2020-11-08 00:06:45 +02:00
![Logo ](https://github.com/Novetus/Novetus_src/raw/master/Graphics/NOVETUS_new_final_smol.png )
2021-08-08 02:15:51 +03:00
[![Codacy Badge ](https://app.codacy.com/project/badge/Grade/2918741e76cd439a85f375186761725a )](https://www.codacy.com/gh/Novetus/Novetus_src/dashboard?utm_source=github.com& utm_medium=referral& utm_content=Novetus/Novetus_src& utm_campaign=Badge_Grade)
2022-09-15 01:28:18 +03:00
[![Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. ](https://www.repostatus.org/badges/latest/active.svg )](https://www.repostatus.org/#active)
2020-09-27 19:33:38 +03:00
2018-11-08 01:56:21 +02:00
2019-11-06 20:59:03 +02:00
Source code for Novetus' launcher, installer, LUA scripts, and server.
2020-05-29 20:13:58 +03:00
If you want to look at test applications built for Novetus' development, look here: https://github.com/Novetus/NovetusTests
2024-03-05 06:02:51 +02:00
If you would like to look at the Places/Maps incuded in Novetus https://github.com/Novetus/Novetus-Map-Pack
2020-01-04 23:30:09 +02:00
2022-10-31 22:09:36 +02:00
## Building (Windows)
2020-05-29 20:23:31 +03:00
2024-06-04 02:29:11 +03:00
Novetus Gaiden uses .NET 7.0 with Avalonia installed.
2020-05-29 20:25:23 +03:00
2024-06-04 02:29:11 +03:00
2020-05-29 20:25:23 +03:00
2024-06-04 02:29:11 +03:00
To build, this project requires Visual Studio 2022 or over. Modern versions of Novetus are compiled with Visual Studio 2022.
Open either "Novetus/Novetus.sln" or "Novetus/Novetus.Tools.sln". Then, right click the solution and click "Restore Nuget Packages" before compiling.
See the first README.MD for legal and license info.
2020-05-29 20:23:31 +03:00
2020-09-25 18:48:43 +03:00
[![forthebadge ](https://forthebadge.com/images/badges/made-with-c-sharp.svg )](https://forthebadge.com) [![forthebadge ](https://forthebadge.com/images/badges/built-with-love.svg )](https://forthebadge.com)