#include "NetPlay.h" #include "NetWindow.h" // called from ---GUI--- thread NetPlayClient::~NetPlayClient() { if (is_connected) { m_do_loop = false; m_thread->WaitForDeath(); delete m_thread; } } // called from ---GUI--- thread NetPlayClient::NetPlayClient(const std::string& address, const u16 port, const std::string& name, NetPlayDiag* const npd) { m_dialog = npd; is_connected = false; // why is false successful? documentation says true is if (0 == m_socket.Connect(port, address, 5)) { // send connect message sf::Packet spac; spac << NETPLAY_VERSION; spac << netplay_dolphin_ver; spac << name; m_socket.Send(spac); sf::Packet rpac; // TODO: make this not hang m_socket.Receive(rpac); MessageId error; rpac >> error; // got error message if (error) { switch (error) { case CON_ERR_SERVER_FULL : PanicAlert("%s", _wxt("The server is full!")); break; case CON_ERR_VERSION_MISMATCH : PanicAlert("%s", _wxt("The server and client's NetPlay versions are incompatible!")); break; case CON_ERR_GAME_RUNNING : PanicAlert("%s", _wxt("The server responded: the game is currently running!")); break; default : PanicAlert("%s", _wxt("The server sent an unknown error message!")); break; } m_socket.Close(); } else { rpac >> m_pid; Player player; player.name = name; player.pid = m_pid; player.revision = netplay_dolphin_ver; // add self to player list m_players[m_pid] = player; m_local_player = &m_players[m_pid]; UpdateGUI(); //PanicAlert("Connection successful: assigned player id: %d", m_pid); is_connected = true; m_selector.Add(m_socket); m_thread = new Common::Thread(NetPlayThreadFunc, this); } } else PanicAlert("%s", _wxt("Failed to Connect!")); } // called from ---NETPLAY--- thread unsigned int NetPlayClient::OnData(sf::Packet& packet) { MessageId mid; packet >> mid; switch (mid) { case NP_MSG_PLAYER_JOIN : { Player player; packet >> player.pid; packet >> player.name; packet >> player.revision; m_crit.players.Enter(); // lock players m_players[player.pid] = player; m_crit.players.Leave(); UpdateGUI(); } break; case NP_MSG_PLAYER_LEAVE : { PlayerId pid; packet >> pid; m_crit.players.Enter(); // lock players m_players.erase(m_players.find(pid)); m_crit.players.Leave(); UpdateGUI(); } break; case NP_MSG_CHAT_MESSAGE : { PlayerId pid; packet >> pid; std::string msg; packet >> msg; // don't need lock to read in this thread const Player& player = m_players[pid]; // add to gui std::ostringstream ss; ss << player.name << '[' << (char)(pid+'0') << "]: " << msg; AppendChatGUI(ss.str()); } break; case NP_MSG_PAD_MAPPING : { PlayerId pid; packet >> pid; m_crit.players.Enter(); // lock players Player& player = m_players[pid]; for (unsigned int i=0; i<4; ++i) packet >> player.pad_map[i]; m_crit.players.Leave(); UpdateGUI(); } break; case NP_MSG_PAD_DATA : { PadMapping map = 0; NetPad np; packet >> map >> np.nHi >> np.nLo; // trusting server for good map value (>=0 && <4) // add to pad buffer m_pad_buffer[(unsigned)map].Push(np); } break; case NP_MSG_PAD_BUFFER : { u32 size = 0; packet >> size; m_target_buffer_size = size; } break; case NP_MSG_CHANGE_GAME : { // lock here? m_crit.game.Enter(); // lock game state packet >> m_selected_game; m_crit.game.Leave(); // update gui wxCommandEvent evt(wxEVT_THREAD, NP_GUI_EVT_CHANGE_GAME); // TODO: using a wxString in AddPendingEvent from another thread is unsafe i guess? evt.SetString(wxString(m_selected_game.c_str(), *wxConvCurrent)); m_dialog->GetEventHandler()->AddPendingEvent(evt); } break; case NP_MSG_START_GAME : { m_crit.game.Enter(); // lock buffer packet >> m_current_game; m_crit.game.Leave(); wxCommandEvent evt(wxEVT_THREAD, NP_GUI_EVT_START_GAME); m_dialog->GetEventHandler()->AddPendingEvent(evt); } break; case NP_MSG_STOP_GAME : { wxCommandEvent evt(wxEVT_THREAD, NP_GUI_EVT_STOP_GAME); m_dialog->GetEventHandler()->AddPendingEvent(evt); } break; case NP_MSG_DISABLE_GAME : { PanicAlert("%s", _wxt("Other client disconnected while game is running!! NetPlay is disabled. You manually stop the game.")); CritLocker game_lock(m_crit.game); // lock game state m_is_running = false; NetPlay_Disable(); } break; case NP_MSG_PING : { u32 ping_key = 0; packet >> ping_key; sf::Packet spac; spac << (MessageId)NP_MSG_PONG; spac << ping_key; CritLocker send_lock(m_crit.send); m_socket.Send(spac); } break; default : PanicAlert(_wxt("Unknown message received with id : %d"), mid); break; } return 0; } // called from ---NETPLAY--- thread void NetPlayClient::Entry() { while (m_do_loop) { if (m_selector.Wait(0.01f)) { sf::Packet rpac; switch (m_socket.Receive(rpac)) { case sf::Socket::Done : OnData(rpac); break; //case sf::Socket::Disconnected : default : m_is_running = false; NetPlay_Disable(); AppendChatGUI("< LOST CONNECTION TO SERVER >"); PanicAlert("%s", _wxt("Lost connection to server!")); m_do_loop = false; break; } } } m_socket.Close(); return; } // called from ---GUI--- thread void NetPlayClient::GetPlayerList(std::string& list, std::vector& pid_list) { CritLocker player_lock(m_crit.players); // lock players std::ostringstream ss; std::map::const_iterator i = m_players.begin(), e = m_players.end(); for ( ; i!=e; ++i) { ss << i->second.ToString() << '\n'; pid_list.push_back(i->second.pid); } list = ss.str(); } // called from ---GUI--- thread void NetPlayClient::SendChatMessage(const std::string& msg) { sf::Packet spac; spac << (MessageId)NP_MSG_CHAT_MESSAGE; spac << msg; CritLocker send_lock(m_crit.send); // lock send m_socket.Send(spac); } // called from ---CPU--- thread void NetPlayClient::SendPadState(const PadMapping local_nb, const NetPad& np) { // send to server sf::Packet spac; spac << (MessageId)NP_MSG_PAD_DATA; spac << local_nb; // local pad num spac << np.nHi << np.nLo; CritLocker send_lock(m_crit.send); // lock send m_socket.Send(spac); } // called from ---GUI--- thread bool NetPlayClient::StartGame(const std::string &path) { CritLocker game_lock(m_crit.game); // lock game state if (false == NetPlay::StartGame(path)) return false; // tell server i started the game sf::Packet spac; spac << (MessageId)NP_MSG_START_GAME; spac << m_current_game; CritLocker send_lock(m_crit.send); // lock send m_socket.Send(spac); return true; } // called from ---GUI--- thread bool NetPlayClient::ChangeGame(const std::string&) { return true; }