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Source code for Novetus' launcher, installer, LUA scripts, and server. If you want to look at test applications built for Novetus' development, look here: https://github.com/Novetus/NovetusTests If you would like to look at the Places/Maps incuded in Novetus https://github.com/Novetus/Novetus-Map-Pack
Building (Windows)
Novetus Gaiden uses .NET 7.0 with Avalonia installed.
https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/7.0 https://docs.avaloniaui.net/docs/get-started/set-up-an-editor
To build, this project requires Visual Studio 2022 or over. Modern versions of Novetus are compiled with Visual Studio 2022. Open either "Novetus/Novetus.sln" or "Novetus/Novetus.Tools.sln". Then, right click the solution and click "Restore Nuget Packages" before compiling.
See the first README.MD for legal and license info.