2009-01-03 01:38:44 +00:00

97 lines
2.6 KiB

// Plainamp, Open source Winamp core
// Copyright © 2005 Sebastian Pipping <>
// -->
// This source code is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
// See GPL.txt for details. Any non-GPL usage is strictly forbidden.
#include "Global.h"
#include "Plugin.h"
#include "Playback.h"
#include "Playlist.h"
#include "Winamp/In2.h"
#include <map>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
typedef In_Module * ( * WINAMP_INPUT_GETTER )( void );
class InputPlugin;
extern map <TCHAR *, InputPlugin *, TextCompare> ext_map;
extern vector <InputPlugin *> input_plugins;
extern InputPlugin * active_input_plugin;
/// Winamp input plugin wrapper
class InputPlugin : public Plugin
InputPlugin( TCHAR * szDllpath, bool bKeepLoaded );
bool Load();
bool Unload();
TCHAR * GetTypeString() { return TEXT( "Input" ); }
int GetTypeStringLen() { return 5; }
PluginType GetType() { return PLUGIN_TYPE_INPUT; }
inline bool IsActive() { return false; }
bool About( HWND hParent );
bool Config( HWND hParent );
In_Module * plugin; // I moved this from private to public
TCHAR * szFilters;
int iFiltersLen;
bool Integrate();
bool DisIntegrate();
friend bool OpenPlay( TCHAR * szFilename, int iNumber );
friend bool Playback_PrevOrNext( bool bPrevOrNext );
friend bool Playback::Play();
friend bool Playback::Pause();
friend bool Playback::Stop();
friend bool Playback::UpdateSeek(); // this one calls some plugin-> members
friend int Playback::PercentToMs( float fPercent );
friend bool Playback::SeekPercent( float fPercent );
friend bool SeekRelative( int ms );
friend void Playback_Volume_Set( int iVol );
friend bool Playback::Pan::Set( int iPan );
friend void Playback_Eq_Set( int iPresetIndex );
friend void AddFiles();
friend void VSAAdd( void * data, int timestamp );
friend void VSAAddPCMData( void * PCMData, int nch, int bps, int timestamp );
friend int Playlist::GetTitle( int iIndex, char * szAnsiTitle, int iChars );