin() { if (!g_bSkipCurrentFrame) { if (g_SWVideoConfig.bDumpTextures && swstats.thisFrame.numDrawnObjects >= g_SWVideoConfig.drawStart && swstats.thisFrame.numDrawnObjects < g_SWVideoConfig.drawEnd) DumpActiveTextures(); if (g_SWVideoConfig.bHwRasterizer) { HwRasterizer::BeginTriangles(); drawingHwTriangles = true; } } } void OnObjectEnd() { if (!g_bSkipCurrentFrame) { if (g_SWVideoConfig.bDumpObjects && swstats.thisFrame.numDrawnObjects >= g_SWVideoConfig.drawStart && swstats.thisFrame.numDrawnObjects < g_SWVideoConfig.drawEnd) DumpEfb(StringFromFormat("%sobject%i.png", File::GetUserPath(D_DUMPFRAMES_IDX).c_str(), swstats.thisFrame.numDrawnObjects)); if (g_SWVideoConfig.bHwRasterizer || drawingHwTriangles) { HwRasterizer::EndTriangles(); drawingHwTriangles = false; } for (int i = 0; i < NumObjectBuffers; i++) { if (DrawnToBuffer[i]) { DrawnToBuffer[i] = false; std::string filename = StringFromFormat("%sobject%i_%s(%i).png", File::GetUserPath(D_DUMPFRAMES_IDX).c_str(), swstats.thisFrame.numDrawnObjects, ObjectBufferName[i], i - BufferBase[i]); (void)TextureToPng((u8*)ObjectBuffer[i], EFB_WIDTH * 4, filename, EFB_WIDTH, EFB_HEIGHT, true); memset(ObjectBuffer[i], 0, EFB_WIDTH * EFB_HEIGHT * sizeof(u32)); } } swstats.thisFrame.numDrawnObjects++; } } void OnFrameEnd() { if (!g_bSkipCurrentFrame) { if (g_SWVideoConfig.bDumpFrames) { DumpEfb(StringFromFormat("%sframe%i_color.png", File::GetUserPath(D_DUMPFRAMES_IDX).c_str(), swstats.frameCount)); DumpDepth(StringFromFormat("%sframe%i_depth.png", File::GetUserPath(D_DUMPFRAMES_IDX).c_str(), swstats.frameCount)); } } } }