// Copyright (C) 2003 Dolphin Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official SVN repository and contact information can be found at // http://code.google.com/p/dolphin-emu/ #include #include "Common.h" #include "IniFile.h" #include "VideoConfig.h" #include "VideoCommon.h" #include "FileUtil.h" VideoConfig g_Config; VideoConfig g_ActiveConfig; void UpdateActiveConfig() { g_ActiveConfig = g_Config; } VideoConfig::VideoConfig() { bRunning = false; // Needed for the first frame, I think fAspectRatioHackW = 1; fAspectRatioHackH = 1; // disable all features by default backend_info.APIType = API_NONE; backend_info.bAllowSignedBytes = false; backend_info.bUseRGBATextures = false; backend_info.bSupportsEFBToRAM = false; backend_info.bSupportsRealXFB = false; backend_info.bSupports3DVision = false; } void VideoConfig::Load(const char *ini_file) { std::string temp; IniFile iniFile; iniFile.Load(ini_file); iniFile.Get("Hardware", "VSync", &bVSync, 0); // Hardware iniFile.Get("Settings", "wideScreenHack", &bWidescreenHack, false); iniFile.Get("Settings", "AspectRatio", &iAspectRatio, (int)ASPECT_AUTO); iniFile.Get("Settings", "Crop", &bCrop, false); iniFile.Get("Settings", "UseXFB", &bUseXFB, 0); iniFile.Get("Settings", "UseRealXFB", &bUseRealXFB, 0); iniFile.Get("Settings", "UseNativeMips", &bUseNativeMips, true); iniFile.Get("Settings", "SafeTextureCache", &bSafeTextureCache, false); // Settings //Safe texture cache params iniFile.Get("Settings", "SafeTextureCacheColorSamples", &iSafeTextureCache_ColorSamples,512); iniFile.Get("Settings", "ShowFPS", &bShowFPS, false); // Settings iniFile.Get("Settings", "OverlayStats", &bOverlayStats, false); iniFile.Get("Settings", "OverlayProjStats", &bOverlayProjStats, false); iniFile.Get("Settings", "ShowEFBCopyRegions", &bShowEFBCopyRegions, false); iniFile.Get("Settings", "DLOptimize", &iCompileDLsLevel, 0); iniFile.Get("Settings", "DumpTextures", &bDumpTextures, 0); iniFile.Get("Settings", "HiresTextures", &bHiresTextures, 0); iniFile.Get("Settings", "DumpEFBTarget", &bDumpEFBTarget, 0); iniFile.Get("Settings", "DumpFrames", &bDumpFrames, 0); iniFile.Get("Settings", "FreeLook", &bFreeLook, 0); iniFile.Get("Settings", "UseFFV1", &bUseFFV1, 0); iniFile.Get("Settings", "AnaglyphStereo", &bAnaglyphStereo, false); iniFile.Get("Settings", "AnaglyphStereoSeparation", &iAnaglyphStereoSeparation, 200); iniFile.Get("Settings", "AnaglyphFocalAngle", &iAnaglyphFocalAngle, 0); iniFile.Get("Settings", "EnablePixelLigting", &bEnablePixelLigting, 0); iniFile.Get("Settings", "EnablePerPixelDepth", &bEnablePerPixelDepth, 0); iniFile.Get("Settings", "ShowShaderErrors", &bShowShaderErrors, 0); iniFile.Get("Settings", "MSAA", &iMultisampleMode, 0); iniFile.Get("Settings", "EFBScale", &iEFBScale, 1); // integral iniFile.Get("Settings", "DstAlphaPass", &bDstAlphaPass, false); iniFile.Get("Settings", "TexFmtOverlayEnable", &bTexFmtOverlayEnable, 0); iniFile.Get("Settings", "TexFmtOverlayCenter", &bTexFmtOverlayCenter, 0); iniFile.Get("Settings", "WireFrame", &bWireFrame, 0); iniFile.Get("Settings", "DisableLighting", &bDisableLighting, 0); iniFile.Get("Settings", "DisableTexturing", &bDisableTexturing, 0); iniFile.Get("Settings", "DisableFog", &bDisableFog, 0); iniFile.Get("Settings", "EnableOpenCL", &bEnableOpenCL, false); iniFile.Get("Enhancements", "ForceFiltering", &bForceFiltering, 0); iniFile.Get("Enhancements", "MaxAnisotropy", &iMaxAnisotropy, 0); // NOTE - this is x in (1 << x) iniFile.Get("Enhancements", "PostProcessingShader", &sPostProcessingShader, ""); iniFile.Get("Enhancements", "Enable3dVision", &b3DVision, false); iniFile.Get("Hacks", "EFBAccessEnable", &bEFBAccessEnable, true); iniFile.Get("Hacks", "DlistCachingEnable", &bDlistCachingEnable,false); iniFile.Get("Hacks", "EFBCopyEnable", &bEFBCopyEnable, true); iniFile.Get("Hacks", "EFBCopyDisableHotKey", &bOSDHotKey, 0); iniFile.Get("Hacks", "EFBToTextureEnable", &bCopyEFBToTexture, false); iniFile.Get("Hacks", "EFBScaledCopy", &bCopyEFBScaled, true); iniFile.Get("Hacks", "EFBCopyCacheEnable", &bEFBCopyCacheEnable, false); iniFile.Get("Hacks", "EFBEmulateFormatChanges", &bEFBEmulateFormatChanges, true); iniFile.Get("Hardware", "Adapter", &iAdapter, 0); if (iAdapter == -1) iAdapter = 0; // Load common settings iniFile.Load(File::GetUserPath(F_DOLPHINCONFIG_IDX)); bool bTmp; iniFile.Get("Interface", "UsePanicHandlers", &bTmp, true); SetEnableAlert(bTmp); VerifyValidity(); } void VideoConfig::GameIniLoad(const char *ini_file) { IniFile iniFile; iniFile.Load(ini_file); if (iniFile.Exists("Video", "ForceFiltering")) iniFile.Get("Video", "ForceFiltering", &bForceFiltering); if (iniFile.Exists("Video", "MaxAnisotropy")) iniFile.Get("Video", "MaxAnisotropy", &iMaxAnisotropy); // NOTE - this is x in (1 << x) if (iniFile.Exists("Video", "EFBCopyEnable")) iniFile.Get("Video", "EFBCopyEnable", &bEFBCopyEnable); if (iniFile.Exists("Video", "EFBCopyDisableHotKey")) iniFile.Get("Video", "EFBCopyDisableHotKey", &bOSDHotKey); if (iniFile.Exists("Video", "EFBAccessEnable")) iniFile.Get("Video", "EFBAccessEnable", &bEFBAccessEnable); if (iniFile.Exists("Video", "EFBToTextureEnable")) iniFile.Get("Video", "EFBToTextureEnable", &bCopyEFBToTexture); if (iniFile.Exists("Video", "EFBScaledCopy")) iniFile.Get("Video", "EFBScaledCopy", &bCopyEFBScaled); if (iniFile.Exists("Video", "SafeTextureCache")) iniFile.Get("Video", "SafeTextureCache", &bSafeTextureCache); //Safe texture cache params if (iniFile.Exists("Video", "SafeTextureCacheColorSamples")) iniFile.Get("Video", "SafeTextureCacheColorSamples", &iSafeTextureCache_ColorSamples); if (iniFile.Exists("Video", "MSAA")) iniFile.Get("Video", "MSAA", &iMultisampleMode); if (iniFile.Exists("Video", "EFBScale")) iniFile.Get("Video", "EFBScale", &iEFBScale, 0); if (iniFile.Exists("Video", "DstAlphaPass")) iniFile.Get("Video", "DstAlphaPass", &bDstAlphaPass); if (iniFile.Exists("Video", "UseXFB")) iniFile.Get("Video", "UseXFB", &bUseXFB); if (iniFile.Exists("Video", "UseRealXFB")) iniFile.Get("Video", "UseRealXFB", &bUseRealXFB); if (iniFile.Exists("Video", "ProjectionHack")) iniFile.Get("Video", "ProjectionHack", &iPhackvalue[0], 0); if (iniFile.Exists("Video", "PH_SZNear")) iniFile.Get("Video", "PH_SZNear", &iPhackvalue[1], 0); if (iniFile.Exists("Video", "PH_SZFar")) iniFile.Get("Video", "PH_SZFar", &iPhackvalue[2], 0); if (iniFile.Exists("Video", "PH_ExtraParam")) iniFile.Get("Video", "PH_ExtraParam", &iPhackvalue[3], 0); if (iniFile.Exists("Video", "PH_ZNear")) iniFile.Get("Video", "PH_ZNear", &sPhackvalue[0], ""); if (iniFile.Exists("Video", "PH_ZFar")) iniFile.Get("Video", "PH_ZFar", &sPhackvalue[1], ""); if (iniFile.Exists("Video", "UseNativeMips")) iniFile.Get("Video", "UseNativeMips", &bUseNativeMips); if (iniFile.Exists("Video", "ZTPSpeedupHack")) iniFile.Get("Video", "ZTPSpeedupHack", &bZTPSpeedHack); if (iniFile.Exists("Video", "DlistCachingEnable")) iniFile.Get("Video", "DlistCachingEnable", &bDlistCachingEnable); VerifyValidity(); } void VideoConfig::VerifyValidity() { // TODO: Check iMaxAnisotropy value if (!backend_info.bSupportsEFBToRAM) bCopyEFBToTexture = true; if (iMultisampleMode >= (int)backend_info.AAModes.size()) iMultisampleMode = 0; if (!backend_info.bSupportsRealXFB) bUseRealXFB = false; if (!backend_info.bSupports3DVision) b3DVision = false; if (!backend_info.bSupportsFormatReinterpretation) bEFBEmulateFormatChanges = false; if (!backend_info.bSupportsPixelLighting) bEnablePixelLigting = false; } void VideoConfig::Save(const char *ini_file) { IniFile iniFile; iniFile.Load(ini_file); iniFile.Set("Hardware", "VSync", bVSync); iniFile.Set("Settings", "AspectRatio", iAspectRatio); iniFile.Set("Settings", "Crop", bCrop); iniFile.Set("Settings", "wideScreenHack", bWidescreenHack); iniFile.Set("Settings", "UseXFB", bUseXFB); iniFile.Set("Settings", "UseRealXFB", bUseRealXFB); iniFile.Set("Settings", "UseNativeMips", bUseNativeMips); iniFile.Set("Settings", "SafeTextureCache", bSafeTextureCache); //safe texture cache params iniFile.Set("Settings", "SafeTextureCacheColorSamples", iSafeTextureCache_ColorSamples); iniFile.Set("Settings", "ShowFPS", bShowFPS); iniFile.Set("Settings", "OverlayStats", bOverlayStats); iniFile.Set("Settings", "OverlayProjStats", bOverlayProjStats); iniFile.Set("Settings", "DLOptimize", iCompileDLsLevel); iniFile.Set("Settings", "Show", iCompileDLsLevel); iniFile.Set("Settings", "DumpTextures", bDumpTextures); iniFile.Set("Settings", "HiresTextures", bHiresTextures); iniFile.Set("Settings", "DumpEFBTarget", bDumpEFBTarget); iniFile.Set("Settings", "DumpFrames", bDumpFrames); iniFile.Set("Settings", "FreeLook", bFreeLook); iniFile.Set("Settings", "UseFFV1", bUseFFV1); iniFile.Set("Settings", "AnaglyphStereo", bAnaglyphStereo); iniFile.Set("Settings", "AnaglyphStereoSeparation", iAnaglyphStereoSeparation); iniFile.Set("Settings", "AnaglyphFocalAngle", iAnaglyphFocalAngle); iniFile.Set("Settings", "EnablePixelLigting", bEnablePixelLigting); iniFile.Set("Settings", "EnablePerPixelDepth", bEnablePerPixelDepth); iniFile.Set("Settings", "ShowEFBCopyRegions", bShowEFBCopyRegions); iniFile.Set("Settings", "ShowShaderErrors", bShowShaderErrors); iniFile.Set("Settings", "MSAA", iMultisampleMode); iniFile.Set("Settings", "EFBScale", iEFBScale); iniFile.Set("Settings", "TexFmtOverlayEnable", bTexFmtOverlayEnable); iniFile.Set("Settings", "TexFmtOverlayCenter", bTexFmtOverlayCenter); iniFile.Set("Settings", "Wireframe", bWireFrame); iniFile.Set("Settings", "DisableLighting", bDisableLighting); iniFile.Set("Settings", "DisableTexturing", bDisableTexturing); iniFile.Set("Settings", "DstAlphaPass", bDstAlphaPass); iniFile.Set("Settings", "DisableFog", bDisableFog); iniFile.Set("Settings", "EnableOpenCL", bEnableOpenCL); iniFile.Set("Enhancements", "ForceFiltering", bForceFiltering); iniFile.Set("Enhancements", "MaxAnisotropy", iMaxAnisotropy); iniFile.Set("Enhancements", "PostProcessingShader", sPostProcessingShader); iniFile.Set("Enhancements", "Enable3dVision", b3DVision); iniFile.Set("Hacks", "EFBAccessEnable", bEFBAccessEnable); iniFile.Set("Hacks", "DlistCachingEnable", bDlistCachingEnable); iniFile.Set("Hacks", "EFBCopyEnable", bEFBCopyEnable); iniFile.Set("Hacks", "EFBCopyDisableHotKey", bOSDHotKey); iniFile.Set("Hacks", "EFBToTextureEnable", bCopyEFBToTexture); iniFile.Set("Hacks", "EFBScaledCopy", bCopyEFBScaled); iniFile.Set("Hacks", "EFBCopyCacheEnable", bEFBCopyCacheEnable); iniFile.Set("Hacks", "EFBEmulateFormatChanges", bEFBEmulateFormatChanges); iniFile.Set("Hardware", "Adapter", iAdapter); iniFile.Save(ini_file); } // TODO: remove extern bool g_aspect_wide; // TODO: Figure out a better place for this function. void ComputeDrawRectangle(int backbuffer_width, int backbuffer_height, bool flip, TargetRectangle *rc) { float FloatGLWidth = (float)backbuffer_width; float FloatGLHeight = (float)backbuffer_height; float FloatXOffset = 0; float FloatYOffset = 0; // The rendering window size const float WinWidth = FloatGLWidth; const float WinHeight = FloatGLHeight; // Handle aspect ratio. // Default to auto. bool use16_9 = g_aspect_wide; // Update aspect ratio hack values // Won't take effect until next frame // Don't know if there is a better place for this code so there isn't a 1 frame delay if ( g_ActiveConfig.bWidescreenHack ) { float source_aspect = use16_9 ? (16.0f / 9.0f) : (4.0f / 3.0f); float target_aspect; switch ( g_ActiveConfig.iAspectRatio ) { case ASPECT_FORCE_16_9 : target_aspect = 16.0f / 9.0f; break; case ASPECT_FORCE_4_3 : target_aspect = 4.0f / 3.0f; break; case ASPECT_STRETCH : target_aspect = WinWidth / WinHeight; break; default : // ASPECT_AUTO == no hacking target_aspect = source_aspect; break; } float adjust = source_aspect / target_aspect; if ( adjust > 1 ) { // Vert+ g_Config.fAspectRatioHackW = 1; g_Config.fAspectRatioHackH = 1/adjust; } else { // Hor+ g_Config.fAspectRatioHackW = adjust; g_Config.fAspectRatioHackH = 1; } } else { // Hack is disabled g_Config.fAspectRatioHackW = 1; g_Config.fAspectRatioHackH = 1; } // Check for force-settings and override. if (g_ActiveConfig.iAspectRatio == ASPECT_FORCE_16_9) use16_9 = true; else if (g_ActiveConfig.iAspectRatio == ASPECT_FORCE_4_3) use16_9 = false; if (g_ActiveConfig.iAspectRatio != ASPECT_STRETCH) { // The rendering window aspect ratio as a proportion of the 4:3 or 16:9 ratio float Ratio = (WinWidth / WinHeight) / (!use16_9 ? (4.0f / 3.0f) : (16.0f / 9.0f)); // Check if height or width is the limiting factor. If ratio > 1 the picture is too wide and have to limit the width. if (Ratio > 1.0f) { // Scale down and center in the X direction. FloatGLWidth /= Ratio; FloatXOffset = (WinWidth - FloatGLWidth) / 2.0f; } // The window is too high, we have to limit the height else { // Scale down and center in the Y direction. FloatGLHeight *= Ratio; FloatYOffset = FloatYOffset + (WinHeight - FloatGLHeight) / 2.0f; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Crop the picture from 4:3 to 5:4 or from 16:9 to 16:10. // Output: FloatGLWidth, FloatGLHeight, FloatXOffset, FloatYOffset // ------------------ if (g_ActiveConfig.iAspectRatio != ASPECT_STRETCH && g_ActiveConfig.bCrop) { float Ratio = !use16_9 ? ((4.0f / 3.0f) / (5.0f / 4.0f)) : (((16.0f / 9.0f) / (16.0f / 10.0f))); // The width and height we will add (calculate this before FloatGLWidth and FloatGLHeight is adjusted) float IncreasedWidth = (Ratio - 1.0f) * FloatGLWidth; float IncreasedHeight = (Ratio - 1.0f) * FloatGLHeight; // The new width and height FloatGLWidth = FloatGLWidth * Ratio; FloatGLHeight = FloatGLHeight * Ratio; // Adjust the X and Y offset FloatXOffset = FloatXOffset - (IncreasedWidth * 0.5f); FloatYOffset = FloatYOffset - (IncreasedHeight * 0.5f); } int XOffset = (int)(FloatXOffset + 0.5f); int YOffset = (int)(FloatYOffset + 0.5f); int iWhidth = (int)ceil(FloatGLWidth); int iHeight = (int)ceil(FloatGLHeight); iWhidth -= iWhidth % 4; // ensure divisibility by 4 to make it compatible with all the video encoders iHeight -= iHeight % 4; rc->left = XOffset; rc->top = flip ? (int)(YOffset + iHeight) : YOffset; rc->right = XOffset + iWhidth; rc->bottom = flip ? YOffset : (int)(YOffset + iHeight); }